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How to Create Company Videos People Will Want to Watch


70%的营销专业人士表示,视频的转化率比其他任何媒体都高. The number of companies using online video has soared, and a recent report shared some compelling statistics that 证明视频的投资回报率.

Companies are using video in a variety of ways. These include videos for marketing, training, and brand journalism. 视频在吸引观众方面很有效,数据也证明了这一点.

The first wave of online company video was rich with experimentation. 平台来了又去,格式改变了,长格式和短格式的内容有了新的定义.

我们的代理 在过去的十年里,由于我们涉足视频制作领域,看到了许多不同的视频格式吗. Working with various companies in a range of industries, we have learned valuable lessons, 有一件事是不变的:无论是平台还是观众, engagement has been at the core of any successful video campaign.

Experimenting with video can be expensive, 考虑到这一点,我想分享一些关于如何为你的公司制作引人入胜的视频的建议.

步骤1. Bring Out the Excitement in Your Brand

公司犯的最大错误之一就是忘记了视频中的简单内容. 经常, 员工陷入日常工作中,忽视了他们在组织中可以接触到的令人惊叹的视觉内容或奇妙的故事.

当我和一个品牌开一个揭幕式的时候,我已经发现了很多次了. 公司的代表通常会考虑营销最新产品或发布最好的公共关系信息. Those are valuable topics, 但有一件事我总是要求,那就是参观一下公司,亲眼看看.

这些旅行带来了大量令人大开眼界的想法,这些想法已经变成了引人入胜的在线视频. 公司的运营楼层和内部运作是我们很多人看不到的迷人的地方. 观众享受幕后体验,每家公司都可以通过视频提供这种体验.

While some employees may not think their process is exciting, the target audience of many companies will geek out over these things. Companies need to be careful not to give away propriety 信息, 但专利系统和流程是展示品牌创新的好方法.

这里有一个例子 Southwest Airlines of an engaging behind-the-scenes video 专注于乘客乘坐西南航空公司航班时的个人体验.

找到一个充满激情的员工,他能说出自己的工作和公司的重要性,就像找到了一块隐藏的宝石. Their emotion and articulation often show on camera, and help your target audience connect with your brand. It's all about creating a link to your target audience, 分享这些故事是吸引和留住观众的有力方式.

这里有一个例子 邓肯家庭农场 这显示了为公司视频寻找有激情的员工的价值.

与经验丰富的视频制作机构或营销公司合作可能会很昂贵, but they often provide a different perspective from your internal team. If there's no budget for hiring professionals, 通过调查从你的观众和员工那里收集信息,了解你的视频可以包含哪些主题. 这项研究可以为你的视频策略提供丰富的知识和一个新的角度.

步骤2. Know Where Your Video Will Live

创造引人入胜的在线视频体验的第二步是知道你的视频将放在哪里. 这些信息是视频团队在录制视频之前应该知道的.

Platforms have come and gone, 但有几个频道吸引了大多数在线视频观众. Starting with the social media channels, YouTube, Instagram, 脸谱网, 和LinkedIn都增加了他们的视频服务,在整体用户中占有相当大的市场份额.

所有这些渠道都提供了许多在视频播放器中添加交互性的方法. 这些功能对于引导浏览者进入其他相关材料(如网站登陆页)非常有用, 产品, 其他视频内容, 订阅时事通讯. 其中许多都是可点击的行动呼吁,为公司提供可靠的潜在客户生成工具.

These features can extend the customer touchpoint beyond a single video. 如果您的公司打算将这些功能与提到的渠道一起使用, it's essential to know which platform is the target. These features can take up real-estate when overlaid on a video, 所以视频团队应该在构图和整体视频风格上牢记这一点, as the BMW team did for the video shown here. 可能需要执行一些测试来查看哪些有效,更重要的是,哪些无效.

同样的方法也适用于公司网站上的视频. Brands should know ahead of time how the video will display on pages. Is there room to add any relevant material around the video player? 出版商需要问自己,视频结束后会发生什么,观众会去哪里? Is there an option to ask questions or leave comments?

Create a two-way experience with the viewer. Will your video's topic generate a conversation? If yes, ask for audience comments and questions within your video. 确保工具的存在使它成为一个流畅的过程,这样你的观众在观看公司网站上的视频时就能有很好的体验.

步骤3. 拥抱科技

我在最后一步提到了创造双向体验的重要性. Technology these days has taken that idea even further. For example, many companies have turned to live streaming.

也许你正在为公司创造的新产品或服务发布营销视频. 为什么不给你的视频配上一个直播,让你的观众可以问个问题呢&与你的对话?

是的,这样做可能有风险,但反馈可能是积极和有见地的. Companies can set up controls to monitor for trolls and block them. The whole experience is valuable for both the company and its audience, and creates a level of engagement with viewers.

Another growing technology trend is 360° video. 这 immersive viewing experience puts your audience into the director's chair. 观众可以通过使用视频播放器中的控件来选择他们所看到的内容. It is a fun way to show off a product, 演示一个过程, and virtually put people at a tradeshow or event.

多年来,创造360度观看体验的价格大幅下降,现在即使是小企业也能实现. All it takes is a little creativity and some planning to produce 引人入胜的体验 like this tour of a Google data center.

采纳这些建议,并考虑如何将它们纳入公司的视频策略. With more videos being uploaded by the second, 发布者需要在他们的视频中创造参与度,以吸引并吸引观众.

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