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MPEG DASH:未来的文件格式?

“如果HLS是完美的,DASH就不会存在了,”蒂埃里Fautier说。 谐波该公司电信解决方案高级总监指的是苹果的专利 HTTP直播(HLS) protocol and the newer MPEG-backed Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG DASH) standard specification.

"What Apple has introduced to IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is merely an 信息al draft,五人小组的另一位成员补充道. "We don't see that they're necessarily planning to push HLS as a true internet standard."

MPEG DASH面板,由 微软伊拉克的Sodagar, 谁在过去一年里主持了MPEG DASH小组委员会, 是2011年的热门票吗 流媒体西部 该展览于本周在洛杉矶凯悦世纪广场举行. A standing-room only crowd listened to representatives from a number of companies that are on the MPEG-DASH promoters' group.

"更多的 than 50 companies and 90 experts have contributed to the MPEG-DASH specification,索达格在开场白中说, “包括苹果, Adobe, 以及今天在座的所有公司. MPEG-DASH的第一步即将完成, and we feel we took best of best practices and incorporated them into the standard."

“移动网络上视频的增长呈指数级增长, 从高通的角度来看,迈克·露比说, Qualcomm他是微软技术副总裁. "As such we see getting standardization around video as very important and we participated heavily in the standards committee to make sure there was an adaptive-optimized common format that can be delivered via standard web servers, 使用通用加密."

Luby所指的CFF (common file format)是基于 紫外线 CFF that the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem (DECE) published along with a Common Encryption (CENC) scheme that uses five distinct digital rights management (DRM) schemes in an interoperable manner.

“我们也看到了未经混音的音频和视频的价值,露比补充说, using an example of non-multiplexed elementary audio streams in a variety of languages for an "online DVD" equivalent as an example. "Above all, we welcome the chance to use a modern file format all delivered in an open standard."

将法律, Akamai媒体工程的首席架构师, 他从内容分发网络(CDN)的角度提出了自己的观点.

“我们快8岁了.今天是5tb,罗说, referring to a recent peak record that Akamai set for simultaneous CDN content delivery.

"We've spent the past five years delivering a variety of adaptive video formats—SmoothHD, HDNI, HLS and HDS—all of which are 80 percent the same but 100 percent incompatible,罗说.

“我们需要使用HTTP来跟上网络视频的需求曲线, 但是我们不能在私有服务器上这样做, since that means splitting our resources into three parts and trying to deliver equally to all three parts,他补充道. "What we really need to do is use all our edge cache servers for one standard, so that we and our users can focus on content and marketing rather than replicating the same thing three times for three separate streaming server solutions."

一位听众询问关于HTTP解决方案的好处, 使用标准HTTP服务器, Akamai作为CDN, Law said he felt Akamai's intelligent cloud could do some interesting things at the edge of DASH that standard HTTP servers cannot do.

一位来自 网飞公司, 高级工程师马克·沃森, said that MPEG-DASH was a natural extension of what his company is already doing to deliver fragmented MPEG-4 video via HTTP to a large number of streaming customers.

“我们已经在使用这些文件格式, 我们看到了单一文件格式的巨大缓存效率,华生说. "We feel we can lower CDN costs by using a standard web but we also see the DRM agnosticism of MPEG-DASH across multiple consumer electronics devices using Common Encryption (CENC) will benefit premium content owners whose content we deliver.

沃森还提到了在线DVD版, thanks in part to the use of elementary streams (those not multiplexed together like Apple's proprietary HLS protocol).

"We see unmuxed audio and video elementary streams as a way to effortlessly allow multi-language experiences,华生说, 模仿离线多音频DVD体验. 这样做的时候, we see a huge benefit to having an open standard that's a collaboration of a number of companies in the streaming space."

爱立信大卫·普莱斯, 公司压缩业务发展副总裁, said consumer behavior and a move to mobile devices is driving the need for a common standard.

“消费者行为的变化推动了对MPEG-DASH的需求, at least according to our consumer surveys where we interview people from 40 countries,普赖斯说。. "We saw a need for a common delivery solution when we started into 3GPP unicast years ago, 这些知识构成了MPEG-DASH的基础, 以及这个小组中其他公司的技术贡献."

“我们也看到了在这个生态系统中赚钱的需求,”Price补充道. “爱立信看到了对内容管理系统的需求, 第三方计费和后台解决方案. We all agree on the efficacy of the standard for delivery and to create a robust ecosystem."

小组成员被问及dash兼容玩家的预期时间框架, Price强调互操作性是关键.

“尽管我们不知道DASH的引爆点在哪里, 因为HLS很普遍,普赖斯说。, "we think that the time spent on the commonality of MPEG-DASH will be time well spent. 在座的每个人都希望促进互操作性.

谐波's Fautier said it's about the need to move to television-sized audiences.

“我们的ProMedia转码产品取得了成功,福捷说, "but we feel that there's a need for a standard to be able to scale adaptive streaming to a TV-sized audience. 为此目的, all our ProMedia solutions are software upgradable to MPEG-DASH using a special software license."

Fautier also said that, in connected TV space in Europe, there's a move to go to MPEG-DASH.

"We expect to see a common file format with common encryption beginning in 2012,福捷说, 也许是用马林鱼, 五个数字版权管理方案之一, 作为标准. 法国和西班牙将率先实施."

向下滚动以查看整个会话和 下载简报 这是它的特点:

The recently developed MPEG-DASH provides a standard specification for multimedia streaming over the Internet. 在本次会议上, we will discuss how MPEG-DASH is instrumental for the growth of the market and enables a common ecosystem of content and services supporting delivery to a broad range of devices such as PCs, 电视, 笔记本电脑, 机顶盒, 游戏机, 平板电脑和手机.  
主持人: Iraj Sodagar,微软公司首席项目经理
发言人: 迈克露比高通公司技术副总裁
发言人: 将法律, Akamai媒体工程首席架构师
发言人: 蒂埃里Fautier, Sr. 谐波电信解决方案总监
发言人: 马克沃特森, 网飞公司高级工程师
发言人: 大卫的价格爱立信压缩业务开发副总裁

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

网飞公司认为采用MPEG DASH可以节省成本

For a company like 网飞公司, the ability to serve one format to all devices would be a great benefit.

批准并简化了MPEG DASH规范

An MPEG meeting in February will further shape the spec as it moves to general adoption.

MPEG DASH的未来:统一格式还是破灭的希望?

MPEG DASH是目前网络视频行业的热门话题, 但它真的会导致单一格式的未来吗?


MPEG DASH是网络视频领域最新的热门话题. Here we break down what it is, and what its implications might be for video delivery in the future.


The move towards MPEG DASH and the fragmented MP4 (fMP4) common file format may finally offer DVD-like interoperability for web video


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