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视频流并不是火箭科学. But NASA’s new distance education program—which is aided by Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite—is making rocket science safer for all of the agency's missions, 包括本周好奇号探测器在火星上的着陆.

任务是这样的 NASA安全中心(NSC) 为全美1000名公务员和2000名承包商提供服务. Its job is to train these people in the Agency’s various Safety and Mission Assurance courses. 成立于2006年,总部设在克利夫兰的美国宇航局格伦研究中心, 俄亥俄州, the NSC administers these courses to employees and contractors at 10 NASA centers.

在一个非常真实的意义上,国家安全委员会是NASA的“安全大学”.” The problem is that the traditional method of university instruction—bringing together 学生 in a common setting to hear lectures by trained instructors—just doesn’t work in today’s economic climate.

这就是为什么国家安全委员会在使用视频捕捉方面迈出了大胆的一步. 使用 Mediasite 网路广播平台, 国家安全委员会已经能够拍摄许多由教师指导的课程, 把它们转换成分段的, 网上有多媒体培训课程.

国家安全委员会的视频捕捉项目由 Alphaport公司., an engineering services firm based in Cleveland, 俄亥俄州 that serves as the NSC’s prime contractor.

“在联邦预算和旅游百家乐软件不断缩减的情况下, 用传统的方式进行训练已经不可能了,约翰·马里纳罗说, 国家安全委员会的技术卓越主管. “如果我们没有能够转移到使用视频捕捉的网络平台, 我们将无法完成我们的使命.”


Readers of 流媒体 are likely familiar with Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite platform. 但对于那些不是的人, Mediasite是一个端到端的音频/视频捕获, 格式, 商店, 并提供流媒体解决方案. It is currently being used for lecture capture in more than 1,000 colleges and universities.

以NASA为例, 一名Alphaport的摄像师周游全国, 拍摄NSC的各种课程. 他将内容捕捉到便携式Mediasite录音机上. This laptop-sized device also captures all of the graphics being used in the class, 包括演示视频, 幻灯片, 白板上显示, 文档相机, 以及其他媒体来源. 所有这些都被实时地拉进这个装置, 因此,一个完整的网络研讨会可以在课程结束后不久提供.


“一旦内容准备好了, 它可以存储在Mediasite EX服务器上供在线访问,肖恩·布朗说。, 索尼克铸造公司的副总裁. Mediasite EX服务器不仅存储和服务内容, but is also capable of providing a 搜索 function for users; cataloging content, 保护它免受未经授权的访问, 跟踪和分析内容的使用情况.

“You can then stream the content to any device you want; be it a PC, 平板电脑, 或智能手机,布朗告诉流媒体. “Mediasite also lets you convert the 格式 into MP3 podcasts and MP4 vodcasts (video podcasts with slides), 这样学生就可以和他们一起上课了. 或者您可以将课程发布到cd, dvd或USB密钥上.”

除了视频捕捉课堂教学, Alphaport uses Mediasite to capture and stream one-hour guest lecture webcasts throughout NASA. 对于这些现场演出, Alphaport relies on Sonic Foundry’s Event Services for webcasting and hosting services.

“Sonic Foundry has been a trusted partner of ours for the last three years,博士说。. 詹姆斯·梅,Alphaport的学习 & 开发项目经理. “我们从来没有遇到过他们没有现成解决方案的问题.”

Alphaport的百家乐软件app最新版下载瑞安·索特(Ryan Sott)对此表示赞同.5月的情绪. “Before each webcast, Sonic Foundry performs a quality check on our stream,” Sott says. “他们测试我们的音频馈送, 我们的视频级别, the quality of our slide capture and they make sure our audio and video are in sync. 它让我们放心,我们的高清网络广播的各个方面都工作良好.”


The result is an error-free webcast, which is just what the NASA Safety Center wants. Alphaport每年为NSC举办大约10场网络直播活动.


The NSC is achieving tremendous savings by using video capture to teach its 学生. 事实上, the word "exponential" is likely a more accurate description of this approach’s return on investment (ROI).

Here’s an example: A Risk Management course in the NSC’s curriculum is taught three times a year; each time in a classroom with an instructor and 30 学生. 它为中情局的10个中心服务. 来上这门课, 学生 have to take time off from their jobs and travel to the course for the eight hour class.

在这个格式中, 只放1,000名学员通过风险管理课程将花费整整100万美元. 这是讲师、旅行和学生失去的时间的代价. In addition, serving all 1,000 学生 would require 33 courses to be held over 11 years. 这并不是人们所说的“及时”教育解决方案!

把这个时间表放在上下文中, 从7月29日NASA成立到现在的时间, 1958, 以及7月20日的首次登月, 1969年就差11年了. 所以即使国家安全委员会已经开始训练这些,7月19日,共有1000人参加, 1958年使用传统方法, classes still would have been in session when Neil Armstrong stepped down at Tranquility Base.

Fortunately, the NSC has video captured its Risk Management course and made it available online. Again, superlatives are unavoidable: The ROI of this change has been nothing less than astounding.

“Mediasite, 我们已经能够捕捉到, 编辑和关闭标题本课程约10美元,000,博士说。. 五月. “Even after the additional costs of procuring the intellectual property rights, 与课堂教学相比, 视频捕捉仍然为我们提供了大约40比1的投资回报.”

与此同时, combining a Web-based streaming approach with NASA’s Learning Management System makes it possible to offer the Risk Management course to all 1,000名学习者在同一天学习! 这比基于课堂的方法快4000倍.

“总的来说, 约33,000 hours of web-based content has been accessed by our 学生; resulting in 1,900名学员完成了我们的一级课程,马里纳罗补充道. “如果我们仍然主要依靠课堂教学方法, 只有1个左右,在同样的时间框架内,可以完成000小时的培训, 只有少数人毕业了.”

The Risk Management course numbers demonstrate video capture’s impact on the NSC’s ability to deliver courses more efficiently. 在过去的两年里, Alphaport总共拍摄了45门NSC课程的视频, 并将它们添加到安全和任务保证课程中.

NASA安全人员已经完成了12个,000 hours of advanced safety engineering training in the past year using the 45 new online courses. Marinaro estimates that it would cost almost $3 million per year to deliver those same 45 courses in the classroom, 对比672美元,把同样的课程录下来并发布到网上只需要花费800美元!

In just the first year alone, the video capture approach has delivered a 4:1 ROI. And those courses will be available online year after year, for essentially no additional cost. This means the ROI will keep growing since the video courses are available year after year.

NSC总共提供150门课程. 如前所述,有45门是视频课程. The remainder is external web-based elearning and instructor-led classroom courses.

由于后面这些课程更多的是视频拍摄和在线提供, 工程处的节余将继续增加. “这笔钱可以用于我们的主要任务, 即对太空的探索,马里纳罗说.


Mediasite’s portability and flexibility has revolutionized the NSC’s approach to safety training – and made the program economically viable at a time of deep budget cuts.

Video capture’s virtues speak for themselves: Instead of paying to move teachers and 学生 across America, 该机构现在只需要支付一名技术人员的旅费, 酒店及餐费.

同时, 国家安全委员会的毕业率已经上升, 因为该机构现在可以同时为更多的人提供服务.

“我们的工作对人们来说也方便得多。. 五月. “他们不再需要从工作和家庭中抽出时间. 他们可以在保持正常作息的同时选修我们的课程. So there is a ripple effect, in terms of hours no longer being lost on the job and at home.”

Conclusion; For the NASA Safety Center, moving to streaming media has ensured their ability to meet their mandate more effectively, 在更小的预算范围内工作, making this happen for the NSC isn’t rocket science – but it is contributing to making rocket science a whole lot safer.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


NASA TV UHD offers eight programs that show the agency's work and the beauty of the universe in gorgeous ultra high-definition video.


Millions of viewers tune in to NASA-TV to watch launches and learn about our solar system. As one CDN found out, keeping up with NASA's streaming demands can be a difficult mission.


美国宇航局有几个频道用来向观众发送视频, 不管他们是雇员, 学生, 媒体, 或者公众.

Sonic Foundry Mediasite.1简化多媒体演示

Mediasite moves from lecture capture to online video management with online storage and editing.


拥有11个独立运营的现场中心, 内部流媒体视频对航天局来说是一个挑战.