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SMW '18: 蒂姆Siglin Recaps Highlights of 流媒体 West

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Read the complete transcript of this interview:

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to the end of Steaming Media West 2018. I wanted to do a quick recap of the interviews we’ve done this week. We've done almost 20 interviews over the last two days. We've talked to people at Twitch. We've talked to people from Microsoft, a number of companies, 大公司, and then also small companies. 主流化是我们谈过的公司First Tube是我们谈过的创业公司. We also had representatives from the Women in 流媒体 Group, 昨天我们很高兴看到很多人参加了他们的聚会. There were probably 20 or so that were here in the booth.

The numbers kept growing. We had to keep taking pictures of the group as it grew and grew, 所以, actually a good show overall. A few trends that came out of it. 其一,VR,这个一年前非常热门的话题,现在几乎不存在. I think our last interview Mark Alamares sort of summed that up. VR还有很长的路要走,但在电子竞技的推动下,混合现实正在向前发展. eSports was the second big topic. 这是一个非常大的受众,包括内容创作者和消费者,他们需要非常低的延迟. 延迟, if it's an acceptable issue in the traditional one-to-many streaming, 当涉及到双向或互动时,这是不是一个可以接受的问题.

互动性可能是第三大趋势,当你有低延迟时, you can do things like sports book, 拍卖, 押注, 甚至投票和聊天都是实时发生的,而不是像传统的流媒体那样在15或30秒后发生.

Finally, microservices was something that was talked about quite a bit. 第一天, first half of the first day, there were a number of panels and discussions on microservices. 我认为昨天MediaKind的Mark Russell对这一点做了最好的描述,他说回声系统是考虑微服务的一种方式,你可以在一个模块上快速移动增强功能,或者在另一个模块上添加功能,这是任何旧的单片结构都无法做到的.

这里的理解是,这意味着云计算实际上已经达到了流功能集的平价,而在此之前,它一直是具有更高功能的本地设备. 然后, 我想今天最后一件让我着迷的事是来自苹果的罗杰·潘托斯, who was onsite talking about HLS. 他是HLS的发明者他在演讲一开始就指出了这一点, but he gave a mini-school lecture on ways to make HLS work better. 考虑到它是行业中基于片段的视频传输的事实上的标准, 很高兴他能来提供一些技术细节,以及如何使用清单文件之类的东西.

再一次, this has been 蒂姆Siglin, contributing editor for 流媒体 杂志, founding and executive director of the not-for-profit Help Me! 流媒体,祝所有参加演出的人平安回家. For those of you who have been watching online, 我们希望你们有机会看一看过去两天我们为采访制作的其他视频,然后再看看流媒体.在接下来的几周内,我们会在网站上找到这些视频的编辑版本,以及一些已经完成的课程的视频. Have a good evening all.

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