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SMW '19: EZ数字版权管理创始人Olga Kornienko谈全球数字版权管理


蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体西部2019. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体 magazine and the founding executive director of the not for profit HelpMe! 流. 今天我请来了奥尔加·科尔尼延科. 奥尔加,你的公司是EZ数字版权管理. 首先,什么是数字版权管理?

奥尔加Kornienko: 好吧, 数字版权管理, 它代表数字版权管理, is a technology that helps people within the streaming industry prevent piracy.

蒂姆: 好吧. 这是谁??

奥尔加: 这是Izzy. 自从我们介绍她以来,她已经成为我们的吉祥物一年了. 而且她似乎经常旅行. 这里你可以看到她在洛杉矶. She's been to Amsterdam, and she's planning on going to Moscow in January and Vegas

蒂姆: 哦,不错的. 不错的.

奥尔加: 以此类推. 风景会不断变化,所以.

蒂姆: 和, 正如我告诉过你的, 当你给我这个的时候, 我就像, "给我两个"因为我知道姑娘们会想要的.

奥尔加: 哦,绝对.

蒂姆: So Izzy actually is part of your other life, where you do dog shows, is that right?

奥尔加: 是的. I do play within the world of confirmation dog shows and doing things like Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

蒂姆: 哦,很好.

奥尔加: 全国狗狗展

蒂姆: 不错的.

奥尔加: 很快就会在NBC播出.

蒂姆: 哦,不错的. 那么回到数字版权管理,消费者需要知道关于数字版权管理的什么? 我的意思是, 假设这是为了防止盗版, 但除了盗版,使用数字版权管理还有其他原因吗?

奥尔加: 显然,这是为了防止盗版. I've also heard an interesting theory about the fact that 数字版权管理 is gonna become more and more prevalent as security and personal privacy issues come to play and a lot more of the situations where we're all on video. 谁拥有所有这些的权利, 以及我如何控制关于我的信息和视频?

蒂姆: 哦,这是个有趣的想法.

奥尔加: 它是. That was an interesting thought that somebody brought up is do you think that the GDPR rules in Europe would actually have some sort of a connection with 数字版权管理, and 我认为 they might because it all comes back to privacy at the end of the day.

蒂姆: 然后说到欧洲, 在美国也有这样的人, there's digital rights management that sort of ties content to a particular country, 我们称之为, 什么?

奥尔加: Geo-blocking.

蒂姆: Geo-blocking. 实际上,你把外面的任何地方都挡住了吗. 但随着越来越多的OTT平台转向独家内容, is there a demand from consumers if I'm watching Amazon content in the U.S. 我想去别的地方看? 如果我在旅行,就能看到这些? 数字版权管理如何处理这些边缘案例模型?

奥尔加: 我不认为这是一个边缘案例模型. I, 作为一个狂热的世界旅行者, 当我把自己的网飞账户, 选择一个国家, 任何一个国家. 而且我不能看我在美国应该能看的内容.S. 只是因为我离开了这个国家,但它仍然是我自己的. 这是我个人的经历.

蒂姆: 您自己的账户. 正确的. 完全.

奥尔加: 这是我自己的账户. So, 我认为, but I don't know if it's necessarily a 数字版权管理 issue or more of a owner's rights holder's issue because 我认为 if the Netflix and other companies of the world decide that yes, 奥尔加拥有这些内容. Olga has the right to see this content while she's in Europe because her Netflix account is actually tied to the U.S., then 数字版权管理 would automatically allow that because 数字版权管理 is basically "是的, play it" or "No, don't.“还有其他一些限制.

蒂姆: 所以从数字版权管理的角度来看,这不是一个技术问题. Let's just say it's either a rights holder issue or something like that.

奥尔加: 这是一个权利人的问题. 这是一个合同问题. 这是“今年在这个国家发布这一集”, and then the season goes live in the other country next year"-type of a situation.

蒂姆: 最后,公司的名字是EZ数字版权管理. The thought in the industry over years past was implementing 数字版权管理 was not so easy. What is it about your particular solution that makes you be able to say in the name that it's easy to do.

奥尔加: 好吧, we started the company under the premise that 数字版权管理 should be an easy thing for people to do. 很明显,这就是它的名字. 在我们的例子中,我们把它归结为两个api. A rights API that will allow you to issue out 数字版权管理 rules and issue out licenses and a keys API that allows you to pool keys. 我们没有sdk, and we think of it as the simplest way to do 数字版权管理 is to make it as seamless as possible for the, 一方面, 终端用户, because without who we wouldn't have a business as well as our clients or partners.

蒂姆: 好吧. 很好. 好吧, Olga, thank you very much for your time, and we'll be right back with the next interview.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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