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流媒体电影和电视节目即将成为美国视频租赁的主要形式. 事实上,根据2011年第四季度观察到的趋势,美国人愿意付费观看.4 billion movies online in 2012.  This will be 1.与DVD/蓝光光碟的总租赁量相比,增加了4040亿美元. Moreover, 2012年,在线消费将增长135%, compared to the year before. (与2010年相比,2011年的流媒体视频租赁量增长了74%.)

唯一的限定条件是:由于在线观众倾向于“零食”——观看视频的部分, 观看正版在线电影的时间仍然落后于实体媒体,而不是每次都要看完.

This startling news comes from IHS Screen Digest, 由报道这部电影的分析师编写的定期报告, television, broadband media, mobile media, cinema, home entertainment, gaming, and advertising sectors. 这份报告名为《百家乐软件》, Today,”  written by Dan Cryan, IHS Screen Digest数字媒体高级总监.

现在是OTT租赁取代实体租赁的时候了吗? “在观看(特定的电影)方面,网络已经领先了,”克赖恩说. Meanwhile, even with snacking, 预计“在未来两年内”,观众花在观看网络电影上的时间将超过观看实体媒体的时间.

According to Cryan’s research, OTT租赁业务的激增是由Netflix等“应有尽有”的订阅服务推动的, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. 2011年,这一车型占美国汽车销量的94%.S. paid online movie consumption. In contrast, only 1.3 of all video purchased was done on an ownership basis; a stunning move away from the trend of DVD ownership that seemed to be the norm in the first decade of this century.

推动这一趋势的是价格和便利性. On average, it cost $0.51 to watch a movie online in 2011; compared to an average price of $4.72 for a physical disc. Meanwhile, Netflix和亚马逊Prime提供的在线电影库让订阅者很容易就能“疯狂”地看电影, 不用离开他们舒适的沙发或电脑桌椅. Finally, 流媒体现在可以在包括pc在内的各种设备上观看,这很有帮助, smartphones, tablets, and internet-connected TVs and set-top boxes. Collectively, 这三个因素使得OTT视频租赁比实体媒体竞争对手更具优势.

为了说明流媒体视频点播(SVOD)租赁的进展, Cryan的报告仔细研究了市场领导者Netflix. He says that Netflix expected to serve 1 billion hours of video during 4Q2011; the total turned out to be double that.

“This works out in the region of 27 hours per subscriber; 20.2 million of which are in the U.S.,” Cryan wrote in his report. He then added, “While it is unquestionably the market leader, Netflix is not the only SVOD game in town. 2011年,亚马逊和Hulu都以几年前闻所未闻的水平发展了在线流媒体业务.”

如今,OTT视频租赁并不是百视达等大型连锁公司倒闭的唯一原因, in Canada, Rogers Video, have folded. “Redbox, 它的自动贩卖机以优惠价格出租dvd, has also cut into the physical market’s margins,” said Cryan. “但结果是,全国音像租赁店的时代结束了. Small regional, local, and specialty rental stores still exist, but the Age of Blockbuster has truly passed.”

对于主要的OTT租赁公司来说,他们对自己的成功守口如瓶. 流媒体联系了所有专业的学生进行面试. The only one to reply was Netflix, 该公司的企业传讯总监乔里斯·埃弗斯(Joris Evers)评论最多的是罗杰斯视频公司(Rogers Video)最近的倒闭, 加拿大最后一家主要的录像带租赁连锁店.

当被问及Netflix是否从不断变化的加拿大市场中受益时, Evers replied that, “我们对在加拿大取得的成功感到非常高兴,我们将继续增加在加拿大的会员人数 ... 在加拿大和其他地方,流媒体领域仍然相对年轻,这是一个足够大的市场,可以容纳多家公司.”

Tight lips aside, Netflix, Amazon Prime, 和Hulu在在线视频租赁方面有很多值得高兴的地方. 的确,实体租赁时代即将被视频流时代所取代. 十年前,这样的想法即使不是完全不可能,也是荒谬的.

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