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Tutorial: Automated ABR With AWS Elemental MediaConvert

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Per-title encoding has been around since 2016, delivering significant bandwidth savings, 体验质量改进, or both to companies that deploy it (click here for a backgrounder on per-title encoding). Those benefits notwithstanding, Bitmovin最近的一项调查显示,目前只有35%的受访者在使用这种技术, 这也称为内容感知编码和其他类似的名称. 也许人们认为每个标题的编码太难实现了. If so, this tutorial is for you. 我将演示使用以下命令生成每个标题的输出是多么简单 AWS Elemental’s Automated ABR (adaptive bitrate) function.

澄清一下, 有许多优秀的按标题编码实现, such as Microsoft Azure, Brightcove, Bitmovin, 腾讯, 和其他人. 然而, 通过AWS Elemental MediaConvert高度精致的用户界面,AWS在实现其标题功能方面做得最好——大多数选项都是如此, 这使得它非常适合简单的实验和类似的文章. As with all other services, MediaConvert的大多数产品编码都是通过应用程序编程接口(API)执行的。, 而不是通过GUI.


The Limitations of Fixed Bitrate Ladders

所有ABR技术都使用编码阶梯来创建适合不同播放设备和连接速度的文件数组. 图1(下面) shows the suggested H.264编码阶梯从苹果的HLS (HTTP直播)创作规范.

图1. 来自苹果HLS创作规范的固定编码阶梯

虽然有一个建议的阶梯作为起点是非常有用的, 甚至苹果也承认这个阶梯并不适用于所有内容:“以上比特率是通过HLS传输的典型内容的初始编码目标. Apple建议您根据您的特定内容和编码工作流程对它们进行评估, then adjust accordingly.”

也就是说, to harvest the full benefit of per-title encoding, it’s not just bitrates you need to adjust; it’s also the number of rungs and their resolution. 具有精细细节和快速运动的视频(比如足球)很难编码,需要高数据速率才能达到可接受的质量. 细节较少或动作较低的视频(比如新闻阅读器)很容易编码,并且可以在更低的比特率下获得可接受的质量. Other classes of videos still, like synthetic videos (think cartoons or screencams), 结合低运动和精确的细节和编码最好在更高的分辨率.

With the most effective per-title techniques, you upload your file, and the system evaluates motion, 细节, 复杂性, 和其他因素为每个视频创建一个独特的编码阶梯, adjusting the number of rungs, 他们的决议, and bitrates to optimize quality and file size.
That’s the pitch, anyway. Read on to see how you do it with MediaConvert.

关于 AWS Elemental MediaConvert


  • Quality-Defined Variable Bitrate (QVBR): “QVBR analyzes every macroblock, frame, and scene in the video source, 并自动分配比特来解决信息差异:在复杂的视频片段中使用更高的比特率, and lower bitrate use during less complex video segments.”
  • Automated ABR Configuration: 这允许MediaConvert根据编码过程中执行的内容分类分析选择理想的呈现配置 ... 利用MediaConvert中的质量定义可变比特率(QVBR)模式来优化每个呈现的比特率效率.”

在使用, 与QVBR, 你创建一个固定的编码阶梯作为正常和选择QVBR的比特率控制,而不是恒定比特率或可变比特率. MediaConvert在编码过程中调整每个梯级的比特率以匹配内容,但不匹配梯级的数量或它们的分辨率.

With Automated ABR Configuration, you upload the file, MediaConvert对其进行分析,并为该文件创建一个独特的编码阶梯, customizing the number of rungs and 他们的决议. Then it relies on QVBR to choose the data rate for each rung.

我们将尝试自动ABR配置,让我们开始吧. I’m going to presume that you’re familiar with MediaConvert operation; if not, Amazon’s brief Getting Started With AWS Elemental MediaConvert tutorial should get you up-to-speed.

Choosing the ABR File Group

To begin, log in to MediaConvert, and click Create Job. 在左侧的Job界面中,单击Add添加一个Output文件组. This opens the dialog shown in 图2(下面).

图2. Adding an Output group

从下面四个输出中选择一个(您不能使用Automated ABR来输出文件组), 然后点击选择.

Choose Automated ABR

在Apple HLS组设置对话框下方,你会看到一个自动ABR选项. Enable that as shown on the top in 图3. Note the pricing message at the top of 图3(下面); when you use Automated ABR, MediaConvert implements two-pass quality-optimized encoding, which is the most expensive technique.

图3. Choosing and configuring your Automated ABR options

As you can see on the bottom of 图3, 您可以插入MediaConvert将添加到文件名中的名称修饰符.

Choosing Your Automated ABR Options

接下来,以相反的顺序选择Automated ABR选项(参见图3). 这是, first choose the maximum and minimum data rates, and then choose the maximum number of renditions.

  • 最大ABR比特率:这为您的高质量文件设置了最高数据速率限制. There are multiple strategies you can deploy here. If you care more about QoE than bandwidth savings, 将此值设置为高于固定比特率阶梯中现有的最大速率. 难以编码的文件将以比以前更高的比特率进行编码, improving quality, 额外的带宽可能会被易于编码的文件所节省的带宽所抵消. If you care more about bandwidth savings, 而且你对现有的最高费率能提供可接受的质量感到满意, then use the current top rate on your fixed bitrate ladder. 您将在易于编码的文件上节省带宽,并在难以编码的文件上实现收支平衡.
  • 最小ABR比特率:设置您想要发送的最小比特率. 在固定比特率阶梯上使用现有的最小值可能很好.
  • 最大限度:与所有云编码设施一样,AWS Elemental对生成的每个梯级收费. Particularly if you’re limiting your maximum bitrate to, 说, 6 mbps, consider limiting the number of renditions to seven or eight. 当然,如果您正在编码4K内容,则需要更多的再现.

考虑让MediaConvert在最初的实验中决定适当的梯级数, and then specify a number to minimize costs, 如果合适的话, during production. 请看我的文章, Five Views of Your Encoding Ladder,以获取有关编码阶梯中梯级的最佳比特率间距的更多信息.


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