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Are OTT Bundles Getting Too Big?

Learn more about OTT and SVOD at Streaming Media East 2022.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

兰迪·安: We call it the bloated bundle. it's a pretty negative term as it is today. And so I think users have spoken. I think it's clear that they want something different. I think choice--Bassil, to your point--is really important there. 它的选择有一点影响,比如个性化和机器学习的重要性,帮助你根据你看过的内容或你的兴趣做出正确的推荐. 我认为这是两者之间的平衡,我认为消费者应该有选择权, 尤其是当涉及到任何一种商业模式时,他们更喜欢拥有自己的观看体验,并可以选择注册个人点菜服务或捆绑服务.

I think that choice is really important. 然后 when it comes to the discovery of content, what's the role of recommendation and personalization? I think that's really critical to making a better user experience. 你肯定不想把大部分时间都花在找东西看上吧. Hopefully you can find it quickly, get interested in it, 然后开始消费这些内容,获得那种靠后的体验. And so I totally agree. I think we're going back. 我认为这几乎与我们所看到的流媒体是什么以及流媒体的增长密切相关, the rocket ship growth of streaming, 它并没有回到捆绑的世界,也没有带来用户不感兴趣或没有选择参与的内容.

Miguel Rodrigues: 绝对. 我想曾经有一段时间,人们会认为你处在世界的关键时刻,我们可以走那条路. 所以想象一下,当迪斯尼出现时,他们可能会说,“看,我要有我的应用程序. And if you want to have kids' content, you pay half the price. 如果你想要星球大战和曼达洛人的系列, 无论, then you pay something else." And I think that's how it started in the cable business. If you remember, 人们认为他们花了太多钱的唯一原因是,他们会看到我额外增加10个纪录片频道或10个体育频道要花多少钱. 然后, when you put in all of that and you say, "You now need to pay for all of this,“他们会去的, "But I think that costs 10 extra dollars. 所以如果我不想要这些频道,我可以把它从我的账单上删除吗?"

When OTT services started, that was never the case. 所以在我们看到的每一个OTT服务中,都包含了一些东西. You never had Netflix splitting their catalog and saying, you will pay an extra $5 for the extra content. That never happened. 即使在迪士尼,他们的应用程序中也有非常不同的内容,但他们从来没有这样做过. 所以我认为, 在某种意义上, 如果有很多服务开始分开收费,我们就可以回到原来的模式. 我认为4K和HD是我们最接近的选择,因为人们需要做出选择. So if you then force them and say, "Now you need to have 4K," maybe I would think, "I don't have a 4K TV. Do I really need to pay for that?"

我认为,这与臃肿的包裹有些相似,但我完全同意. 我不认为我们走了那条路,从某种意义上说,这对客户来说是惊人的. It means that they can actually pick what they like to watch. 如果他们不喜欢它,他们会取消订阅,他们不会再拥有它. 我认为这种选择的因素会一直存在,不会消失. People are just gonna get used to that. 我想,要回到另一种模式是不可能的.

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