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波士顿25新闻' Ben Ratner Talks AI, Social, the Future of Broadcast 新闻

蒂姆Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation, Contributing Editor, 流媒体, sits down with Ben Ratner, Director of 新闻 Technology, 波士顿25新闻, to chat about AI, social media, the future of broadcast news.

“I am here with one of our perennial guests, Ben Ratner,西格林说. “Ben has been in the industry for quite some time. What are you doing these days?”

“I'm the Director of 新闻 Technology at 波士顿25新闻, which is very exciting,拉特纳说. “First time working in a local market like this, it's just an awesome opportunity.”

“So what are the differences?西格林问道. “You worked at the national level. We won’t say the name of the company…”

“It rhymes with ‘schmee-n-n,’” Ratner jokes.

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“The pressure is still the same,拉特纳说. “我与工程人员和编辑人员密切合作,找到双方的需求, how to communicate it between them, 但也要找出我们可以用什么新东西来让他们的生活更轻松,让内容更适合观众. National versus local aside, that particular opportunity, 我认为, is something that I only got to deal with [partially] at 美国有线电视新闻网, I get to deal with all of it here, so that's very exciting.”

Ways to Think 关于 新闻 Reporting Workflows in the Context of Social Media

“You were on the digital side there at 美国有线电视新闻网, which ran parallel to the traditional news here, though you're [now] full into traditional broadcast as well?西格林说.

Ratner emphasizes that social media is now a crucial part of broadcast news, even for local markets, though he says he is not directly involved with the social team at 波士顿25新闻. “I work alongside them,” he says. “社交仍然是用户中非常重要的一部分,因为这是许多人看到内容的地方. Some people are going to watch it on TV, but you’ve got to meet the audience where they are no matter what.”


“What is a ‘newspaper?’”拉特纳面无表情地说.

“It's something that's still actually around and doing decently in small towns, just not in big cities,西格林说. “One of the conversations always there was you'd write up the article, 然后在某个时刻, you make an editorial decision as to what page something showed up on, whether it showed up below the fold, above the fold on the front page and that kind of thing. But as you talk about social media, it's one of the things in newspapers you sort of thought, ‘What will bubble up to the surface and be there?’ Now with social media, you get the opportunity to see what's bubbling up in pretty close to real-time, 这样就可以, from an editorial standpoint, inform what it is that you want to lead with in your breaking news stories. 话虽如此, it has the potential to be two different workflows, which makes it almost doubly hard.”

Siglin mentions that during his 流媒体 East 2023 opening keynote, 流媒体: Where Do We Go From Here, How the Heck Do We Get There? 狐狸T. Jenkins, Senior Vice President, Production Integration & Creative Technology Services, 华纳兄弟. 发现,讨论了将信息转换为可服务于不同平台类型的模块化形式. “这也是你会考虑的事情吗?如果社交媒体上出现了一些事情,而且还会上升。, maybe it goes over here to be part of the production workforce?西格林问道 Ratner.

“Things certainly go on both,拉特纳说. He mentions his 流媒体 East 2023 panel Meeting the Live-to-VOD Challenge. “This is exactly what 我认为 about all the time,” he says. “Do you have all of your feeds still intact? Do you have all your video? Do you have overlays that you're going to maybe repurpose for broadcast for as digital? So there are all sorts of different ways you want to think about your content. Is this going to go vertical because it's going on TikTok or YouTube短裤? You have to work within your allocated resources. Do you have a dedicated editor, are you using software that's designed to do this? 当你决定如何对待你的视频点播和社交与线性时,你必须考虑所有这些事情.”

How Can Technology Streamline the Approach to Choosing Editorial Content?

Siglin说, “To a certain extent, 你在某种程度上是传统人士和数字人士或在线人士之间的翻译, having to speak languages for both of them and then look at tools that fit within. 那么,当你踏入这个世界时,你会面临哪些重大挑战呢?”

“有没有办法使用更新的技术,让这个过程更有效率??拉特纳说. “Because we still have our editorial, they're choosing what goes out, but are there ways to just make it easier? 有没有什么软件可以让我们用而不是让编辑坐着看完每一秒? Are there ways that we can have it summarized or transcribed [beforehand]?”

“Yeah, absolutely, that makes sense from any workflow standpoint,西格林说. “And from a software standpoint, where are you seeing trends in the marketing?”

“I mean, obviously I'm sure you've heard AI a thousand times,拉特纳说. “I like to call it really, really, really smart machine learning.”

我正要说, anybody who says ‘AI’ to me, 我就像, there is nothing intelligent about it,西格林说. “There's a whole lot of learning involved, the learning comes from an intelligent person to train it.”

“So really, really, really, really, really smart machine learning,拉特纳说. “我认为 that's going to be a part of the workflow. 我想今天 Buzzfeed came out with a whole thing they're going to do with some of their 文章 and stuff. But 我认为 it could do things like, if we have two hours of video, we're only ever going to air, 假设, three minutes of it in the package. 你能帮我们把它放到一个时间轴上吗,也许是重要的十分钟,而不是编辑坐在那里看两个小时的内容? That's the kind of stuff where instead of doing busy, 机器人的工作, we can have our editors do really smart work that only human editors can do.”

“You know what's fascinating is you go back to the S-VHS Panasonic broadcast camera days, 你可以按一个按钮把S-VHS音轨放上去这是可以接受的,西格林说. “To a certain extent, the machine…would learn that if you have multiple takes, perhaps the last take is more likely to be the best one.”

Referring to the present-day machine learning abilities, 拉特纳说, “Or it can know your script through AI translation and then be like, ‘Oh, you got it correct that time.的权利. So…maybe logging might become a little bit easier. 也许色彩校正可能会更容易,因为你可以使用云系统来更好地处理事物. 所以我认为这些都是让我感到兴奋的事情,我认为这些事情会很快发生. We just need to make that at my company, at every company, that we're doing them safely. We understand the repercussions. I'm not saying that assistant editors are going to go away, they're tremendously important, 但他们的工作可能有不同的版本,我们需要确保我们正在培训人们在新[媒体世界]的约束下工作.”

“And then editors also don't take just carte blanche what the system gives them,西格林说. “他们会想,‘等一下,这里还有另一个镜头可能更合适.’”

“我曾与一家公司进行过对话,该公司能够获取内容,然后基本上为你提供AI描述,并可能将其转化为社交帖子,拉特纳说. “And that's great, but I still want my social media editor looking at that post. First of all making sure it's accurate, because AI can make things up. But [also] making sure it's within the voice of the company, making sure there's nothing weird in there, adding personality. Right now, AI isn't great at personality. 这些事情仍然需要人来处理,因为人们会注意到人工智能的‘机器人性’. And people want that human interaction.”

Learn more about these topics and more at 流媒体 Connect 2023.

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