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关于人工智能和流的许多讨论都涉及工作流的简化和自动化, but how content companies can leverage it to personalize their content and target ads more efficiently, 其他盈利策略, 这个行业正在密切关注的另一个问题是什么.

克里斯·普法夫,首席执行官, 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体, 美国制片人协会, VR - AR协会, 与Bethany Atchison一起探讨AI流媒体货币化问题, VP, 分销合作伙伴管理, VevoDaniel Trotta,内容参与产品经理 & 货币化, 华纳兄弟. 发现Alan Wolk,联合创始人/首席分析师 TVREVPaul Erickson,创始人兼校长, 埃里克森的策略 & 的见解 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023.

普法夫说:“我只是很好奇,从你的角度来看,你认为人工智能在哪里发挥作用. 他请艾奇逊谈谈她对这种情况的看法.

“We generally use AI for combing through all of the mountains of data we have across our different channels and platforms,阿钦森说. “We definitely believe in the importance of the human element in creating our programs on our channels. 所以我们并没有利用它来创造内容, 但我们正在用它来确保一切都浮出水面, and that also enables us to surface new artists that might not be top of mind for everyone watching, 而是因为数据组织得非常清晰, we're able to find rising artists who are new in hip hop and put them on our Vevo hip hop channel and give them a platform and an opportunity to be seen in a CTV environment.”

普法夫对特罗塔说, “I'm sure you've got some homegrown AI that you use in addition to other major vendors. Talk about some of your war stories in trying to implement AI to ‘know thy audience’ better.”

“A lot of what you see on a streaming homepage is personalized to you and your past viewing behavior and what similar viewers to you have viewed in the past,特罗塔说. “The human element there that is still really vital is pointing the algorithm in the correct direction. So that's setting the key input and key output metrics and determining [if you] are going to optimize for the most active viewers you can get on your service in a given day? Are you going to optimize for the most viewing hours you can get on your service in a given day? 你是否会针对用户在一个月内的回访频率进行优化? These are all [elements] that get sped through the pipeline that ultimately becomes what the user sees. 但这是每次开始的基本问题.”

普法夫说, “我认为, 当然, 这会变得越来越好, 但你也必须为数百万的观众和设备做到这一点.他接着问沃克,他和TVREV如何看待人工智能,以及人工智能如何帮助服务提供商.

沃尔克说:“我认为人工智能将成为一个巨大的游戏规则改变者. “We’re already seeing it now…the thing that we always talk about is how nobody wants to run their funny commercial during the funeral scene of a show, and it's been very hard to identify that…and now they're able to do that to understand the emotions and even other things, 比如我是凯迪拉克,马修·麦康纳在一个场景里, 我也想在那里登广告, 所以它创造了一个很好的协同作用. And then even understanding what sorts of shows viewers like and being able to personalize their feeds. It's just such an exciting time, and the ability to do this is just going to be incredible.”

普法夫问埃里克森, “我只是好奇, in terms of things like ad frequency and ad fatigue…how that needs to be solved and what you're seeing in terms of solutions.”

“嗯, 当然,我认为人工智能在这方面会有所帮助, but my thoughts on ad overload and poor targeting…they're always going to be a net negative for engaging or retention, 这会随着时间的推移明显影响你的投资回报率吗,埃里克森说. “我的想法是,内容是任何视频运营的命脉, 无论是传统的广播, 流媒体服务, 免费的 Ad-Supported Television (FAST) channels…it can make or break the economics of your service. 合适的内容能吸引用户,让他们留在网站上,然后再把他们带回来. 但是内容的耗尽导致了他们的流失. Spending too much on that content, no matter how good and relevant will put you upside down ROI-wise. 所以今天, I think we're finally seeing serious judicious review of content spending when it comes to acquisitions and commissions to ensure that overall content budgets are being used efficiently and profitably.”

他指出,广告频率和糟糕的人口统计数据是FAST面临的特别问题. “希望它会得到改善,而且它 is 改善.他最后这么说, it remains very important “To make sure that you are spending your budget judiciously on the right kinds of content, whether that's an original commission or licensing it…I think that will still be fundamental to your service's success.”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: Bedrock首席执行官Jonas Engwall谈到泛欧流媒体平台的增长

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Bedrock Streaming CEO Jonas Engwall 在纽约流媒体 2024. Bedrock是欧洲领先的流媒体技术公司, 和Engwall讨论他们的M6+平台, 哪个以垂直形式呈现短格式内容, 播客, 先进的人工智能搜索. Engwall also talks about how Bedrock aims to help stakeholders pivot into the streaming world, 提供一个可根据不同国家和合作伙伴需求量身定制的平台.


周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, two lively debates on the topic of AI in Media and Entertainment showcased leading industry figures. 第一个,“人工智能:恩惠还是泡沫?,研究了人工智能进入媒体各个领域的方式, 业务, 和科技世界, 它还探讨了人工智能的反叛在多大程度上是一种时尚, 其中有多少是流媒体的未来. 第二个, 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》,,探讨了围绕“人工智能将取代我们的工作”这一想法的恐惧,,并专注于AI/ML如何使工作流程更高效, 扩大或改进覆盖面, 并有助于提高利润.

Q&A: AI在广告与伦勃朗的科里·特雷菲莱蒂

科里Treffiletti, 伦勃朗的首席营销官, discusses the company's innovative use of programmatic generative AI for virtual product placements, along with how speedily AI is developing within the advertising industry and the ways it is upending the traditional media buying process.


With content production largely on hiatus in the US for months during the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, 这些罢工在2023年秋季接近尾声, 内容公司发现自己正处于十字路口, 有机会开始生成充满战略复杂性的内容. 在某些方面,这是一个新的开始, 这是一个考虑新方法的机会,而不是简单地填补空白. 那么,付费内容领域的下一步是什么呢? 在内容方面,华纳兄弟. 发现的Dan Trotta和Vevo的Bethany Atchison, 来自分析师角落, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, 克里斯·普法夫, and Paul Erickson weigh in on this critical question of where we go from here 在这段视频中 their panel at November's 流媒体 Connect.


What are the significant upsides and downsides to the growth and adoption of ChatGPT and other AI applications for streaming professionals, 以及他们如何有效地利用其优势? 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveX的科里·本克, AugX Labs的Jeremy Boeman说道, Mobeon的Mark Alamares, and Intellivid 研究's Steve Vonder Haar discuss 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023.


How can streaming pros deal with all of the copyright and fact-checking pitfalls of using AI systems trained with public datasets as error-ridden and inappropriately expropriated as the internet itself? 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, IntelliVid 研究的Steve Vonder Haar说, AugXLabs的Jeremy Toeman说, and LiveX的科里·本克 discuss how to navigate this minefield 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023.


生成式人工智能是所有行业的游戏规则改变者, and how to leverage it is a key strategic and technical concern for a range of streaming organizations looking to monetize their content and operations. 巴雷特-杰克逊拍卖公司(Barrett-Jackson Auction Company)的达西.J. 我是Mad Leo咨询公司的Leonard, and Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz explore generative AI's current and imminent impact 在这段视频中 their panel at 流媒体连接2023.