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What are some crucial considerations when considering total cost of ownership (TCO), 以及如何减少电力消耗? Tim Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体, 说, “当你谈到总拥有成本时, 这似乎是一个关于财务的讨论, 但这如何适用于能源消耗模型呢?”

“I'm based out of Seattle,” 说 John Jacobs, Field CISO, Fortinet. “我们做了很多工作 微软…they said the power used by a server surpasses the cost of a server in three months. 所以如果有什么东西坏了,他们就把它扔掉. 在他们的层面上有完全的理解. When you think of that macro level of just how key it is for a component, we look at it a little bit differently because we're usually a cost center and based in security. 所以对我们来说,问题是如何以最低的成本应用它? That's usually hardware…I’m not 说ing that's always the right solution, 但如果我们能得到基于硬件的10, 20, 在特定硬件上的性能是原来的30倍, 这很容易算.”

“如果你回想一下电信时代, 我是说早期的电信公司, 说, 五六十年代的电信公司, 我们在那里看到的是相同的模型,西格林说. “当然, 他们在早期没有软件, but through the use of early ASICs and other things like that, 他们确实大大提高了产能水平. 我们现在的立场是什么? 显然,有关于FPGA asic dsp的讨论. 当你谈到硬件的时候, is it something that the hardware itself can cut the power consumption in half? 还是用软件优化硬件?”

Jacobs说, “这是两者的结合, 但最终, 我们看到了70, 80% reduction in power for the same task to be performed in general CPU. 所以如果有人说, “我尝试,“……他们将把它送入通用处理器。. Once they figure it out -- and the telcos are still relevant -- you know, 一天比一天少, 但他们已经推动了这一点, 他们了解规模的价值和规模的成本. They drive it down to ‘this is X dollars per subscriber per this license and per the operating cost.“所以他们真的很擅长. 不幸的是, they're not really good about the other side of their business and how to monetize it and gain it. So they're sort of failing in the global market but are good about solving that problem.”

Siglin asks the other two participants in the panel, Barbara Lange, Principal and CEO, Kibo121和首席技术官弗兰克·米勒 清漆软件, about their thoughts on TCO and how it relates to power consumption.

“I would 说 sustainability is all about efficiencies and gaining efficiencies,” Lange 说. “你就越能做这些事情, whether it's through hardware repurposing…a lot of organizations are now doing that. It is a part of the component as well as software solutions.” She highlights that sustainability is also an aspect of doing business that must be integrated from the beginning. “The important part of sustainability is integrating it into your business decision-making from the get-go,她说。. “You can't do it at the back end…it has to be part of those initial conversations in any decision-making strategy sessions you have. And that's a mindset change that I think will come more and more as regulations come into play.”

“And is part of the reason to do that so that it sticks, as opposed to just being a fad?西格林问道.

兰格说:“这不再是一种时尚. “即将到来的一件大事是 证券交易委员会 is about to change some filing regulations that will require listed companies to have a sustainability measurement and reporting along with their financial reporting. And that's going to push that sustainability to discussion down the chain because every company is a 范围3 另一个人的组件.”

“我认为这很有趣,因为在一天结束的时候, 创建高效的软件有点被忽视了,米勒说。. “尤其是在云端运行的工作负载.” He discusses the recent work that Varnish has been doing with 英特尔 这与提高效率有关. “清漆的软件, 甚至追溯到10年前, 表现一直很好…一个恰当的例子, I do think we have about the best in the industry right now, 性能约为每瓦386兆比特. But give us about a quarter with the work we've done with 英特尔 in their labs, with their next-generation processors; we're aiming for a gigabit per wat. So if you look at that from the next generation perspective to run the most challenging workloads, 电力需求将下降三分之二.”


“这不仅仅是绿色,”米勒说. “It goes back to getting a generation or two generations of reuse of existing hardware.”

了解更多关于流媒体和TCO绿化的信息,请访问 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Kibo121 Principal and CEO Barbara Lange discusses how to get media companies on the path to sustainability, 降低功耗, become greener in this interview with 流媒体's Tim Siglin at 流媒体 West 2022.


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id3as' Dom Robinson and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin Talk Greening of Streaming

id3as' Dom Robinson and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin discuss the latest Greening of Streaming developments--including taking the conservation case to Parliament--in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.
