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How to Deal with AI Hallucinating, Copyright, and Fact-Checking

流媒体专业人士如何应对使用人工智能系统时出现的所有版权和事实核查陷阱,这些人工智能系统接受过公共数据集的训练,就像互联网本身一样错误丛生、被不当征用? Ben Ratner, Director of 新闻 Technology, 波士顿25新闻,与智能视频高级分析师Steve Vonder Haar讨论了如何在这个雷区中导航 & 企业, IntelliVid 研究, Jeremy Toeman, Founder, AugX Labs, and Corey Behnke, 生产商 & 创始人之一, LiveX 在这段视频中 流媒体 Connect 2023.

拉特纳首先回答了网络研讨会观众贝丝·罗森的问题: 你是怎么处理的 人工智能产生幻觉 copyright issues and fact-checking? “So for those of you who don't know,拉特纳说, “人工智能很大程度上是建立在从互联网上收集的大量信息之上的, oftentimes without permission. 那么我们如何处理媒体和流媒体中的这个特殊问题呢?”

Vonder Haar说:“对我来说,这是一种垃圾进垃圾出的情况. If you're going to take 信息 from the Web, 上帝保佑你, 因为你没有一个可靠的信息来源. The real future for AI will be, at least in the 业务 sense, 在有限的数据集的开发中,这些数据集用于在特定的公司网络[和]特定的个人领域内为决策提供信息.然后他问杰里米·托曼,关于当前人工智能的问题,AugX实验室为他们的客户群看到了什么.

Toeman briefly explains what AugX Labs does. 简而言之, what we do is we take a narrative, we match it with stock content or user-owned media, and we put it together with a little light editing product, so it's very easy for people to use.他指出,在人工智能生成内容的背景下,对数字版权管理的认识因用户类型而异. “For example, we have a partnership with 盖蒂他说。. “And so when our customers who are marketers make videos, they are using 盖蒂 content, [and] they understand this is rights owned media. 当我们随机找到使用它的个体时,他们使用的是这样的东西 GIPHY,他们正在使用 谷歌图片搜索 诸如此类的事情. 所以,正如我们所看到的,这有点像已知的宇宙和这个全新的世界. I take a very copyright-friendly approach to the world. So, at all times, our generative components are fully isolated. 例如,如果您不想使用我们的脚本编写功能,可以编写自己的脚本,没有问题. 我们跟营销人员谈过,他们说,‘我不允许使用人工智能写的剧本.“因此,通过提供‘任意’级别,我们可以满足用户的需求.”

Regarding AI hallucinations, Toeman says, “It's a real problem. 我们处理这个问题的方式是,这是开发者的责任. It's our responsibility that, if you want to make a video about tacos, 在它中间, there's not all of a sudden a discussion on hamburgers. 这是我们的责任. And so I think candidly, that's up to every product team out there, 无论 the tools they're making, whether generating images, video, 文本脚本, 无论.”

“A taco was just a hamburger you didn't create well enough, and it kind of just fell apart on the grill,拉特纳开玩笑说。.

“听起来像…… SNL skit, but I’m not sure!托曼说.

拉特纳问大家:“你们是否在处理将自己的信息放入这些模型的问题? Information on video scripts, that kind of thing? 你只是在使用 ChatGPT的 existing library of knowledge?”

“I can speak to that,” Behnke of LiveX says. “We have a product called 切换器.ai, and we do not use the dataset that's public. I am a technical director. 在我的生命历程中,我认识其他技术总监. 我为语言模型做的一件事是,如果我要用一个人工智能代替技术总监, I need to have the inputs be from something I know. 很多直播和直播都非常公式化. Let's take a house of worship: I'm going to have the pastor, I'm going to have the choir, then I'm going to go back to the pastor, then I'm going to go back to the choir. It’s very formulaic, take sports, the 国家橄榄球联盟.”

Behnke强调,如果你在特定类型内容的可预测参数范围内工作,那么大量的外部数据集是不必要的. “所以,如果我们采用这个模型,然后给每个模型一个主要公式, we don't have to use outside dataset他说。. “我认为,现在,在我们生活的这个世界上,这将使其他人与众不同. If you're just using one whole public dataset, I think that you don't know where everything's coming from. 所以掌握你的数据集,让你知道里面有什么是很重要的.”

在下一篇文章中了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息 流媒体 Connect in November 2023.

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周一, 5月20日, at 纽约流媒体, 两场关于人工智能在媒体和娱乐领域的激烈辩论,展示了行业领军人物. The first, "AI: Boon Or Bubble?,研究了人工智能进入媒体各个领域的方式, 业务, 和科技世界, and it explored how much of AI's insurgency is a fad, and how much of it is the actual future of streaming. 第二个, "The Real Value Of Artificial Intelligence,,探讨了围绕“人工智能将取代我们的工作”这一想法的恐惧,,并专注于AI/ML如何使工作流程更高效, 扩大或改进覆盖面, and help to boost bottom lines.

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波士顿25 新闻的本·拉特纳谈论人工智能、社交和广播新闻的未来

帮助我流媒体研究基金会的蒂姆·西格林接受了本·拉特纳的采访, the Director of 新闻 Technology at 波士顿25新闻, 聊一聊人工智能, 社交媒体, and the future of broadcast news.