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How to Distribute Workloads in Hybrid Streaming Environments

什么是混合流媒体环境,大型流媒体和广播公司如何管理工作负载,并在云和本地基础设施之间划分任务? Nadine Krefetz, Consultant, Reality Software, Contributing Editor, Streaming Media, discusses this topic with Loke Dupont, Solution Architect, TV2, and Andy Beach, CTO, Media & Entertainment, Worldwide, Microsoft, in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Krefetz asks Dupont, “If you’ve got a hybrid environment, what specifically are you doing [in that] environment?”

“It depends a little bit on how you define hybrid,” Dupont says. “这可能意味着你在本地做一些事情,在云中做一些事情, 或者它可能意味着您在本地和云中执行相同的工作负载.” He further breaks down how TV2, in particular, manages hybrid events. “So we are a broadcaster,” he says. “[Our] workflows run primarily on-premise. It takes a while for that technology to be updated, 而且很多都是好几年前的东西,在设计时并没有考虑到云计算. Also, many of the workloads are for production, and production of the broadcasts are very easy to run on-premise. 你没有任何突发负载,你没有很多客户在任何给定的时间访问它.”

杜邦提供了一个TV2主要服务之一的例子,以及与他们的广播制作工作量相比,它如何带来不同的交付挑战. “Our direct-to-consumer offering, called T2 Play,在云环境中运行,因为它有很多本质上非常突发的使用. 如果有什么体育赛事在进行,会吸引很多观众,那么就会有很多人在看. 可能是某个新闻事件触发了很多人观看我们的新闻频道. 这些东西在高峰时期的负荷比在低谷时期要高得多. 就新闻而言,这也带来了很多不可预测的负荷. You can sort of predict when we have sports events, but news events, like Covid and the shutdowns, came with very little warning, and we wouldn't be able to prepare for that. We have to be able to catch all those viewers when those events happen, 这些变通办法往往在云端运行,在那里我们有更多的容量,我们可以在短时间内利用.”

“Okay, capacity and bursting,” Krefetz says. To Andy Beach of Microsoft, she says, “告诉我们你看到了什么,因为你们的媒体和娱乐客户遍布世界各地, and you've also got some kind of perspective on this.”

“Loke said it absolutely right,” Beach says. “这是你无法计划的工作量,比如重大新闻事件或自然灾害. [Then], it makes perfect sense to burst to the cloud. 硬币的另一面是,对于那些你知道事物的高峰和低谷的体育赛事, you still don't want to over-design infrastructure. In other words, you're not going to go stand up a Super Bowl's 价值的基础设施来驱动您的日常工作负载,因为您知道您的容量将处于空闲状态. You'll need five for 15% of that same resource. 所以设计一些东西,你可以把它部署在一个不属于你的环境中——某种云——然后爆发并利用那里的百家乐软件是有意义的. And then when the big event is over, 你可以把你正在使用的百家乐软件用于更易于管理的日常工作.”

Learn more about live streaming distribution workloads at Streaming Media East 2023.

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