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How to Optimize Your 在线直播 Productions

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肖恩林: 我想从两个项开始,一个是流体. 因此,这里的概要是我们的直播生产工作流程如何适应当今的流体生产场景. 流体生产有多重要?什么是流体生产? 另一个术语是优化——我们如何优化我们的工作流程,使它们最适合现场生产. 让我们按照同样的顺序,让你们开始处理那些关键的术语, 流畅和优化. 所以,罗伯特.

罗伯特•莱因哈特: The first thing that came to mind when you said "fluid" is just, when the production starts, everything is as everyone expects it to be. 我经常告诉我的客户,我的首要工作是管理期望. 只要这些都符合我的团队和客户的期望, then things are going to be exactly as everyone wanted them to be. Sure, there are tech glitches that come up. 但对我来说, 流体基本上是在制作前将所有内容与制作过程中应该在的位置对齐的过程.

科里本克先生: 通过直播, I like to tell people, 我们行业中99%的人都在做电影或电视制作. 而我们中的一小部分人实际上是在直播,直播,或者直播到录像带上. And to Robert's point, 在前期制作, 我们真正学到的是,我们可以尽早从客户那里得到更多, have a coordinating producer, 找个人不停地和他们在一起,教他们. Not everybody does live production like us all the time. 所以对你的客户肯定有这样的教育因为你对他们的教育越多, the more they can know what to expect, to Robert's point about managing expectations. A lot of times, I'll say, "Hey, you want a lower-third here?? And they'll say, "What's a lower-third?"

And I know that sounds like baby stuff, 但也有可能是其他的东西,比如过渡,帮助他们提升自己的节目.

对我来说, everything you do in live streaming is all about pre-production, because in a normal film, you've got all this time, or in a television show, you've got all this time to edit it after. 所以如果你想建立流水线直播,你必须得到支持. 流动性是随着变化而来的,并保持在这些变化之上. 在前期制作阶段,“流体”这个词真的很重要.

Optimization, for me, is efficiency. 你的套路和进攻计划越有效率,效果就越好. 很多人可能没有远见,但他们知道该排除什么. 我总是说, don't be afraid to know what you don't want, because that will inform where you're going to go. And that's the optimizing part. 它只是去除和提炼出你真正需要做的直播, 因为你越有效率,越能优化你真正需要的东西, 你就会把更多的时间花在重要的事情上,而不是不重要的事情上.

杰夫Kethley): 当你说“流畅”的时候,我立刻想到了在最后一刻做出改变的能力. I agree completely with Corey and also with Robert, 我们经常遇到的大多数情况——也许我的客户是特殊的, but my clients actually have a lot of requests at the last minute. So maybe it's just my clients, but the fluidity of our production workflows, it comes down to that, so that whenever we do have an event going on and they say, "Oh, 顺便说一下, we need to go to Twitch. 哦,, 顺便说一下, we also need to go to YouTube and oh yeah, 顺便说一下, 我们得把这个放在公司防火墙后面的某个服务器上, all these kinds of things that fluidity is, that's where we have to be in this business. We just have to be that away to be able to say yes, 相反,“不, 你不能这么做," because no client ever wants to hear it. 也许这只是我的客户,但他们,他们倾向于在最后一刻想出这些“哦,顺便说一下...“请求. Our fluidity is in our stance: "We'll do our best. 让我们调查一下. Let's see how we can do that."

肖恩林: 谢谢,杰夫. I don't think you're the only one that has clients like that. I know I definitely have experienced that. But when I think of fluidity, 这当然包括前期制作计划和现场制作计划, 正确的? The pre-production phase is adjusting to the needs, the changes from the last time you did it, or from the last time they did it, changes just because we're in a pandemic 正确的 now. 在健康和安全方面,情况已经发生了变化,不同的协议已经到位. 然后在现场, we don't have the in-person audiences as much, although that's changing as things are opening back up.

但这带来了很多变化,并增加了对活动的在线组成部分的重视,这些活动是需要亲自出席的混合活动, as well as the online. It's only starting to reopen, and there's a renewed emphasis on that online component, 更重要的是,我们要努力融入所有那些曾经仅限于面对面用户的功能和粘性项目. 现在,每个在线的人都需要参与这些以前他们没有的事情. So this is kind of an interesting dynamic there with the fluidity.

对我来说, 优化实际上是围绕着你的信号流尽可能地纯净你所传递的东西. So there's no sense starting interlaced, then changing it to progressive, 然后升级, then downscaling and going interlaced again, 然后进步, 然后裁剪,然后拉伸——这是我们以前在高清电视世界里做的非常愚蠢的事情,希望现在已经不存在了. 所以你会想到你最终的制作和录音会是什么样子, and everything along that line, ,管, that workflow is as consistent as possible.

So those are my takes on those two terms there.

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