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Localization and the Future of the Streaming Ecosystem

Streaming localization is not just about delivering content to multiple regions; it’s about “opening up the world,昆西·奥拉通德如是说, VP, 产品直接面向消费者, nbc环球/孔雀电视, who explains why he believes streaming localization is so critically important in this clip from his 流媒体 Connect 2023 keynote conversation with 媒体 Universe Cartographer Evan Shapiro, 首席执行官, ESHAP.

“When you look out across the ecosystem now, sitting from that kind of crossroads of product, data, content, 商业模式, 那种全球视野, 什么最让你兴奋?夏皮罗问奥拉通德. “What are the landmark achievements that you expect to come out in the next couple of years, or the new products that you think are going to launch, or new content that you think is going to light the world on fire?

Olatunde cites localization as one aspect he is most excited about. “Not just only…from the local [perspective], but the education that brings along with it, 真正打开了世界. The more you understand communities, cultures, and groups, the more tolerant you become. 我们就会变得越宽容, the better our laws are to be more inclusive, and that's one of the things that I love about media,他说. He emphasizes that during the pandemic, the consumption of “mindfulness content” increased. “You've got masterclasses that are happening, teaching people about different cultures, how filmmaking is happening with different cultures, how different idiosyncrasies affect different things. Again, that is what I'm excited about the opportunity. I'm a third culture kid, so growing up in different countries and stuff, so that is a passion for me.”

“我喜欢这样。! ‘第三文化的孩子,’”夏皮罗说. “We've talked about this before, but explain that really quickly.”

“A third culture kid is a kid who grew up or partly grew up in diverse cultures in different countries,奥拉通德说. “I'm Yoruba, so I was partly [from] Nigeria and also England [and] schooled in the States.”

夏皮罗说, “And that culture collision is going to wind up being an important part of the conversation on a moving forward basis.”

“对,”奥拉通德说. “这是世界发展的方向.” He mentions that it was very important to his parents that he and his brothers were in a position to “navigate that and have more tolerance with different cultures, with different people…and that's where we are going. So technology is helping us advance with lightning speed."

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体 Connect in November 2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The State of FAST Markets: Europe vs. US

It's well-established that the FAST market matured in the US years earlier than in Europe and other parts of the world. 但随着欧洲市场的增长, is it evolving along the same lines as the US market, and are there lessons in where the US market stumbled that inform FAST strategy in Europe? Streaming Made Easy newsletter author Marion Ranchet and ESHAP's Evan Shapiro discuss the state of the FAST ecosystem in Europe in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

为什么字母M没有 & E Industry Embrace New Ways of Thinking?

Are media and entertainment executives listening to the wrong people, and not bringing younger and more diverse voices into the conversation, and is it holding the industry back? While valuing the expertise of boardroom inner circles, are there ways to expand the table to encourage more forward-looking thinking? 孔雀电视 VP Quincy Olatunde and 媒体 Industry Cartographer Evan Shapiro debate these issues in this clip from their keynote at 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Will Linear 广播 Be Dead in 2 Years?

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has infamously (and possibly even repeatedly) made the claim that linear broadcast will be dead in the water within two years. How does a panel of media industry streaming experts respond to that claim? 罗伯·狄龙, 数字产品主管, 直箭新闻, 埃里克·伯格纳, 合作伙伴, 本案中陷入美国马纳特 Digital and Technology Transactions, 本案中陷入美国马纳特, 菲尔普斯 & 菲利普斯, 迈克尔·纳格尔, 流媒体总经理, 甘尼特/《百家乐软件》, 约翰·柏林, 首席商务官, 媒体 & 广播, 敏捷的content, 和科里·史密斯, 高级主管, 先进的生产技术, CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙, debate Hastings' controversial claim in this clip from their 流媒体 Connect 2023 panel.

Why 广播 新闻 Dragged its Feet on Streaming

Why were news broadcasters so slow to adapt to streaming, leaving it to play catch-up in recent years? 派拉蒙的科里·史密斯, 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, 直箭新闻的罗伯·狄龙报道, and 本案中陷入美国马纳特's 埃里克·伯格纳 discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.