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Ben Ratner: I'd say the biggest challenge was not so much the people who do the tech stuff, because a lot of us already knew how to use a lot of the software hardware that already is natively designed to work remotely, 但不是每天都这样做的人. 主要是人才, specifically talent and guests--getting them to have the ability to set up a camera for the first time; lights, 让他们的镜头看起来不错. 基本的东西, 甚至升级他们的互联网——这一直是一个挑战, 特别是在早期. A lot of that is getting easier because there came a point probably seven, eight months into the pandemic where people started showing up with their own ring lights. and that was great because it meant that people were doing a lot of the hard work for us.

But the biggest challenges today are that a lot of the people I work with now still have all these remote guests. People want to work from home, but they still want higher-quality stuff. So it's figuring out the kinds of equipment and the kinds of workflows that they're able to manage remotely, when we can't send an engineer to help set up and maintain it constantly.

我得说我们的经历很相似. 我们早期做的很多事情是客户教育, 向他们解释有哪些选择. There's so many different ways you can be remote, but how do you do it safely? And how do you make sure your talent is really comfortable while it's happening? So it was so much client education, and there was so much anxiety happening at the time, too. People's businesses were under threat and their livelihoods are under threat.

所以我真的在那里,向他们解释, “一切都会好的, 你完全可以做到." And creating an infrastructure that made clients and non-technical producers feel really comfortable and cared for. 即使他们在家里,他们仍然在控制. Developing our communications channels and things like that made a big difference. And now it really is about, "How do you not do the same show over and over again? 我们如何打破一些模子? How do we innovate and make your content look distinctive, but keep your talent really comfortable?“因为人才没有改变.

丹尼尔·韦伯斯特:这不仅仅是关于教育. It's also about convincing, and COVID has forced everybody to rethink the way that they do things. Much of our business as being downstream of what a lot of people on this call do is basically picking up those live signals and being able to provide remote editing and just simply convincing people who are stuck in their ways with traditional on-prem workflows to try something new, 并向他们展示这种力量有多强大. 这是我们的主要关注点. 好消息是,几乎所有的事情都可以远程完成. Now there are some outliers, but you'd be surprised how much you can do now in a remote situation.

杰夫·凯斯利:现在, 随着我们将越来越多的工作流迁移到云端, 这打开了一个非常大的可能性鸿沟, 因为现在我们不再被锁在数据中心里了, 我们不局限于内部百家乐软件. Everything that we can do on the ground or in an MCR or in a truck we can now do in the cloud. 这很神奇. Getting people to understand that is the next step for us in our remote workflows, that's for sure.

Marty Jenoff: Some of the challenges that we encountered were more on making sure that the remote presenters had the basics: a good camera, 良好的光线, 良好的网络. Here in the Baltimore area, a lot of the school systems were all hybrid. 我们在某些日子里发现了这一点, 如果演讲者在家,而他们的孩子在网上做作业, 他们的网络不好. 所以我们有很多辍学生. It was just keeping that in mind, where it's not just it's not like it used to be back in the day. There are a lot of other constraints on the infrastructure and the network in individuals' homes and in their workplaces. So we may have to do things at odd hours or maybe ask them to get their kids to go to a friend's house or something like that, 这样他们在做事情的时候就会有一个好的互联网.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Ohio State's Derrick 免费的man Talks Remote Production Using Mediasite and Zoom

Ohio State University Program Manager and Webcast 生产商 Derrick 免费的man and 流媒体's Tim Siglin discuss using Zoom and Mediasite for remote on-demand production in higher education in this interview from 流媒体 West 2022.


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