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While low 延迟 is a goal for all live streaming applications, commonly associated with reliability and a better user experience, reducing 延迟 also increases the expense of delivering large-scale streams. In this excerpt from his presentation at 流媒体 East 2017, Wowza VP of Product and User Experience Mike Talvensaari argues that low 延迟 isn't always worth it, 并且您应该只在某些用例中优先考虑它.

了解有关低延迟流的更多信息 流媒体西部.

Mike Talvensaari: We hear terms like low 延迟, ultra-low 延迟, real time. 当我们谈论这些事情时,我们真正想表达的是什么? So I'm going to start at the left combination for the latencies for HLS and DASH. These are upwards of 45 seconds, 30-45 seconds depending in you're going through a CDN. 这是面向大量观众的单向流媒体. I have to have massive scale, people want to see it in HD, or 4K. 所以我可以在这里处理延迟. 减少的延迟大约是5到20秒. 最近秒. And this would be live streaming of 新闻, 体育, and content for OTT providers.

低延时. 5-7秒是高清有线电视的典型延迟. 所以我们称比这快的东西为低延迟. 这是针对直播的, 游戏流, E-体育--sometimes you want to try to match that 5-second delay if you're streaming television content. So it matches up with what people are seeing if they're watching on TV. 你想喊“进球”!” at the same time as your neighbor if you're watching a sporting event.

近实时时间小于1秒. 这将用于实时通信, 会议, 任何形式的远程呈现, 实时设备控制. I'm controlling a PTZ camera, I want to hit the button and see it pan right immediately. 这是近乎实时的. 这是一些定义.

People think they need really low 延迟 streaming all the time but they don't necessarily need it. So in designing your system, if you want low 延迟, it's just going to cost more. 你将不得不购买更昂贵的设备. 你需要更多的服务器. 更高质量,更高带宽. 但你通常不需要更低的延迟. 30秒的延迟通常不是问题.

所以延迟并不重要. 所以要认真考虑,我是否需要低延迟? 我的用例需要低延迟吗? 如果我在直播高中体育比赛, does it really matter if grandma in California sees it 30 seconds delayed or not? 可能不重要.

HTTP流媒体, 现在最流行的流媒体格式是什么, 有意引入延迟以提高可靠性. So Apple HLS and MPEG-DASH, both by default out of the box require three chunks to be loaded. The chunks are 10 seconds, that gives you a huge buffer of time for network hiccups. Buffering has been greatly reduced over the years due to things ... 像这样. 因此,这些东西的可靠性得到了提高.

对于一些实时流,延迟是至关重要的. 如果你正在进行实时交流,这是至关重要的. 任何超过一秒的事都是痛苦的. If you're doing 网络游戏, any sort of remote control devices ... gambling, auctions, 延迟 is critical for certain use cases.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


有时低延迟是至关重要的, but in other streaming applications it's not worth prioritizing, Wowza Senior Solutions Engineer Tim Dougherty argues in this clip from 流媒体西部 2018.


Wowza Media Systems Senior Solutions Engineer Tim Dougherty surveys the recent and current state of streaming 延迟 in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体西部 2018.

Video: Three Ways to Replace Flash for Low-Latency 在线直播

Limelight's Charlie Kraus discusses three emerging strategies for delivering low-延迟 live streaming in the post-Flash era.

Video: What is the Best Way to Move Streams Across Unmanaged Networks?

Haivision CTO Mahmoud Al-Daccak discusses the challenges of delivering low-延迟 streams across unmanaged networks in varying use cases at 流媒体西部 2017.


Streaming Video Alliance's Jason Thibeault and Limelight's Charley Thomas address the question of whether WebRTC provides a viable solution for network 延迟 issues in this panel from 在线直播 Summit.


StackPath的Nathan Moore解释了这些协议, 延迟, and bandwidth challenges inherent to delivering video content to iOS devices and how content providers can stream to these devices more effectively.


Yahoo Director of Engineering Satender Saroha discusses 延迟 issues particular to VR streaming to mobile and technical measures to address them.

Video: Best Practices and Key Considerations for Reducing Latency

Wowza Senior Product Manager Jamie Sherry discusses key 延迟 considerations and ways to address them at every stage in the content creation and delivery workflow.


这份报告, “创造用户想要的流媒体体验," focuses on time to first frame and end-to-end 延迟 in five markets: user-generated content, 网络游戏, 体育, 新闻, 和广播.


Reel Solver的Tim Siglin, 彩虹宽带公司的Russ Ham说, and Verizon's Daniel Sanders discuss how attacks on Net Neutrality would impact video delivery in general and 延迟 in particular.

Video: The Challenges of Delivering Reliable, Adaptive, Scalable Low-Latency Video

Wowza's Tim Dougherty and 流媒体's Tim Siglin discuss how Wowza is meeting the challenges of keeping 延迟 down for live video with its Streaming Cloud in this interview from 流媒体 East 2017.


Ooyala's Paula Minardi and Level 3's Jon Alexander discuss the key issues facing live streaming and VOD providers regarding 延迟 times, 缓冲, 满足观众不断变化的期望.

延迟了! 那么哪些公司正在创造解决方案呢?

It's one of the biggest challenges facing live video streaming today, 它仍然顽固得令人沮丧. Explore the technical solutions that could finally bring 延迟 down to the 1-second mark.


Ensuring broadcast quality for viewers is about more than just reducing 缓冲. Publishers need to improve the efficiency of back-end operations, as well.


The upcoming third edition of DASH will address several missing features, 康卡斯特的一位首席架构师说, 并将降低直播视频延迟.
