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Video: Pros & Cons of WebRTC for Live Streaming Playback

Learn more about WebRTC at Streaming Media's next event.

Watch the complete video of this presentation from Streaming Media West, T202:如何:识别实时流媒体播放的真实世界选项, in the Streaming Media Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Robert Reinhardt: WebRTC is the big gorilla in the room, if you will. 它已经存在很长时间了,我来自Flash的世界. 在Flash流行的时候,我做了很多Flash开发工作. 在这些环境中,最伟大的事情之一就是一旦环境中出现了新的东西, 我知道它将在一年内向全世界的观众开放. Right? So if a new feature came out like H.264 support, boom, 我们知道它会成功,因为有一个插件很快就在世界各地传播开来.

Obviously, with standards, standards take a while to evolve, let alone not just from their specs, but to their implementation. So not everyone's using the same API still. I know Firefox is catching up. 实际上,我现在有一个医疗领域的客户正在实施WebRTC, 但这是其中一个网站,当你去使用服务, it's like you have to use Chrome. They just don't want to worry about, 他当时没有足够的百家乐软件让他的团队去担心多个浏览器, 并修复所有可能出现在不同浏览器上的WebRTC问题.

So, I recently wrote a 开发者为WebRTC直播支付先锋税 关于WebRTC将带来的开创性税收. It's funny, if you search for open-source libraries for WebRTC, 你会发现很多过时的库,它们不一定会成为浏览器中可用的最新最好的WebRTC api的一部分.

One of my beefs with Wowza, which I'm a big fan of... If you've seen be talk at other sessions, 在我的服务器安装中,我几乎一致地使用Wowza, 尽管我也安装过很多其他的服务器. 开始在WebRTC实现中更多地使用Red5,主要是因为Wowza ... 我不想说他们在WebRTC上犯了错误, 但他们没有给它我认为它需要的优先级. Again, I'm nitpicking with them again on that one.

But WebRTC is the future, and the biggest drawback I sill find with WebRTC, 我和这个医疗客户一起工作了一年多,帮助他们实现了WebRTC, it's just the whole VP8 versus H.264 stack. So sometimes their recordings, 或者有时如果用户从他们的电脑上广播,他们在Chrome上, it might be using VP8. It might not be using H.264.

但它实际上只是在一天结束时转换所有东西, 因为他们想在WebRTC上记录他们所做的一切, taking it to a common format. 我们都知道VP8不会在iOS上运行, 所以如果他想让录音在不同的设备上工作,这样人们就可以在医疗领域回顾他在这个平台上做了什么, 那么转换就变成了使WebRTC解决方案工作的必要之恶.

And potentially transcodes on the fly. If you're live streaming in VP8, and you want to go to a big audience, again, 我可以和三个同事开一个WebRTC会议, but if I want everyone to watch what we're doing, they don't have to watch over WebRTC. I could take that WebRTC, aggregate it, 在云端用FFmpeg之类的东西做一些合成, and then push out an HLS of that presentation.

If I was doing a panel here, 实际上,我可以通过WebRTC在参与者之间进行, 然后如果我想把它转换成服务器级别的HLS, and then we could mix and match these technologies. 同样,在一对多的意义上,这样我们就会有很多 ... 在这个虚构的情况下,我和小组成员的广播会有延迟. 但是,对于参与的人来说,延迟不是很重要.

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