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流媒体在过去的两年里爆炸式增长已经不是什么秘密了. 它正在路上, 但新冠疫情使奥特内容消费达到了前所未有的水平, and predictions are pointing toward continued growth with video streaming responsible for most Internet traffic by 2022. 易用性起着重要作用,但视频质量也很重要. Operators must monitor hundreds — sometimes thousands — of channels without compromising real-time error detection. 产品越好, the better the consumer experience and that translates to more loyal viewers and increased 业务 for content owners. 

Elevating the consumer experience to the highest-level possible requires deep insight into quality, metrics and issues; data that was previously beyond the reach of operators. 然而,多亏了TAG的实时媒体平台,这些数据现在是可以访问的. TAG的实时媒体平台, 由几个模块组成, 是行业最先进、最独特的平台来聚合, 管理和显示数据.

自2008年以来, TAG的MCM模块一直在执行先进的基于ip的功能, 监控, 深入探索, and logging of every error at every point across the entire workflow with realtime visualization. 运行在COTS硬件上, 提供300多个探测功能, 并支持所有主要的行业标准, the advanced all-software technology has addressed all transmission layers from the SMPTE ST 2110/2022-6 uncompressed to MPEG-TS compressed and 奥特 (HLS, MPEG-DASH, CMAF, JPEG XS, 等.)流一直到编码的视频内容及其质量. 

但是如果, 除了监视和探测信号, 可以挖掘准确的数据驱动分析, 聚合, 管理和使用作为决策的基础,以建立更好的, 更吸引人 工作流? 如果 operators had access to open-source analytic tools such as Elasticsearch, Kibana, Grafana和Prometheus来分析和可视化数据? 如果 they could leverage the power of the cloud and AI to create truly actionable insights into this voluminous amount 原始数据的度量,以提高他们的性能, 帮助他们动态地将工作负载转移到性能更好的供应商, 扩展以管理不可预测的受众并验证SLA协议?

这一切都是可能的,现在有了 TAG's MCS, a module in The Realtime Media Platform that ushers in a new era of 开放、协作的工作流. With MCS, users can learn significantly more from their 监控 and metrics. Customers can measure internet networks and CDN performance across all their signals and know where to shift workloads for optimum performance. MCS在日志中定义周期性错误 file noise, driving faster root cause analysis and recovery from intermittent issues. 通过聚合多个客户的cdn和互联网网络的数据, TAG可以为客户提供实时CDN和网络指标, 帮助他们避开停电和拥堵. The system will correlate and identify problems across specific consumer devices, 版本和平台, 帮助客户交付可互操作的信号. 由人工智能驱动, users will be able to develop and deliver an exceptional customer experience that can be validated and measured, 为未来扫清道路 过程和更大的成功.


为探测提供更大的灵活性, 监测和数据收集, TAG recently enhanced its Realtime Media Platform with an Adaptive Monitoring feature.

TAG是唯一集成探测、监测和 多视图 提供自适应监控的解决方案 一个工具,允许MCM监控在任何 三个 操作modes-full, 光, and extra-光 on a per-input-source basis and in an adaptive manner resulting in the ability to monitor more probing points and leading to the efficient collection of 更多实时数据. 中操作符设置的阈值 由TAG软件或API命令触发 外部设备监控整个生态系统 系统之间会自动适应监控 模式确保最佳监控 所有流 在任何时候. Adaptive Monitoring not only elevates 监控 capabilities when using on-premises 硬件,但是基于云计算的好处更大 操作具有动态改变利用率的能力 实例基于任何给定的需要 time. 完全可视化 错误.

在本质上, the new Adaptive Monitoring functionality enables the user to choose the 监控 mode per channel with the ability to change it dynamically. 好处包括:优化 CPU Usage without sacrificing error detection; operational flexibility; simpler cloud operation with increased agility when 监控 a massive number of channels; and better utilization and management of 云实例和硬件百家乐软件可能会降低运营成本和资本支出. 这是一个零妥协的解决方案.

支持动态的、自动的、即时的分配 of 以每个输入流为基础监视百家乐软件, TAG's Adaptive Monitoring feature brings operators significant efficiency gains that yield cost savings 和/或更广泛的监控功能 同样的百家乐软件.

 HLS, MPEG-DASH, 和CMAF, TAG的实时媒体平台已经成为奥特监控的首选解决方案. TAG软件使操作人员能够解决复杂的问题 奥特 delivery chains and to take on both the technical and economic challenges of 大规模监测TAG软件 结合了传统的MPEG-TS支持和功能 量身定制独特的监控要求 奥特, 包括解密和解码安全区域内的内容的能力, 提供全面的奥特监控和多视点解决方案.

对于不断发展的奥特领域, TAG软件不仅 支持跨所有渠道的有效监控,而不会妥协, 但也为持续增长提供了一条道路.




现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The 2022 流媒体 50: The 50 Tech Companies That Matter Most in Online Video

欢迎来到2022年流媒体50年, our annual list that foregrounds the industry's most innovative and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 和平台, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their commitment to serve the customer and advance the industry. 这是我们第五年将榜单限制在50家公司.

面向媒体的AWS & 娱乐:从2021年的顶部看

Five solution areas are key for media and entertainment companies: content production, 媒体供应链 & 档案,广播,D2C & 流媒体,数据科学和分析


Dacast is expanding its highly 可伸缩的 infrastructure to provide multi-CDN delivery to help deliver high-quality content to viewers worldwide, 包括在中国.


内容才是王道, but user experience—from personalized streams to personalized advertising—is becoming nearly as important in attracting and retaining viewers

Qwilt: 2021年从山顶俯瞰

Qwilt正在快速扩张, 凭借其开放边缘云,我们正朝着200Tbps的全球容量迈进, 基于开放缓存的, 像英国电信这样的客户, 威瑞森, 蒂姆·巴西, 和阿根廷电信正在采用新的内容交付模式


观众已经显示出他们对内容多样性的巨大胃口. Success in delivery in the direct-to-consumer environment means being able to consistently meet viewer experience targets so that viewers keep tuning in and your 业务 runs profitably.


Software-defined and virtualized 工作流 provide a degree of responsiveness that is impossible to replicate in any other manner. 因为这个原因, we are seeing more and more large-scale media enterprises pivot towards increasingly end-to-end cloud-based 工作流.


免费广告支持的流媒体电视(FAST)是治疗订阅疲劳的良方, 而Amagi正是医生所要求的


安全正变得多维. The gold standard of DRM is now frequently used in conjunction with watermarking, geo-fencing, 等. 提供更全面的玻璃对玻璃的保护, a trend that likely will accelerate as integration standards become normalized and costs are driven down by robust, 基于云的服务选项.


这是去年, 视频成为世界上每一个主要企业的重要组成部分, 即使一切恢复正常, 开发团队需要找到容易的, 可伸缩的, 以及快速部署的解决方案.


The chatter around whether or not WebRTC can scale should now be less about "can" it scale, 而是“你的”公司能否扩大规模? 在凤凰城,答案是肯定的.


Live linear channels have grown in number, as has the video quality they are delivering. And advances in hardware and software have reduced the cost of launching channels significantly.


由于范围的扩大, 频率, 以及网络威胁的严重性, 今天的媒体和娱乐行业需要更多的安全保障, 而不是更少. This can present a difficult choice for some companies—compromise your creative vision, 或者降低你的安全标准? We believe you don't need to sacrifice innovation for security—you can have both.


当大流行关闭学校时, 医生的办公室, 零售, 还有音乐会和体育场馆, 视频介入,继续教学, 病人护理, 业务, 还有娱乐活动. 这些解决方案提供商迎接了挑战, 以及今年的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》, 他们分享对未来的憧憬.


我们的年度流媒体50总结了最重要的, 最有趣的, 以及最具创新性的在线视频解决方案提供商. You'll find names both familiar and unfamiliar here, as newer entrants join market veterans. 那么是谁上榜了呢? 继续读下去 ...
