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2019 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards: Make Your 提名 Now


Today we begin accepting nominations for the 2019 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards. It's the only awards program in which the winners are decided by the people who matter most—you, 终端用户.

博客今年我们推出了30个奖项, 如下所述, including new categories for hardware input devices for live production, 硬件ABR编码器, 每部编码, 以及质量控制/监控平台. 任何人, 包括供应商本身, 可以提名, and only one nomination is necessary for a given product or service. We will only accept one nomination per company per category; in some cases, it may make more sense to nominate a product line than a single product. Our editorial team will evaluate all the nominations and then announce the final nominations when voting begins.

提名 今天开放,一直持续到8月2日. After we've had a chance to sort through your recommendations, we'll open award voting August 12. 与往年不同的是, companies will not be able to solicit their employees to vote for their nominees; we don't want this contest to be decided based on the number of employees a company has. 投票将于10月1日结束, and later that month we'll announce the finalists—the top three vote-getters in each category.


获奖名单将于11月20日在 流媒体西部在洛杉矶的威斯汀博纳文蒂酒店(Westin Bonaventure). 获奖者将被刊登在 流媒体 杂志和流媒体.以及我们的流媒体额外通讯.

If you'd like to see which companies took home the 流媒体 Readers' Choice Award in 2018, 看看我们的 获奖名单. Last year we received more than 25,000 votes from more than 3,000 voters for 281 nominees.

We can't do this without you, so please think about what companies are doing outstanding work and 提名吧. 我们空间的供应商也可以提名自己. 以下是按字母顺序列出的类别.


Quality of experience (QoE) platforms have a “beacon” in the player that checks for stats like buffering, 视频播放时间, 播放中断, 所有这些都是为了评估视频播放体验.


Quality of service (QoS) platforms monitor the delivery infrastructure’s ability to deliver the packets, 通常是通过放置在网络中不同位置的“嗅探器”, in order to determine if CDNs are doing their job getting the video to its endpoint. 


It’s the oldest maxim in the book: Viewers will tolerate sub-par video, 但如果音频不好,他们会很快放弃. Which audio 混合ers give you the best 混合 capability and most reliable output?


提出了一种实用的现场广播方式, cellular bonding solutions have taken off for live or on-demand coverage.


Closed captioning isn't just a good idea; in many cases, it's the law. 使它简单准确是至关重要的.


谁有最好的编码和转码视频的SaaS, 在质量方面, 周转时间, 和服务?


This category covers both telco and traditional content delivery networks.


It's more important than ever for premium content owners to protect their content on every possible device, 需要多drm方法. Which DRM service provider offers the best experience for the content owner and the consumer?


Educational institutions have unique requirements and face distinct challenges when it comes to publishing video. 哪个视频平台最适合学校和大学?


We're combining the desktop and enterprise-class encoding categories this year, 当我们寻找最好的整体内部编码软件时.


When large organizations look to create their own internal YouTube or other company-wide video solution, 这是他们应该首先考虑的平台.


Internal or external devices that allow a computer or notebook to input video(s) from one or more camcorders, typically for production and output via 直播软件.


These are hardware encoders that input a video signal and convert the incoming stream into multistream packaged output for pushing to an origin server or CDN.  


这些程序使计算机能够混合输入的视频流, 添加标题, 转换, 还有其他影响, 然后编码并将其传输到流媒体服务器.


Recognizing the best hardware or software solution for delivering audio and video files to listeners and viewers, 不管交付协议是什么.


随着mso和mvpd提供更多的顶级内容, they're looking to more robust and functional solutions than traditional media and entertainment video platforms can offer. 


这些是产品, 流程, or services that encode each video differently according to the underlying complexity of the content.


现场记录, 附相机或其他, play a critical role in video production when you need to archive a high-quality feed for editing and on-demand delivery. 



这些便携式流媒体解决方案实现了所有功能的切换, 混合, 标题/覆盖, and stream—from virtually anywhere; this year, 我们根据价格把这类产品分为两类. (Note that these categories used to focus on "appliances;" now they cover both hardware and software solutions.)


更多的 and more video productions are using PTZ and network-controlled cameras in their multi-camera shoots. 哪一个领先?


These programs or platforms insure the integrity of the underlying video and audio (black frame detection, audio loudness) and the integrity of the encoding and packaging.


Want to provide seamless ad delivery on the mobile web and stop ad blockers? 这些是帮助你做到这一点的解决方案.


These are standalone external appliances that accept video input and transmit to a streaming service.


When a business needs a video platform with functionality beyond YouTube, 但它并不寻求一个完整的企业或OTT解决方案, 这些都是他们求助的平台.


These programs or platforms measure video quality using metrics like PSNR, SSIM, DMOS结构, VMAF, 和其他人. 哪一个做得最好?


在赢得和维持观众方面. a quality video player is every bit as important as quality content. These are the companies that help content owners make sure they're giving their viewers a great viewing experience.


观众对在线视频直播的质量要求很高, 这些单位使之成为可能, 处理转换, 混合, 覆盖, 和键控(但不是流). 


这些内部解决方案捕获视频和音频, 将它与幻灯片和图像结合起来, and deliver it to online viewers in an interactive environment with Q&A,调查等等.


网络广播和演示是今年的一个大领域, 所以我们把这个类别分为本地解决方案和云解决方案.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The winners were announced today at 流媒体西部 in Huntington Beach, California. 点击看看谁拿回了今年的奖项.


289年被提名者. 超过3.7万张选票. 31个赢家. Read on to find out who took home this year's coveted 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards


这是在线视频行业最负盛名的荣誉, 因为这是由成千上万的流媒体决定的.com选民. Read on to see which companies are taking home a Readers' Choice Award.