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Action Sports Streaming Explodes with Gen Z

Learn more about sports streaming at Streaming Media's next event.

观看流媒体西部的完整演示, ESS102b. The Next Generation, in the Streaming Media Conference Video Portal.

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Remi Guyton: 极限运动——人们认为它是一种遗产. X Games has been around for a while, 但他们没有意识到这是Instagram上排名第四的运动, so when you have things like their legacy. 足球排名第一,动作运动排名第四. They'll say that publicly. 这是一个巨大的领域,但也有很多吸引新用户的机会. One of the things that we found, particularly working with Snap, 整个13到17岁的年龄段都是这样吗, super engaged with action sports content.

我们期待像滑板车这样的东西——因为我不知道你们中有多少人熟悉滑板车现在是一项动作运动. 我们有一些人在滑板车上做最极端的事情. In fact, 我们的一个人,我们叫他滑板车小子, 他现在23岁了——他刚刚以小轮车选手的身份连续第二年赢得了极限运动会的冠军, just because he's that talented and that good. 我提到过他有自己的YouTube频道. 随着时间的推移,他的观众自然增长,孩子们也跟着他一起成长.

So being in Snap, 一个孩子们在YouTube上参与的地方, kids are engaged on Snap, you see the opportunity for audience there, and you see that things that were unexpected, where we knew scooter was going to do well, BMX was gonna do well, 因为从历史上看,这些都是年幼的孩子已经在做的事情.

我们没有想到的是,我们举办了一个名为nitro machines的展览——人们展示他们的越野车, showing stuff. 突然之间,这成为了他们向我们提交的反馈循环的一部分. It just took off. We didn't know that there was this young, core like, FMX的观众也渴望看到关于他们自己的内容. 因为通常你会认为这是一项古老的运动. We work with Travis Pastrana, 长期以来,谁一直是特技和动作的领导者,以至于你觉得这有点高于他们. There's just huge opportunity.

然后我们还推出了一个名为Nitro World Games的体育竞赛品牌, and in that, again, 我们在寻找可以开发新用户的地方. 一开始,传统的动作运动都是蹦蹦跳跳的滑板车, 所以在我加入的第一年,我们就签订了Nitro世界运动会的转播协议, like three or four years ago. 但我们做的是,“嘿,我们要在Facebook上直播滑板车比赛." Those did extremely well. The audience was extremely engaged. Then next year with our Facebook streaming deal, 我们在Facebook上发布了这个视频,因为观众们非常投入, and was there, 我们从自己的行动中学到了一些东西, and that kind of drove a whole new business.

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