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了解有关边缘交付的更多信息,请参阅下一节 内容交付峰会!


史蒂夫·Miller-Jones: The key, as has been pointed out, is really the simple integration. So, if you want to use compute in five different locations, are they all the same provider? Can you do it all at once, or do you have to do it five times? And that abstraction is really where the innovation and the future of things are. How do you know, If you're using Terraform today to manage your distribution, your deployments? Can you also bake in with a pretty simple set of executions and access to a set of edge locations that may have some slightly different underlying hardware,. 但你不必关心这个. 这是服务提供商面临的挑战, 比如Limelight, are looking at doing in order to understand that complexity and bring that to the market. And I think that level of integration is what the opportunity is, 以及今天每个人面临的挑战. 我可以采用边缘吗?? Well, do I have to integrate with five different operators?

Dom Robinson: 是的,我们还没有做到“写一次,到处跑”." We're kind of at "write once, run everywhere within a certain set of parameters."

史蒂夫·Miller-Jones: Well, I think it also requires subtle changes in software. 如果您的应用程序今天不是这样构建的呢? How much of your time do you then spend on rewriting that way? 所以你必须回到业务问题上来. 驱使我前进的关键因素是什么, "I need to gain that additional performance benefit either from introspection or to improve the quality of my login process or my search or whatever your business problem is that you have a performance challenge with that will drive your move towards the edge. 作为一个内容产业,我们不能忘记. 我们不能再完全以技术为主导了. This is about saying "We need to solve a performance problem, so let's go solve it." And if the edge is the right answer and we can make it work for people, then it will get used. If it's just a let's shoehorn this into this hole, then it won't get used."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Where exactly is the edge in streaming content delivery? According to leading figures from the Streaming Video Technology Alliance, 亚马逊网络服务, 和Fortinet, defining what edge computing means for streaming varies by use cases that involve factors such as streamlining user experiences, 采取安全措施, 评估数据成本.


According to Jason Thibeault of the Streaming Video Technology Alliance, advances in edge computing have changed the streaming ecosystem in ways that require cooperation between CDN competitors in order to best serve the needs of their end users

How CDNs Can Increase Efficiency Through Industry Collaboration and Commoditization

Mark De Jong of CDN Alliance discusses how collaboration and commoditization in the Content Delivery Network space can enhance worldwide connection through the use of new technologies such as edge computing, along with a better focus on increasing telco infrastructure capacity in underserved regions


Edge cloud services provider announces its third round of funding


Akamai's Peter Chave discusses changes in content delivery traffic brought on by widespread shifts to working from home, 远程学习, 增加了视频会议, 诸如此类.


Akamai's Peter Chave discusses how CDNs and major content providers like Netflix "flatten the peaks," adjusting bitrates and deploying other strategies to manage network congestion during traffic spikes.


NVIDIA's Greg Jones and Intel's Nehal Mehta discuss managing the power requirements of edge delivery in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.


Telestream's Ken Haren discusses contemporary strategies for delivering effective QoS metrics in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.


Limelight's Neil Glazebrook and Akamai's Peter Chave discuss the current progress toward a single universal streaming container format and what it means for CDNs in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.


Steven Tripsas discusses how Zype approaches quality of service (QoS) to improve response times and to meet the expectations of different types of clients--live and VOD--in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.


Akamai's Peter Chave and 流媒体's Tim Siglin discuss the current state of edge compute and how CDNs have adjusted to unprecedented surges in 2020 in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.

How COVID-19 Changed Streaming Delivery Traffic Patterns

Akamai's Peter Chave explains how changes resulting from shelter-at-home restrictions changed streaming traffic patterns, 峰值变平或移动, and explains how CDNs interpreted and adjusted for these shifts in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.


因为视频会议越来越多, 奥特, 的电子竞技, and other areas of streaming have offset (and then some) the loss of live events over the last few months, cdn保持满负荷运行, but often demand is coming from unexpected places at unexpected times, as Limelight's Neil Glazebrook and Fastly's Jim Hall discuss in this clip from 内容交付峰会 2020.
