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Bitmovin Live编码器-Akamai互联云 Integration Promises Lower Egress Costs and OpEx Reductions up to 90%


3月27日, Bitmovin 宣布其可用性 住编码器 上运行的 Akamai互联云, promising increased efficiencies for large-scale streams and substantial reductions in data transfer out (DTO) costs that may translate to as much as 90 percent lowered operation costs overall. 

紧随这一声明之后,本周又有消息称 一个足球, a major digital football platform affiliated with such leading clubs as Real Madrid, 曼城, 以及拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部, is now deploying Bitmovin Live编码器 上运行的 Connected Cloud for the delivery of high-quality streams in conjunction with key global broadcast partners such as Sky Sport, DAZN, 和环球. 一个足球直播比赛在一个免费, ad-supported or pay-per-view basis to 200 million football fans worldwide, 使用预先存在的流架构,最多支持1,每月000场直播比赛. The platform’s new deployment of Bitmovin Live编码器 上运行的 Akamai互联云 is intended to significantly expand the number of streams they can deliver each month.

声称streamer实现 Bitmovin 住编码器 with Akamai互联云 can see OpEx reductions up to 90% resulting from on lower DTO or egress costs is a striking one. Bitmovin CEO and Co-Founder Stefan Lederer explains that using Bitmovin and Akamai in tandem reduces DTO “by adding a couple of different value propositions. 通过将我们的SaaS部署与Akamai互联云集成, customers can now deploy our software to Akamai互联云 with a simple ‘start live encoding command’ with Akamai selected as the cloud provider and then leverage output directly to MSL4 and the Akamai CDN for zero egress no matter the output. 另外,他继续说道。, “customers that wish to use a multi-CDN strategy can take advantage of Akamai's generous free egress allotments, and our HD presets are designed to provide maximum quality and keep within the free egress threshold with some headroom. This excess free usage can return to the global pool and be utilized for other egress out.”

“Akamai已经与主要的云提供商建立了互联,丹·劳伦斯补充道, Akamai云计算副总裁. “这些建立了私人的, dedicated connectivity between our platforms and provide a foundation for managing traffic without compromising on performance and improving reliability. Akamai有联系的地方就没有出口.”

Lawrence goes on to explain that managing content traffic more efficiently also contributes to egress cost reductions. “Akamai has also developed solutions tailored to specific industry needs including video delivery, 内容交付, data, 计算工作负载,他说. “These save customers money on egress costs because we can limit the traffic to their cloud origins and eliminate round trips that increase egress costs for application traffic. We then add to those savings by eliminating egress fees that a customer might typically pay to their cloud provider for intra-platform traffic. Traffic within Akamai’s cloud platform and between the cloud and CDN does not incur egress fees.”

Lederer添加了Bitmovin Live编码器, 输入的“原始来源”可以来自任何地方, but we recommend placing our 住编码器 as close to the ingest origin as possible. 从这个意义上说,他继续说道。, “working with Akamai and their expanding number of global data centers will continue to enhance our joint offering. We can continue adding support for more regions and reduce the distance between our ingest points and single-bitrate contribution devices sending us signals using SRT/RTMP or 紫溪.”

Bitmovin Live编码器目前运行在几个云上, 包括Azure, 谷歌云, 和AWS,除了Akamai. He contends that streamers already using Akamai’s CDN will principally benefit from using 住编码器 for both its ability to respond to variable traffic conditions but also its impact on latency and QoE: “Customers using Akamai as a CDN vendor or wishing to use the Connected Cloud offering can benefit from placing our software in the Akamai互联云 solution. Not only can we deploy rapidly to meet peak traffic demands and then easily scale down again, 我们可以在所有的云, but by outputting our HLS and DASH streams with CMAF to Akamai MSL4 and and the Akamai CDN using CMCD we can reduce latency and increase Quality of Experience.”

He notes that 一个足球’s deployment of 住编码器 上运行的 Akamai is “utilizing both vendors’ combined experience to aid them in fine tuning their setup.”

Bitmovin also promises that streamers deploying 住编码器 with Connected Cloud can leverage its potential to deliver new content monetization opportunities to users, although Lederer hastens to note that “this is not something exclusive to Akamai per se. 在第一季度, we added support for SCTE-35 pass-though in 住编码器 and ran validation tests with SSAI vendors in combination with our player. 当然, 我们可以测试和验证的链中的组件越多, 特别是对于复杂的SSAI工作流, the better we can support our customers when they come to configure these workflows.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Bitmovin's Stream Lab allows for easy testing of streaming experiences across multiple devices and platforms; will debut at NAB


Akamai Cloud Wrapper的目标是消除云源的压力, while Direct Connect solves first-mile problems by avoiding the public internet.
