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The State of Protocols and Formats 2014

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今年是我们第一次以a的形式完成协议和格式的状态 Sourcebook, 但这并不是我们第一次讨论tla——三个字母的首字母缩写, or four in some instances -- that you’ll read about later.

Even for streaming industry veterans, 围绕协议和格式的首字母缩略词可能会变得有点浓. Common usage changes, as do the names sometimes, 今年一个极端的例子就是dash - avc /264(发音为“破折号AVC斜杠二六四”)的出现。, which we will cover in this article.

Here, without further ado, 是一些协议和媒体格式的当前状态吗, as of early 2104.


Advanced video coding (AVC), also known as either H.264 (the International Telecommunications Unions, or ITU, standard) or MPEG-4 Part 10 (the MPEG standard), has been the go-to compression scheme for several years. Able to scale from lower bitrates to high-definition content, AVC的通用性足以用于低延迟场景(如视频会议)。, traditional online delivery, on-demand video, and Blu-ray discs.

The protocol itself is more than 10 years old, 在专用硬件上进行AVC编码的时代已经被使用通用处理器(GPP)(如CPU)进行编码和转码所取代, 以及使用包含数百个处理核心的图形处理器单元(gpu)进行多流处理.

AVC will be with us for at least another decade, 如果历史有什么启示的话:MPEG-2视频编解码器已经有将近20年的历史了, 但它和它的传输协议——MPEG-2传输流, 或M2TS——在今天的现代dvd和广播设备中继续存在. M2TS构成了无线广播和苹果的HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)的基础。, 它使用M2TS作为其基于avc的视频编码的传输流.


Speaking of M2TS and AVC, 2011年底,业界批准了一项名为HTTP动态自适应流(DASH)的交付技术, 试图巩固业界对HTTP流传输的不断分裂的方法.

DASH and HLS both use AVC video encoding. They also both fragment multiple video streams, 哪些内容相同,但分辨率和比特率不同, into small 2–10-second fragments or segments. This fragmentation is done so that a traditional HTTP server, rather than a specialized media server, 可以将这些段作为一系列连续的小文件交付,而不是依赖于专有的或不太流行的协议,如实时传输协议(RTP)。.

在DASH规范中进行了调整,以适应通过M2TS进行的AVC编码, 以此吸引苹果加入MPEG标准委员会,抛弃HLS, 但是到目前为止,大部分的努力都集中在使用碎片化的MP4文件,而不需要M2TS作为传输流.

Adobe, Microsoft, and other industry heavyweights have gotten behind DASH, 微软是最早的采用者,因为ISO基础媒体文件格式和微软的受保护互操作文件格式形成了平滑流和, subsequently, DASH. Adobe announced initial support for DASH in early 2012, 但直到2013年9月底,Adobe才宣布DASH将于2014年在整个Adobe生态系统中得到全面支持.

Wowza希望在其即将推出的Wowza Media Server 4中具有完全的DASH互操作性.0 release, 这意味着业界终于接近了一个通用编解码器的点, format, 和传输协议为在线视频提供了与DVD为光盘媒体播放所提供的相同类型的互操作性——除了讨厌的HLS问题, with the iPhone’s dominant market share of the U.S. smartphone market.

While HEVC might be getting most of the hype, H.264—particularly DASH-AVC/264—is receiving plenty of attention, 2013年底,DASH行业论坛发布了一系列测试用例和载体, with more to come in early 2014. 


If one strips away the M2TS possibilities in DASH, limits the delivery to fragmented MP4, 并将回放指南缩小到分辨率和帧率的特定子集, what do you get? If you guessed DASH-AVC/264, give yourself top marks.

For those who don’t know what DASH-AVC/264 is, DASH行业论坛将其定义为“视频的未来”.” In essence, DASH- avc /264是DASH的一个子集,它试图通过一组DASH编码和解码定义来解决宽带视频的爆炸式普及问题,消费电子(CE)制造商可以使用这些定义来制作“一种通用的传输格式,通过动态适应不断变化的网络条件,为最终用户提供最佳的视频体验。.”

In September 2013, the DASH Industry Forum published version 2.0 of its guidelines, 是什么将CE制造商的高清基线从720p内容播放移动到1080p播放.

720p had initially been chosen, according to the initial guidelines released in May 2013, as a way to balance the need between compression efficiency, content availability, 并且支持在版本1之前发布的现有设备.0 of the DASH-AVC/264 guidelines. 720p基线视频支持使用了渐进式高轮廓3级.1解码器和支持高达1280x720p在30 fps,但新版本2.0指南要求高清内容“高达1920x1080p和30fps是H.264 (AVC) Progressive High Profile Level 4.0 decoder.”

In addition, 指南还提供了一种处理标准定义(SD)内容的方法,因为某些CE设备可能只能使用H来交付.264/AVC主配置文件,而不是高清内容所需的高配置文件.

[C]内容作者可以提供并发出特定的DASH-AVC/264子集的信号,” the guidelines state, 通过提供引用标准定义表示的专用互操作性标识符. This interoperability point is defined as DASH-AVC/264 SD.”

As of early 2014, the DASH Industry Forum 是否定义了一组额外的用例,可以用来测试DASH-AVC/264的合规性.


While DASH was intended to initially address only HD content, 如何超越“真正的高清”或1080p到2K和4K内容播放并不是一个特别紧迫的问题. But the advent of Ultra HD, often referred to as 4K, 这在很大程度上要归功于家电制造商在2014年消费电子展上发布了价格相当合理的超高清显示器.

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