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流媒体 Sneak Preview: Strategic Trends in CTV Advertising and Monetization With Vevo, 伏波, 光谱, 和DIRECTV


流媒体回归纽约市, 数字媒体世界的中心, 5月20-22日 纽约流媒体,由 媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗 并与流媒体编辑团队共同策划. 坐落在曼哈顿的中城东区,光彩夺目 纽约巴克莱洲际酒店, 纽约流媒体 features three days of engaging programming on cutting-edge topics and packed with dynamic panelists and keynote speakers from the upper ranks of the media firmament. 在这个预览系列中, we’ll zoom in for a close-up look at key sessions in the program and the expert speakers who will bring them to life. 

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz will moderate an all-star panel titled "Strategic Trends In CTV Advertising And Monetization." It will focus on key developments in ad and monetization strategy coming to CTV in 2024 and beyond, 有了来自 Vevo 研究部高级副总裁 & 市场营销Julie Triolo, 光谱范围 全球销售副总裁丹·卡拉汉 伏波 广告销售副总裁詹妮弗·蒙森,还有 DIRECTV 广告销售合作主管马修·贾米森.

在Krefetz最近的流媒体杂志文章中, 《百家乐app下载》 她写道,“流媒体货币化的未来会是什么样子? 后高峰时代的电视媒体生态系统是一个美丽的新世界, 并且能够找到你想要的内容, 以你想付出的代价, 会让消费者在未来几年保持警惕吗."

小组成员Julie Triolo 是Vevo的高级研究副总裁 & 市场营销. 此前,她曾担任产品营销副总裁 华纳兄弟. 发现, where she launched products across a portfolio of properties, including 美国有线电视新闻网, HBO马克斯, 漂白剂的报告,以及儿童、家庭和青少年平台套件. 

“CTV是电视的自然进化, 这意味着它已经为创新和进步做好了准备,特里奥罗说. "It’s an intentional viewing environment that’s prime for brands to reach audiences in the right mindset, 当他们对广告最敏感的时候. 事实上, some recent data I’ve seen suggests that viewers find TV ads the most appealing and even have positive perceptions of these ads, 特别是与其他媒体环境相比. 为了迎合这种消费者情绪, brands will increasingly focus their time and investment towards reaching people on CTV."

专家 Dan Callahan is the Group Vice President of National Sales for 光谱范围®, Charter Communications的广告和销售部门. 在这个角色中, Dan oversees all aspects of National revenue generation for our Multimarket, 企业, 编程, 持有公司, 和政治. He is an experienced sales executive with a proven track record of strategy and innovation, 主要增长, 以及行业内的转型.

“As Connected TV continues to evolve, ad buyers need to become more selective," Callahan says. “并不是所有的央视印象都是一样的. 生活内容, 长形式的广告支持视频, 提供透明度的公司将变得更加重要. As will the demand for aggregated and de-identified first-party data that can be used to target audiences and measure campaigns.”

专家 Jennifer Monson是副总裁, 富博的广告销售, the live TV streaming platform whose global mission is to aggregate the best in TV, 包括优质运动, 新闻, 娱乐内容, 通过一个应用程序. 作为广告销售副总裁, Monson leads a team of sales professionals who deliver innovative and effective integrated marketing solutions across all forms of video and digital platforms. She helps shape 伏波’s ad sales strategy to generate ad revenue and develop best-in-class CTV ad campaigns. 拥有超过15年的广告行业经验, 蒙森在不断发展的媒体领域担任销售职务, 满足不同客户和受众的需求.

“随着对CTV广告的投资持续增长, we're seeing advancements across the entire landscape from creative ad units, 把商业和测量结合起来,蒙森说. "AI is a catalyst for even further innovation in CTV advertising to create engaging experiences for audiences that in turn benefit advertisers. There are endless possibilities as we explore 如何 AI can impact advertising across CTV."

"Strategic Trends In CTV Advertising And Monetization" takes place on 5月21日, 纽约流媒体的第二天. 请查看 完整程序在这里 了解更多关于会议的精彩内容.

今天注册流媒体纽约! 早鸟价格(100美元折扣)在4月19日之前有效.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC预览:营销你 & Networking For Keeps With LPG edu, JustWatch, LinkedIn, Paramount, Morgan 搜索 International

周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, 洛丽·格林, LPG edu创始人, 将主持“营销你? & Networking For Keeps," exploring the best ways to promote your brand and network organically. 确认小组成员是摩根搜索国际公司的凯伦·摩根, LinkedIn的Andy Pondillo, 派拉蒙品牌工作室的Dayo Harewood, Sara Demenkoff of JustWatch will discuss 如何 to expand your network without it being transactional and the best ways to build a clientele for a new business.

SMNYC预览:CTV vs. 移动 - Where Is the Value Debate With YumCrunch, Sling, Vevo, Telly, Totem

周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, Mike Duffy of YumCrunch will be moderating a debate about the current value of CTV vs. 移动. 确认小组成员是Sling 免费的stream的Kent Rees, Vevo的Hedvig Arnet, 泰勒的达拉斯·劳伦斯, Steve Crombie of Totem will discuss 如何 to recognize generational and cultural differences in who, 如何, where viewers consume their content and in 如何 user experiences and monetization strategies are crafted for each platform, along with finding the value proposition for each in the current landscape and where the key content categories of premium, 利基市场, 还有社会因素.

SMNYC预览:什么是Premium现在与2E6E6辩论, 票房网络, 图腾全球, 团队吹口哨, 和量子介质

周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, Erica Gruen of Quantum Media Associates will be moderating a panel discussing the creation, 许可, 分布, monetization of premium content—as well as the ROI of investing in it through one means or another, 以及来自2E6E6的内森·库塔的见解, 票房网络的Stan Ruszkowski, 图腾全球公司的史蒂夫·克龙比, 还有团队吹口哨的Joe Caporoso.

Vevo at the IAB NewFronts: Short-Form Optimization for FAST, CTV, OTT, 编程

周四, 5月2日, Vevo, 世界领先的音乐视频网络, 在2024 IAB NewFronts上展示了“观看更多音乐”. 所涉及的主题包括实现覆盖面的挑战, 近因, 相关性, 以及当前流媒体生态系统中的测量, 品牌安全和透明度在FAST中的重要性, Vevo在CTV领域的持续扩张, its ambition to become the world's largest programmatically traded TV network.

SMNYC Sneak Preview: Keynote: Microsoft and Fremantle Beat the BUZZR with Gamified FAST

周二, 5月21日, 微软首席技术官安迪·比奇和弗里曼特尔高级副总裁, Global FAST Channels Laura Florence will present 纽约流媒体's opening keynote. 他们将讨论新的Beat the BUZZR平台, 它是如何将FAST游戏化并资本化电视的, 促成这一切的合作, 以及引擎盖下的人工智能.

流媒体预览:计算而冷却与Netflix, Adeia, 流媒体绿色化, 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会

周三, 5月22日在纽约流媒体, Dom罗宾逊, 创始人, 流媒体的绿化和导演id3as/Norsk, will moderate an all-star panel of leading streaming technology providers and innovators to discuss 如何 to make media's tech stack more cost and energy efficient and implement sound and sustainable best practices throughout the media supply chain, Sujana Sooreddy的见解, Netflix的高级首席软件工程师, Serhad发布, Adeia的首席技术官, 还有蒂姆·弗瑞-西格林, 帮助我流媒体研究基金会的创始执行董事.


Creator-driven广告, 全面动态创意优化, 以及实时上下文信息将出现在联网电视上

纽约流媒体 Sneak Preview: The Subscription Prescription with Philo, 得了, Lightswitch, 和Hub娱乐研究

5月21日,周二,在纽约流媒体,Lightswitch的联合创始人 & CEO of Monica Villar will moderate an all-star panel exploring the ever-shifting landscape of subscription streaming television. Confirmed panelists include Philo Head of Business Development and Partnerships Adam Salmons, 得了营销副总裁Giles Tongue, 以及Hub Entertainment高级顾问Mark Loughney.


流媒体货币化的未来会是什么样子? 后高峰时代的电视媒体生态系统是一个美丽的新世界, 并且能够找到你想要的内容, 以你想付出的代价, 会让消费者在未来几年保持警惕吗.

流媒体纽约预览:痛苦的应用程序与nbc, 赫斯特, 和Hub娱乐研究

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, Hub Entertainment 研究 Principal Jon Giegengack will moderate an all-star panel on streaming app design and the challenges of delivering smooth, 令人满意的, 以及跨一系列平台的一致用户体验. 确认的小组成员包括nbc环球导演, 创意产品香农麦肯齐和赫斯特电视高级副总裁, 流媒体服务安德鲁·菲茨杰拉德. 
