Business and Technology Track

Attention CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, and business development executives: This is your home at Streaming Media East. 这个前瞻性的轨道提供高层次的战略讨论,你可以学习最好的在线视频经济的发展方向. 业务/战略专题将阐述在线视频市场的未来, discussing ways broadcasters, cable & 卫星运营商、mvpd和内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值. It will point to improvements in content creation, acquisition, and monetization, and reveal coming shifts in consumer viewing habits. A sea change is coming to entertainment and sports; this track is for executives who want to ride the wave.


Tuesday, May 8

Track B: Business & Strategy Track


B101. So Many Platforms, So Little Time: Winning the Race for Reach

Tuesday, May 8: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

在当今支离破碎的市场中实现无处不在是一场与时间和百家乐软件限制的竞赛. 供应商必须为数百种不同的连接设备编写应用程序,否则就有可能被更大或更激进的竞争对手抢走市场份额. At the same time, 许多数字优先的内容提供商正专注于社交媒体视频体验, further disrupting the landscape. 该小组汇集了传统和互联网内容提供商,讨论可用于快速有效地扩展跨平台覆盖范围和简化应用商店认证流程的策略.


, Head of Strategy, You.i TV


, Head of Product & Innovation, Local Now, The Weather Group

, Director, Content Acquisition, Roku

, SVP & Chief Technology Officer, A+E Networks


B102. Keep ‘Em Coming Back for More: Best Practices for Online Video Engagement

Tuesday, May 8: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Online video audiences are fickle. There’s so much content out there, from YouTube to Netflix to Hulu, that viewers have little loyalty to any content provider. 但让他们依附于你的服务或内容对你的底线至关重要. Thankfully, 你可以采用一些策略来吸引你的观众,让他们看得更多, watching longer, and coming back day after day. In this session, 与会者将了解如何提高观众对在线视频内容的参与度,以及这最终如何影响你的盈利机会.


, CEO, Streaming Video Technology Alliance


B103. Get Rid of the Silos! Integrating Your Streaming, Videoconferencing, & Unified Communications Solutions

Tuesday, May 8: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Traditionally, streaming and videoconferencing have been deployed as two separate solutions, 但是公司意识到整合这些解决方案可以提供巨大的价值. This trend is increasing as new platforms such as Slack, Cisco Spark, and Microsoft Teams are taking off. 了解组织在与视频流系统集成时如何利用现有的视频会议基础设施作为制作工作室, 视频会议如何允许多个地点的演示者共同参与网络广播, 以及如何将流媒体解决方案作为更大的视频通信预算的一部分进行预算.


, Founder & Managing Director, Howard & Associates


, WW Channels & Alliances, Watson Media & Weather, IBM

, Director, Global Head of Unified Communications & Collaboration, Global Digital Workplace group, BlackRock

, Founder, Roogle Marketing

, Senior Producer, IT, Airbnb


B104. Best Practices for Education & Training Video

Tuesday, May 8: 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

在课堂内外使用视频作为培训工具不再仅仅是一种选择, but rather table stakes for any educational institution. The tools and processes for creating, managing, and delivering live and on-demand content keep evolving, getting easier to use, and providing more functionality. In the midst of this cultural and technical change, what are some of the best practices among schools that have been successful? 我们的小组成员会告诉您什么是有效的,并推荐爬行-行走-运行的实现步骤.


, Chief Evangelist, Panopto


, Distance Education Specialist, Media Technology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California

, Senior I.T. & Multimedia Manager, University of Pennsylvania

, Program Manager, Webcast Producer, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center


B105. CDN Optimization: Working Toward Broadcast Economics & Quality at Scale

Tuesday, May 8: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

While CDN prices have never been lower, OTT delivery continues to weigh heavily on broadcasters’ budgets. Growing audiences, higher resolutions, 更加身临其境的视频体验带来了大规模的技术和业务挑战. 该小组探讨了内容发布商如何平衡固定的每订阅者收入模式和不同的交付成本, while also getting the best quality for their money. This session looks at optimization efforts throughout the delivery workflow, with a special emphasis on CDN, multi-CDN, peer-to-peer, multicast, and in-house delivery solutions.


, Co-Founder and CEO, Streamroot


, Principal Engineer, CBS Interactive

, Managing Principal Solutions Architect, CenturyLink

, Director of Engineering, Video Experience & Optimization, CBS Interactive

, Director and Creative Firestarter, id3as and Contributing Editor,, UK

, CEO, Streaming Video Technology Alliance

, CTO & Co-Founder, Anevia


Wednesday, May 9

Track B: Business & Strategy Track


B201. Must-Have TV: Direct-to-Consumer & the Future of Video Distribution

Wednesday, May 9: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Content creators, multichannel providers, cable networks, 广播电台正在创建直接面向消费者的流媒体选项. 这些新进入者在Netflix等巨头主导的市场中面临挑战, Amazon, and Hulu. This session starts with a review of crucial data points from Altman Vilandrie & Co.关于设备使用、订阅率、内容偏好等方面的最新消费者视频调查. Then, 行业专家小组讨论了新玩家和现有玩家如何吸引更多观众的策略.


, Partner, Altman Solon


, Founder, CEO, The Video Genome Project

, Media Solution Specialist, Eyevinn Technology, Sweden

, CEO, NewsOn

, Director of East Coast Sales, XUMO

, Business Development Director North America, JUMP


B202. Deploying a Studio-Approved Multi-DRM Strategy for Connected & Offline Devices

Wednesday, May 9: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

DRM is a crucial part of any premium OTT service’s monetization strategy. In this session, 来自工作室和运营商的代表将讨论如何确定您的DRM需求和功能, how to complete the studio “DRM questionnaire,” how to deploy encryption and license delivery APIs, best practices for key management and authentication, why you need premium SDKs for device playback, and understanding unique aspects of Apple FairPlay.


, CEO and Founder, BuyDRM


, Principal Software Engineer, FuboTV

, Partner, IDVIU

, Director, Global Sales and Business Development, Google/Widevine

, Solutions Architect, Ooyala


B203. Real-World VR/360° Use Cases

Wednesday, May 9: 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

360°流媒体是虚拟体验现场音乐和体育赛事的绝佳方式. But is it just a fad, as 3D TV turned out to be, 或者它是否开始为那些无法亲临现场的人提供一些最身临其境的体验? Come find out how companies are using VR/360° today, and decide whether it’s a flash in the pan or here for the long-term.


, Chief Evangelist, Panopto


, Product Manager, Disney-ABC

, CEO & Co-founder, SVRF

, Managing Director, Gigcasters

, CEO and Founder, Pixvana, Inc.


B204. Mining for Content—Five Ways Blockchain Is Disrupting Entertainment

Wednesday, May 9: 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Streaming technologies disrupted our ideas of how consumers tune in, listen, and watch, and yet we are still far from perfect in terms of distribution, access, and profitability for content creators. These business models are now again ripe for disruption. 区块链技术最初因其革命性的金融交易处理方式而受到称赞, but it can be used for far more. Ethereum, NEO, 其他去中心化账本可以让开发者构建支持共享经济的应用和平台,从而在未来掀起更大的波澜. 本演讲探讨了一些采用区块链技术的新兴商业模式, how blockchain satisfies challenges for media, and how to spur growth and further media consumption with greater control.


, Streaming Industry Evangelist, Wowza Media Systems

Tracks & Special Events

Business and Strategy Track

Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, and business development executives: This is your home at Streaming Media East. 这个前瞻性的轨道提供高层次的战略讨论,你可以学习最好的在线视频经济的发展方向.

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Technology and How-to Track

Created for CTOs, engineers, and developers who want one thing: solutions. 视频生态系统是平台和设备的碎片化组合:向专业人士学习如何消除瓶颈并交付结果.

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AI, Machine Learning, and the Future of Everything Track

本课程将探讨这个美丽新世界的技术、金融和伦理含义. Don’t get left behind! 你会对如何使你的整个操作更聪明有更深的理解, faster, and more profitable.

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Discovery Track

在这方面的会议是教育和演讲,通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究, provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific technologies or vendors. Open to all conference attendees and Discovery Pass holders.

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Video Marketing Power Summit

视频营销力量峰会是一个为期一天的会议,我们将探讨广告商和出版商面临的障碍, offering strategies for reaching consumers where they live, work, and shop. 

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Content Delivery Summit Logo

The Content Delivery Summit is a one-day conference that brings together carriers, telcos, ISPs, 以及高级内容所有者,详细了解用于交付和加速web内容的技术和平台.

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Live Streaming Summit Logo

直播峰会专注于在多屏幕上提供大型直播活动和直播线性渠道所固有的挑战和机遇. Sessions will address every step of the live video workflow, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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Streaming Media University Logo

流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. 流媒体东2018系列研讨会为与会者提供了深入了解在线视频和流媒体技术的机会,并提供了良好的理论和实践技术,成为在线视频领域的佼佼者.

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