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Canon's XC15 Allows for 4K Video and Pro Audio in Small Form-Factor Camera

Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic and Canon Pro Market Rep Alex Sax discuss Canon's new XC15 4K camera, which combines 310Mbps 4K video with pro-quality audio in a compact design.

Stjepan: I'm here with Canon Pro Market Rep Alex Sax in the Canon booth, 我们说的是佳能的4K XC15. 亚历克斯,跟我们说说这个相机.

Alex: If you think about a DSLR, it's a still camera that we put video into. We kind of went the other way on this one--the XC15 is a video camera that we added a mechanical shutter to. So it's really optimized for video, but also takes really great, 12 megapixel JPEGs.

But what's really nice is kind of the ergonomics of the camera. 这是一个固定镜头, but I have this really nice grip on the side that can kind of give me some low-angle shots, 或者我想在上面做点什么. 它的后面有一个非常漂亮的环, 你有一个显示器, but it's got this little eye piece that can go on the back that you can easily pull it off and just do touchscreen autofocus.

这就像一个小型热杆相机. It's got a really powerful engine on the inside of it. So fixed lens, one sensor, but it's doing 4K at 310 Megabits per second. 如果你把它放在上下文中,我们最初的C300? 每秒50兆比特. This thing packs a lot of power inside of a small package.


阿莱克斯:24-240. 它给了你所需要的一切. And then we make a screw-on wide-angle if you need something a little bit wider.

日本:这个范围很广. I would imagine this is great in run-and-gun situations, documentaries, remote locations.

亚历克斯:绝对. And we have Log inside of it, so it's meant to work in the ecosystem with the rest of our cameras. But it's also designed to be a very, very simple camera to use. So if you're someone who doesn't have a lot of shooting experience but you want a really high quality 4K, or if you have a director on set who doesn't have a lot of shooting experience, 这是一款很棒的相机, to get that intimate feel where t嘿're not walking around with a giant camera, t嘿're the ones who sometimes can get access to like the stars backstage. 这么说真是太好了, 嘿, 只要触摸屏幕, hit the record button and you're going to be flying.

Stjepan: Tell me a little bit more about the Audio Box and how that connects to the camera?

亚历克斯:所以XC15比XC10更独特, it has this little Audio Box and plug that can go 正确的 on the top. And it gives you full XLR and audio controls on this. So if you're looking to do really high-end audio as well, 我们现在把盒子和它结合在一起. And what's really amazing is, the same box works on our C300 Mark II.

斯蒂潘:实际上, 这是另一个伟大的观点, is you were talking about earlier where you were talking about the Canon C700, 但这也与300匹配得很好, 100年, 其他佳能相机甚至更高的档次, 正确的?

亚历克斯:没错. 上面有我们的原木,所以你可以搭配颜色. 现在传感器小了很多, 镜头固定在这里, so it's not going to perform as well as some of our cinema cameras with the interchangeable lens, 但它确实是一个很好的安装工具. 我喜欢把它想象成, 如果我需要一个固定的相机, 很多Go Pro可以去的地方, 你可以安装这个, and then you have the flexibility of telephoto or wide angle, 加上对数, 加上音频控制. 所以这是一件很好的事情. 它还需要我们的单反电池, 如果你已经在这个系统里了, it's the same exact LPE6 battery that fits 正确的 in there. 如果你已经在那个工作流程中了, 你会说, 伙计,我不想去5D4, 有点太贵了, 或者我想要使用起来非常简单的东西, 这是一个很好的选择.

Stjepan: Total weight-wise, with the Audio Box and everything, what are we looking at?

阿莱克斯:我不知道确切的重量. 感觉有三四磅重.

日本:非常轻. 绝对很轻.

阿莱克斯:还不错. 你知道, the Audio Box takes some of the ergonomics out of it, so if you're going to be running and gunning with the audio, 记住这一点, 但是盒子掉下来了,它非常, 非常好,非常不显眼. 这就是我喜欢它的原因. So it really gets those candid moments that you really are searching for.

Stjepan:绝对. Alex, where can people go to learn more information about the XC15?


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