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How Lockheed Martin Has Enhanced Streaming Quality and Value

If the initial phase of the pandemic ushered in a "good enough for Zoom" aesthetic in corporate meetings and enterprise streaming, good enough wasn't good enough for long for companies like Lockheed Martin, which quickly moved to bring higher production value and creativity to their hybrid events and raise the stakes for streaming-based corporate communications. Creative Director of Space Eric Hards explains and illustrates Lockheed's approach in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

埃里克·毛屑:When I started doing our webcasts here at Lockheed Martin, it was pretty much in a meeting room somewhere with a couple of cameras and maybe lighting. And we were looking at how over the last couple of years, 特别是通过COVID, trying to really scale our operations to strategically decide upon what we're gonna webcast. 当我们开始的时候, pretty much any of our employees who wanted a webcast to communicate with mostly internal audiences could have one--you just had to request one. But we started looking at how we could increase the production value of those without necessarily increasing the budget. And so we started looking strategically at what type of communications need this type of event? 或者它可以是Zoom或Skype而不是网络广播?

所以我们开始划清界限, and once we did that and we looked at just the strategic value of those events, we were able to then take the remaining budget and then look at increasing the overall quality of the production. And that's kind of what we've been doing the last couple of years--deciding, 关于我们的事件, 这可能没有战略价值, 不管是因为演讲的类型, 人们在谈论, 传递的信息, 然后将其转化为生产价值. 所以是多摄像头. 我有一个, 举几个例子, that I could share out on adding just simple things like additional lighting and then jib operators and essentially turning it into a little bit more of the type of show you might actually want to pay attention to.

And we found that we get longer audience viewing through that process. 根据我们发出的调查, 我们得到, 我们相信, a longer retention of that information because it is more interesting to watch. So that's probably the biggest thing that we're moving towards--just kind of deciding, 我们要做的这块的价值是多少? And if it is definitely strategic value, giving it that extra production value. This is kind of a good example [that I'm sharing here]--a looping video, with just a jib operator. And this was shot during COVID, as you can kind of tell from the people who were there.

The other note that I wanted to make here is the venue that you see here. We had the opportunity during COVID to design some new employee spaces in some of our buildings, 我们实际上把生产融入其中. 你可以从这些图片中辨认出来, 比如在楼顶附近的这片区域, 我们安装了机器人照明设备, LED屏幕, audio. The camera operator that's back here actually has floor plugin so they can plug in directly into the system. And then we have a control booth that's just off to the right here that allows us to control all this from a single location. We worked directly with our facilities when they were going to revamp the space and said, “让我们把它变成一个多功能空间. Let's make it a space that we can use for these types of presentations in the process and not be taping cables to floors and, 诸如此类的事情."

欲知详情,请浏览 流媒体东部2023.

The demand for internal and external virtual meetings and events in the enterprise has grown exponentially in the last three years. How can streaming service and platform providers help enterprises navigate their options and manage costs and expectations? Experts from LinkedIn and EY offer key insights from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.