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Telestream's Scott Murray discusses how the Sherpa live event production technology Telestream acquired in 2021 has transformed its approach to internal meetings and corporate events and enabled new hybrid and virtual event production models for their clients as well in this talk from 流媒体 West 2022.

Telestream 在大流行期间获得了夏尔巴, they encountered technical issues during their virtual corporate meetings while using services such as Microsoft Teams. 然而,斯科特·默里,企业营销高级副总裁 & 制作和流媒体业务部门,Telestream说 安迪•霍华德创始人 & 董事总经理霍华德 & 的同事 that Sherpa’s live event production technology changed their approach to internal meetings and corporate events and enabled new hybrid and virtual event production models for their clients.

“我们过渡到利用 夏尔巴人流 产品的分销,”默里说. “Then what happened was we got better engagement with our people around the globe that were watching the live streams.” He goes on to highlight how 夏尔巴人流 also helped to enhance their new hybrid events involving their CEO’s monthly town hall events. “我们有一个混合的活动,人们就像这样在观众中, the live stream is happening [for] people at home that are working remotely and also to other audiences that are at remote offices where a bunch of people will gather together and watch on a big screen and then interact with the CEO at that point in time. And so what's happened is migrating from Microsoft Teams to this platform has facilitated more conversation, 更多的问题.”

安迪·霍华德问:“那你是在 Wirecast and then sending it out to Sherpa, whether it’s going into an office or someone’s house?”

Murray说是的,然后进一步阐述了他们的方法. “Sherpa is all cloud-native and so it's very easy to redirect the output from Wirecast to a virtual camera and run it into the virtual input and just squirt it up to the cloud for distribution,他解释道. “我们还发现,我们的很多客户也选择了这种模式.”

He talks about a particular case that posed unique challenges and discoveries for Telestream. “We've got this customer that has this environment where they have a hybrid environment with a lot of people in the office, 有时可能多达100人甚至更多,他说. “所以,大约有一百人把它从云端拉下来. 它耗尽了所有的带宽. 所以在现场的人,它耗尽了所有的带宽, 所以他们不能去云端做任何工作. So one of [our] learnings is when you create this hybrid environment with a local CDN, make sure your routing tables are correct so that your 网work topology actually pulls from the CDN as opposed in going back to the cloud.”

霍华德用和霍华德相似的问题强调了穆雷的故事 & 同事们遇到过. “很多人选择了完全虚拟的环境, 每个人都从他们的房子里把小溪拉进来, 所以从来没有真正的带宽争夺,他说. “许多组织都对其内部网络进行了改进, 我们已经看到,即使人们有10个, 20, 30%的人回到了办公室, they're having troubles with bandwidth because there's just so much more video. 不管它是 变焦, 视频会议, 或流, 它正在吞噬所有的带宽, 他们并没有为此做好准备. 甚至有些人会说, “好吧, we got rid of our Enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN) because we don't need it anymore.“就像,什么? 人们总有一天会回到办公室, 你仍然需要基础设施.”

了解更多关于现场活动制作的信息 流媒体东部2023.

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