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How the Pandemic Has Changed Production and Post

Will pre-pandemic video production budgets ever return? Will postproduction collaboration remain remote? White Label Productions' 克里斯 Wagner and Culture House's Nicole Galovski discuss the challenges producers and editors face in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.

了解更多关于远程生产的信息 流媒体东部2022.


布雷特萨平顿: How about on the production side, 克里斯 and Nicole--what changes are you seeing? We talked about companies being rolled up into larger companies. 对低成本生产的需求总是存在的. 但是预算会增加吗??

克里斯·瓦格纳: 不,它们不会增加. When 2008 hit and the market crashed, all the budgets went down. 每个人都在哭穷. Advertising dollars aren't pouring in anymore, et cetera. 然后, 在那之后, with just organic inflation and the market bounced back eventually, 预算再也没有增加. So, lasting change from that crash, we saw smaller staffs, less cameras out in the field, et cetera. So no, I don't think that they will, I'm sure that they will not go up. You're always gonna have the tentpole event show. But I think the lasting change we'll see from this is technology, 无论是现场还是后期制作. 更多的效率. I wonder what office space will look like, just standard office space rental. 还有什么? 我认为这些是最大的问题. 不幸的是,这是一场全球流行病, 它迫使每个人, 无论是个人还是职业, to re-evaluate their priorities and what's important, 以及如何把事情做得更好.

布雷特萨平顿: 妮可,思想?

妮可Galowski: 总感觉预算在减少. 我们有一些相当健康的预算. I think it's always gonna depend on what the content is, too. 我认为这与此密切相关, 但是当你变大的时候, you create a vacuum and somebody else comes and fills that space that can do it at that price.

I'm really interested in the creative process as well. The creative process has been extremely affected. One of the most difficult things about going full-on remote was the water cooler talk, 或者可以突然出现, or people just overhearing some of the conversations that were happening. 都没了, 呆在房间里的感觉, 就像一个作家的房间, in which you get to bounce ideas off of each other and have lots of time and just pop in or steal somebody for a little bit to have that creative brainstorm. It doesn't necessarily translate to these Zoom calls or phone calls or whatever. 我们已经学会了这么做, 很明显, but I don't know that it still gets to the essence of what we had before.

编辑也是一样. 太棒了,太棒了, 克里斯, that you're looking overseas for postproduction and things, but not being in an edit room is just mind-blowing and slows it down so much. When you go back and forth on five emails and five phone calls, 然后, 如果你只是坐在那里, 应该是五秒钟. 我认为如果办公室可以回来, we can re-create that creative energy and be able to bring people together. That is same thing for postproduction and being able to facilitate those creative elements. 但除此之外, I feel like a lot of people are now getting pretty happy, 可以住在他们想住的地方, and with the quality of life that they wanna have. And so I think people are starting to figure out the sacrifices that they're willing to make within their careers or their process to facilitate those things.

布雷特萨平顿: 有趣的. 好吧, it sounds like there there's a type of gravity in terms of having the postproduction team together and to be able to be all in one room. Is that enough to where that part of the of the industry comes back? Do you feel like that's going to return, or will it remain remote?

妮可Galowski: 我觉得这很难说. 不同的创作者会有不同的立场. I will be hard pressed to do another remote edit after doing this. And we're just in this really intense postproduction with a postproduction team of 10 that are all working at different places, and there's been lots of technologies that have risen up to be able to fill that need. But the times that I have gotten to work with an editor in person, it just goes so fast. And you almost forget when you're doing this remote work, how fast it can actually be. So I do think that elements of postproduction and writers' rooms and preproduction will, 会回来的. 但很难说其他所有的事情都是如此.