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How to Create a Dynamic Corporate Identity Video

Check out videoBIO President and CEO's new trailer for her 流媒体 Producer Live 2014 session, How to Create a Dynamic Corporate Identity Video!

It’s the most-requested video of all time—the corporate introduction video! But just because it’s popular doesn’t make it easy to do. In fact, it’s one of the toughest videos to do well. What goes into a great corporate introduction or corporate identity video? 理想的长度是多少? What should be featured and what gets cut? Who on your team should be weighing in on the creation of the corporate identity video? 在本次会议上, part of the Strategic Track at 流媒体 Producer Live 2014, videoBIO president and CEO 凯瑟琳芬耐尔 will explore three winning content formulas for the corporate identity video. We will also review three distinct visual production styles that you can use to get your message across.

凯瑟琳芬耐尔 will present S105: How to Create a Dynamic Corporate Identity Video at 4:00pm on November 18, 2014 at 流媒体 Producer Live in Huntington Beach, 加州.



Anthony Burokas previews his 流媒体 Producer Live 2014 session, "T205: Audio Mixing for Live Production."
St. Jepan Media presents a trailer for his marketing and branding session at 流媒体 Producer Live, November 18-19 in Huntington Beach, 加州.
安东尼问. 阿提斯动物园, author of the Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Guide, will present an all-day workshop and a Tuesday morning keynote at 流媒体 Producer Live 2014 on November 17-18 in Huntington Beach, CA. Check out Anthony's video trailer for the workshop and keynote for a sneak preview of what he'll be presenting at the event.
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Shawn Lam of Shawn Lam Video presents a video trailer for his 流媒体 Producer Live 2014 Technical Track session, "Choosing Cameras for Live Video Switching and Webcasting."
VideoBIO President and CEO 凯瑟琳芬耐尔 presents a trailer for her 流媒体 Producer Live 2014 session, "S102: How to Build an Amazing In-House Video Team."
Anthony Burokas provides a sneak preview of his 流媒体 Producer Live 2014 seminar, T203: Choosing a Video Switcher, 他将在周三做报告, November 19 at 11:30 AM in Huntington Beach, 加州.