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Interview: Adobe Director of Video Project Management Bill Roberts

1月时坐下来与Bill Roberts讨论影响视频专业人士Adobe Creative Suite未来方向的趋势, 包括3D的衰落, 4K的兴起, 第二屏幕观看. 其他话题包括Creative Cloud的发展,以及Apple Final Cut Pro X的发展轨迹.

最近, 我和比尔·罗伯茨聊了聊, Adobe's Director of Video Project Management, 关于影响视频专业人士Creative Suite未来方向的趋势, which should see another significant release around mid-2013, based on Adobe's 12–18-month release cycle. 你可能会怀疑, the conversation veered into topics like the success of the Creative Cloud, 和Apple Final Cut Pro X.

Adobe Director of Video Project Managament Bill Roberts

3 d vs. 4K

SMP: What trends do you see driving the next few releases of the Creative Suite?

罗伯茨: 首先想到的是采用高帧率4K格式进行获取. Adobe just finished exhibiting at 国米蜜蜂 in Japan, which is similar to NAB here in the States. There we showed 4K workflows with JVC and Sony.

It's pretty clear that the 3D craze for the home is dying down. Panasonic recently announced that they were dropping their 3D TV sets, while Sony announced that they were rolling out 4K sets. 日本已经准备好了向4K的转变,因为他们很早就采用了高清,当时它是基于磁带的格式驱动的. When these producers move to 4K, they'll need a file-based workflow, which we first added to CS6 via Adobe Prelude. 许多来到国米蜜蜂展台的制作人都对《百家乐软件》和我们的4K支持感到非常兴奋.

SMP: How will this drive CS6 development?

罗伯茨: 幸运的是, 因为我们设计的所有产品都优化了原生格式的编辑,无论帧大小或帧速率如何, it's simple to add support for most new 4K formats as vendors release them. We just tell our users they need faster hard drives.


SMP:你认为还有哪些大趋势会影响Creative Suite的发展?

罗伯茨: 我们认为有趣的是,奥运会是如何真正让人们关注第二屏幕体验的. 英国广播公司(英国广播公司), which is one of our strategic customers, 并将2012年奥运会作为一个转折点,发表技术声明,创造强大的第二屏幕体验.

They tracked viewership through the day, 发现白天的主要消费平台是电脑, 通勤时用手机,晚上在客厅的大屏幕电视旁边用平板电脑看电视. 观众希望在大屏幕上观看现场直播,并使用第二个屏幕来赶上现场直播.

Data from 英国广播公司 blog post on Olympic viewing.

They also liked the greater selection offered online, which incorporated up to 24 different streams, and features like chapter marking, which allows viewers to revisit content like Usain Bolt's 100m win, 点击13,000倍.

英国广播公司(英国广播公司)'s overall numbers were staggering—他们报告了5500万个全球浏览器和1200万个设备请求,以及1.06亿个跨平台的视频请求. If all the video that was watched was viewed consecutively, 要除以7,需要一千年才能完成. NBC has honed their second screen-experience dramatically over the years, particularly with Sunday Night Football, which is designed to augment--not replace--the TV viewing experience.

Adobe has been pounding the multiscreen drum for a while now; as you know, we added many mobile-oriented presets to CS6, 加上平行H.264 encoding when rendering a single source file to multiple renditions. So what we saw around the Olympics both in the UK and US was a nice validation. So look for more presets and encoding efficiencies in future versions.

两种类型的噪音会降低你拍摄视频的音频:一种是随机的噪音,比如麦克风的咔哒声和砰的一声, and consistent noises like white noise or air conditioning hum. This tutorial demonstrates how to remove both of them in Adobe Audition CS6.
“48小时电影计划”为电影人提供了一个成名、荣耀和释放创造力的机会, along with the insanity of producing a film from pre to post in two days. 斯科特Strimple, editor of award-winning 48HFP entries two years running, recounts what it was like putting together this year's film. 在第二部分中,他将讨论Apple Final Cut Pro X在剪辑和交付电影中发挥的重要作用,并节省了9分钟的时间.
A new feature in Adobe Photoshop CS6 allows editing and rendering for streaming, and includes keyframeable effects and clip-layering.
在流媒体西部的红地毯上,简·奥泽(1月时)坐在一起,回顾这场秀的亮点和关键要点, including live streaming using the cloud, the exploding market for live stream applications, the Logitech Broadcaster Wi-Fi Webcam, Livestream工作室HD500, and the ongoing reality/perception divide on Flash and HTML5.
在本教程中,您将学习如何在Adobe Premiere Pro CS6中使用亮度最大化视频的亮度和对比度, 对比, and Gamma Correction controls for effective and balanced adjustments.
The histogram and the waveform in Apple Final Cut Pro X are effective, 易于掌握的工具,提供清晰的输入,你需要诊断和解决对比度问题,在你的视频简单和智能. 在这个视频教程中,视频编辑和编码专家1月时解释了它们是如何工作的.
Video encoding and editing expert 1月时 provides three useful tips that will enhance your workflow and get you out of some editing jams in your Adobe Premiere Pro projects: editing audio without unlinking; Fill Left and Fill Right to create stereo audio; and creating nested sequences for smoother edits and creating reusable set pieces in your projects.
在本视频和文本教程中,Luisa Winters解释了如何使用新的和增强的多摄像头监视器,以便在Adobe Premiere Pro CS6中快速高效地进行多摄像头编辑.
在Final Cut Pro X和Premiere Pro CS6之间有很多比较, with most focusing on features and workflows. 本文讨论了一系列多格式基准测试,这些测试分析了两个程序之间的性能比较.
The new version of Adobe Media Encoder, 包括在刚刚发布的CS6系列中,以及作为一个独立的产品, offers significant improvements in usability and performance, 还有新功能. Here's what you need to know about it.
In the final installment of the NAB Interviews with Shawn Lam, Shawn与Adobe的Al Mooney讨论了Premiere Pro CS6和Adobe Media Encoder的主要新功能.
When Apple originally released Final Cut Pro 10, the biggest deficit for Pro users was the lack of multicam. 有了10.0.3版本, 苹果公司已经解决了这个问题,具有高功能和易于使用的多摄像机功能, which 1月时 explains in this tutorial.