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The ATEM Television Studio is a software-driven video and audio mixer that, 少于1000美元(美元), allows you to mix up to six cameras down into a single output program feed, 生活. You can also add keys, masks, and titles, and it features a built-in H.264 encoder that puts this little stick of tricks firmly on the webcaster's radar.

虽然它可能有一个地方被用来射击, 开关, 播放成人内容, even in the comparatively tame confines of business or religious broadcasting, the Blackmagic Design ATEM Television Studio is a truly sexy piece of technology.

继续进行严肃的快速技术审查. This is a precursor to a longer piece that should appear in 流媒体 magazine in a few months, once I have run it through its paces in the field a little.


The ATEM Television Studio is a video and audio mixer (or 开关er, as the old guard call it). It allows you to mix up to six cameras down into a single output program feed, 生活. You can add keys, masks, and titles, and it features a built-in H.264 encoder that puts this little stick of tricks firmly on the webcaster's radar.


就在最近的2009年, all the kit that I needed to run a three- or four-camera SD composite video shoot with 生活 encode and IP streaming back to the CDN would fit snugly into the back of a Mercedes VITO Van. The video and audio production and mixing technology alone took up about a sixth of the space in the vehicle, 编码器, 切换, 监控又占了三分之一, 剩下的用来装电缆, UPS和座椅.

My kit bag with the ATEM TV Studio in it fits in a briefcase. 用我的笔记本电脑, iPad, 这个包里还有一个小型便携式CellMux, the contents of my briefcase provide not only an equivalent capability to the kit in the VITO, 而是采用改进的SDI或HDMI高清标准, 和硬件H.264 encoder instead of a dual pair of software-based encoders (which, 虽然更灵活, 不太可靠).

With the ATEM in my kit, I can carry a six-channel TV station in a single bag.


If Blackmagic Design had included an analog input-instead of the higher-quality, but less common AES / EBU digital audio input--I wouldn't have to carry the Tascam Audio converter (which, 而光, 比较大). 这似乎是各种论坛上常见的抱怨. 虽然我也喜欢机架形式因素在某些方面, I would also like to see the unit small enough to drop into a shoulder bag (rather than stick out). 考虑到这是一个简单的机箱布局问题, I would hope to see Blackmagic Design introduce more field-ready (rather than data center-ready) form factors in time.

The other shortcoming I found is that while the app supports loading the media slots of the device with image files, it appears I need a more expensive and bulkier model to load animations/ MOVs and so on into the media slots--its really a question of adding a little memory to the device.

This is the first ATEM model that isn't a rackmount 开关er but rather an all-in-one 开关er with hardware control panel.
Now featuring a new interview from NAB 2013 on the Sound Devices Pix240i, this article looks at a handful of portable and rackmount external video recorders for 生活 HD production, specifically in the role of recording the master program feed from a 生活 开关.
Faculty and students in the Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism, 九月开始, will have access to a broadcast grade HD television studio built around Blackmagic Design products, including the ATEM 2 M/E Production Switcher and ATEM 2 M/E Broadcast Panel
This article is the fourth in a series on webcast video production and discusses video 开关ers, including the cost and features that differentiate several popular models.