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Review: Blackmagic Design HyperDeck Studio HD Plus

If you are in the business of recording and streaming conferences, the Blackmagic Design HyperDeck Studio may be an indispensable tool.

In the job of a streaming media producer, you generally have two kinds of shoots: single-camera and multi-camera. 在一般情况下, 客户将希望为视频录制的镜头按需交付, or to save a higher-quality record of what was live streamed.  While most cameras that can internally live stream, 有些人喜欢佳能XF705, cannot record and stream at the same time. For multi-camera shoots where you have a switcher, along with the individual camera footage, 你经常可以通过记录切换器的程序输出来减少编辑时间. 的 HyperDeck Studio HD Plus is a good tool for accomplishing these tasks, whether you are shooting in a studio or in a fixed location in a venue. This unit would be difficult to use on location in many instances, even though it has a 12v DC input as well as AC power.

单位本身(图1) is not terribly large, about the size of a large shell U-Matic video tape.  对于熟悉传统记录的人来说,控制非常简单, 玩, 停止, 倒带, 快进控制. In addition, there is a button for toggling between the HDMI and SDI inputs.

图1. 的 Blackmagic Design HyperDeck Studio HD Plus front panel


用于设置设备, 在前面板的最右边有一个旋转旋钮来辅助菜单和设置按钮,这个旋钮有助于在2英寸视频监视器上的各种菜单项之间移动. 监视器显示正在输入或播放的视频,以及用于音频的VU仪表.  的re is a 1/4" headphone jack for monitoring audio. 如果你没有耳机, 您可以按住左上角的扬声器按钮,激活一个小型单声道扬声器, so you can verify you are getting sound.  一旦你放手,它就会关闭. 

的 most important thing that you will do in the menu is set the codec. 你有三个选择:H.264, Pro Res和DNxHD (Avid). H有四种质量设置.264,但是你不能录制4K. 如果你想输出4K H.264文件,你必须先在Pro Res或DNxHD录制,然后通过另一个程序将其编码为4K. 第二件最重要的事情是设置正确的音频通道数量.

Once you’ve set all of the recording parameters, 开始录音, all you need to do is hit the Record button. 的 unit itself detects the incoming resolution, so that is pretty simple. 我使用 the HyperDeck hooked up to the output of a Blackmagic Teranex 表达 to up-res standard definition to HD, and it was fairly simple. HyperDeck Studio HD Plus检测到较大的分辨率,然后调整编解码器比特率以匹配. When using this unit with the Teranex 表达 to up-res, you need to make sure you use the Teranex settings. Otherwise you get unstable video, no video, or quarter-screen output. 如果你输出的视频分辨率超过1080p,这些设置是必要的. 第一个, 确保输出设置为12G, 而不是“12G四分频”,” which divides the image between the two outputs and loop-outs. 下一个, 将引用设置为“外部”,” even if you don’t have external sync being input to the connector. 这让我抓狂了一年多,直到我终于从他们的技术支持那里得到了正确的建议.


我一直在我的传输系统中使用HyperDeck Studio HD Plus来数字化旧录像带, 到目前为止,它运行得完美无缺. 与Teranex 表达 (下面的图2)——或者其他标准转换器——Hyperdeck绝对可以提升您的业务.??  

图2. 我使用HyperDeck Studio Plus(上)和Teranex 表达(下)的传输设置

Since the HyperDeck Studio HD Plus has only digital HDMI and SDI inputs, 如果你想使用模拟源, you will need an analog-to-digital converter. Blackmagic Design制作了许多 迷你转换器; one I find useful is the Analog-to-SDI converter.  的re are several others out there from AJA,以及其他不同质量的品牌.


For field use, the HyperDeck has a 12v, 4-pin XLR power input. 如果我要在战场上使用它, 没有交流电源的地方, 我可能会使用我的旧安东/鲍尔相机电池的适配器,并调整它插入12v插头. If you need a field recorder designed for field use, I recommend Blackmagic Design’s Video Assist monitor.


使用HyperDeck时,您可以灵活地记录媒体. 的re are two SDXC slots in front and a USB-C port on the rear panel (下面的图3).

图3. HyperDeck Studio HD Plus后面板

对H.264 recording, pretty much any V30 SDXC Card will work. For UHD ProRes or DNxHD recording, you will need V90 cards. 我使用 OWC Atlas 256GB卡 我为一个客户把一段婚礼视频从Umatic转到了4K ProRes. I also liked using the USB-C port with a portable SSD.

我将LaCie 500GB强固型硬盘和他们的2tb便携式固态硬盘连接起来,以便进行更长的录音工作. 的 HyperDeck Studio is great for recording long jobs in the field, and not having to worry about swapping cards as they fill up. For standard definition transfers of H.264, the 2TB cards will record over 360 hours! 我使用这些LaCie驱动器的唯一问题是,2TB驱动器喜欢在Mac上格式化为Ex-FAT,以便被HyperDeck看到.


Is there anything not to like about this device? I only found one thing that bothered me: 的re is no power switch. Once you plug in the HyperDeck Studio, it’s on. 如果你想关掉它,你必须拔掉插头,这取决于你的设置,可能是一个真正的麻烦. I’m not sure how much Blackmagic saved in manufacturing costs for this, 但我不敢相信这是值得的. 

Overall I found the HyperDeck Studio simple to setup and use. 的 quality of the recorded video is very good. 我现在的H.264 encoding setup uses a Blackmagic Design H.264 Pro Recorder going into an older HP Z800 workstation. 的 HyperDeck Studio HD Plus takes up a tenth of the space.

我可以很容易地将它集成到我的传输设置中,并使用它来记录我在一年中拍摄的多个会议. 能够记录多个摄像机和PowerPoint演示文稿的混合切换到HyperDeck Studio HD Plus, with a hard drive attached to record for the whole day, it will be a lot better than juggling multiple SD cards.

If you are in the business of recording and streaming conferences, the Blackmagic Design HyperDeck Studio may be an indispensable tool.

In this interview from the Blackmagic Design booth at NAB 2024, Blackmagic Design的Bob Caniglia和流媒体的Shawn Lam讨论了Blackmagic如何使制作人能够将4K和高清信号转换为SMPTE 2110,以便他们可以跨IP网络移动内容, 他们的新开源2110 IP编解码器和新的配备10g端口的Blackmagic Design相机支持它,如PYXIS 6K和URSA Cine 12K.
In this review, we'll look at Blackmagic Design's 7" 12G Video Assist. Like the 5" and 3G models in the Video Assist line, 这种小巧的监测记录仪被设计成可以进入野外并与摄像机相连, 钻井平台, 或三脚架. 它能让你比小型取景器或弹出式LCD更清楚地看到你拍摄的照片,大多数专业摄像机的屏幕很少大于三四英寸. 视频辅助还使您能够以高达4Kp60的分辨率以高质量的ProRes或HD|NX记录您的镜头.
的 Blackmagic Design Television Studio ATEM HD8 ($2,995美元)和HD8 ISO(3美元),995) are all-in-one HD video switcher/broadcast control panels. 就其本身而言,它们是非常有能力的高清视频切换适合工作室安装和远程制作. 这些开关的神奇之处在于,当与其他支持的黑魔法装备配对时, 它们可以解锁独特的生产工作流程解决方案,这些解决方案易于实施,并且远远超出了您期望桌面视频切换器能够自行完成的功能.
Bob Caniglia的Blackmagic设计与马克·富兰克林谈论Blackmagic的最新相机, 转换器, 和解决 in this presentation from NAB 2023.
Dropping by the Blackmagic Design booth at NAB 2023, Shawn Lam of 流媒体 and SLV Live caught up with Bob Caniglia, Blackmagic's Director of Sales Operations, 北美, to talk about the dynamic lineup of ATEM Television Studio 转换器, 高亮显示, 当然, the newest model that debuted at this year's show, 美丽的4.