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When I met up with Philip Nelson, NewTek’s Chief Relationship Officer, 去年晚些时候参加了新泰克TriCaster Mini的演示, 那是在公司总部一个不起眼的地方, 一种休息室/聚会区,偶尔用于公司内部活动. 这可不是纽泰克用来展示其高端tricaster的炫目训练室, 哪一个可以达到数万美元.

But that was sort of the point. 对于一家公司来说,TriCaster Mini是一种回归本源的产品,它能够提供一款视频混音产品,而其他视频混音或视频切换器公司甚至不会认为它的价格足够高,可以作为他们昂贵得多的解决方案的附件.

In this nondescript space, sitting a folding table, 纳尔逊承诺:我会对TriCaster Mini的速度印象深刻, his two cameras, a USB-based external monitor, 甚至还有一个绿色的屏幕——所有这些都可以装进一个半手提式背包里——将被安装好并准备投入生产.

Less than five minutes later, 根据新科技公关主管斯科特·卡罗的计时器显示, I was convinced. Philip was ready to begin recording, 有两个小灯和一个相机的三脚架,另一个相机安装在桌面上, 在迷你TriCaster和外接USB显示器旁边. 这就像是在观看我们许多人使用的跑动射击生产技术的未来版本, 但完成低三分之一的图形,甚至一个虚拟集.

By now, 下个月的全国广播协会(NAB)贸易展即将到来, 你可能读过一两篇关于TriCaster Mini的评论, 为这么小的设备兜售它的超大功能.

My review is going to be a bit different, 因为我关注的是那些让Mini值得考虑的小细节, both from functional and workflow standpoints.

Form Factor

没有审查的TriCaster迷你将是完整的没有提及的形式因素. For a computer with an integrated screen, plus four HDMI video inputs and two HDMI video outputs, 它的体积还不到以前的一体式视频混音设备的四分之一,比如MediaSite富媒体录像机,甚至是老式的一体式Viewcast Niagara或Pinnacle公文包大小的一体式视频混音设备.

To demonstrate just how small the unit is, look at the image below, 它将所有产品的包装尺寸与iPhone 4s的尺寸进行了比较。Figure 1, below).

Figure 1. 与iPhone 4s相比,TriCaster Mini的部件尺寸.

实际上,发货箱中最大的东西是一个键盘,图1中没有显示它. If you’re thinking about going fully portable, I’d suggest foregoing the wired keyboard and mouse, and carrying a small Bluetooth USB dongle, 这样就可以使用蓝牙鼠标和键盘了.

In my personal business travels, whether to India or Istanbul or just to Iowa, 我旅行时带着一个标有11的背包,里面有一个迷你服务器, along with a laptop, a few changes of clothes, and other essentials. 在背包里,我携带了上面提到的蓝牙加密器-键盘-鼠标组合, plus an Apple TV and two HDMI cables. It’s tight but it works.

如果我把Intel NUC服务器换成TriCaster Mini, 这可能需要我放弃三分之一的服装选择, and would make carrying it on my back, rather than just slinging one strap over my shoulder, essential. But it would definitely be doable, if cameras, microphones, lights, 在我计划拍摄的地点,三脚架已经准备好了.

Said another way, 如果你把TriCaster Mini放进背包里,而不是装满视频设备, but complete with power supply, a few cables, and the Bluetooth combo mentioned above, there would be room to spare. I tried it, and the backpack felt a bit empty, 当你了解到背包底部有多少制作和流媒体能力时,会有一种奇怪的感觉.

To show how compact the TriCaster Mini is, here’s one more shot, 从发货盒里拿出来,和同样的iPhone 4s (Figure 2).

Figure 2. 将TriCaster Mini从发货盒中取出,再次与iPhone 4s进行比较.

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