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Review: Teradek VidiU Go

我发现VidiU Go达到了Teradek专业生产设备的标准, 现在来看看手机, bonded 流媒体 audience.

当您需要绑定无线互联网连接时,有几个选择. But I don't think there's one as integrated as the Teradek VidiU Go. Technically the third iteration of the VidiU system, 原文之后, 然后是Pro, 现在是Go. 它将把你的视频流通过有线以太网、WiFi和两个蜂窝网络连接.


Teradek video Go (下面的图1)使您可以直接将两个专用蜂窝调制解调器连接到设备的任何一侧, plus internal WiFi and 以太网. 所有的天线都使用标准连接,因此它们可以根据需要替换为更大或更定向的天线. This is a key differentiator vis a vis competing systems. Even some of Teradek's earlier solutions, 就像邦德, used consumer USB stick cellular modems for data.

图1. Teradek video Go

用于VidiU Go的Teradek Node调制解调器都安装在设备侧面,并使用标准USB接口供电和数据. SIM卡适合于调制解调器,整个组装感觉非常好. 它不需要一堆u盘挂在两边来把你的流, although that is possible too, if you already have them and prefer to go that route.

VidiU Go有一个易于使用的屏幕和一个突出的红色录制按钮。下面的图2). There's also four-way navigation and enter button on the front.


图2. VidiU Go power and navigation

All of the I/O is on the back and includes: USBc for power, 3.5毫米音频输入,3.5mm headphone, 以太网, HDMI, and SDI. The one exception to this is the Micro SD slot for internal 记录. 它位于调制解调器连接的一侧,但插槽在vidu而不是调制解调器上. 我希望看到这个,而不是在单位的背面访问, and not covered up under an attached Node modem.

Underneath the unit is a small fan to help cool the unit, and a 1/4-20 threaded hole for easy mounting on top of a threaded stand, 摄像机显示适配器, 或者魔法手臂. 坚固耐用的储物盒配有定制的泡沫,配有HDMI, SDI和以太网电缆.

图2中的信息显示显示了每个蜂窝连接的电源和质量. You can easily page through settings for broadcast, 记录, video, audio, 网络, 云, 和系统. When the system is off and charging, tapping the center button of the front panel tells you the battery level.


有很多设备可以压缩视频并将其在线推送到CDN. 从背包里 the Link Pro I reviewed in October, to very inexpensive little handheld units by numerous companies, and even direct integration inside some camcorders, this is becoming very commonplace in today's connected world.

Here is what the VidiU Go brings to the table today:

集成802.11 WiFi to connect to locally available WiFi for upload, or for direct control of the VidiU Go with a handheld device over WiFi. Teradek has a VidiU app for iOS.
• H.265 HEVC for upload to CORE to reduce data transmission costs. While HEVC doesn't work to 目的地 like Facebook yet, 您可以利用CORE转码并将您的流分发到多个目的地.

The VidiU Go does not, 不像Link Pro, share the bonded cellular connection it creates over its own WiFi 网络. The VidiU Go is designed to only connect to local WiFI as a potential inter网 connection for video upload. You can connect to the VidiU Go directly, via WiFi for local adminstration and configuration via the VidiU app.

If you’re not using 当地的无线网络, VidiU Go默认为接入点(AP)模式,您可以将其连接为WAP, 启动应用程序, and configure the device. If you’re using 当地的无线网络 for upload, then you connect both the VidiU Go and the iOS device to the local WAP, and when you 启动应用程序, 它通过局域网寻找视频,这样你就可以管理它了.

CORE and Sharelink: The Other Half

在现场管理多个设备对于派出需要专注于事件的工作人员的管理员来说非常方便, 或者生产, and not trying to configure RTMP 目的地 and IP whatnots in the field. 打开它, 它连接到CORE, and an administrator sets up the 目的地 for this particular stream.

CORE is not required to use VidiU GO. 但是您需要CORE或Sharelink来利用跨蜂窝的绑定能力, 以太网, 当地的无线网络, 热点, 等. CORE和Sharelink还可以从一个上传流传输到多个目的地(图3).

图3. CORE and Sharelink feature comparison

另外, CORE offers back-end configurability and administration of one, or multiple 流媒体 appliances, 事件, 目的地, 和更多的. HEVC H.RTMP还不支持265,因此CORE接受来自vidu Go的HEVC,然后将其转码为H.264 for uniform compatibility. You can also record the streams coming in to CORE.

核心(下面的图4)可以设置一个每月0美元的账户,这样你就可以只支付你需要的服务, 当你需要他们的时候, as well as the data you push through the servers. 这意味着你可以在每次打开视频播放器时选择你想要的内容.


图4. Teradek CORE dashboard

安东尼Burokas reviews the new Teradek Wave, which combines bonding, 编码, 流媒体, 记录, 并在一个紧凑的设备中进行监控,用户可以使用Teradek在其7英寸触摸屏上的便捷流媒体应用程序进行控制.
Airmix有两个版本:功能齐全的Airmix iOS视频制作套件(售价29美元.99 per month), and the free Airmix Solo. 本文将触及每个版本的一些不同特性. 我们还将探讨如何Airmix独奏工作,以及如何使用它来提升你的直播流与最小的额外投资.
Anthony burrokas提供了Teradek video X直播编码器的深入研究.
Paul Schmutzler演示了如何使用Teradek video Go同时流到多个社交平台.
Paul Schmutzler解释了如何利用Teradek video Go在直播中利用HEVC的成本和带宽节省.
Paul Schmutzler演示了如何使用Teradek video Go从任何位置提供固体流.
Teradek's Link Pro Backpack offers enhanced MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) cellular connectivity, plus the reliability of bonded cellular, connected to Teradek's powerful Link WiFi Access Point, 所有这些都装在一个背包里,由你选择的v型锁或3孔电池供电.
本教程演示了如何通过ShareLink共享多达四个iphone与Teradek vidu Pro的信号来提高流媒体吞吐量