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HP's Z1 is the first all-in-one computer with workstation components and field serviceability. 在这里, encoding expert 1月时 takes a look at how this workstation-class portable PC fared in a live production and webcast environment, 测试重点在3个方面:渲染, 流媒体编码, 实时编码.

This is the unofficial third segment in a multiple-part series on webcasting JStreet.org [http://jstreet.的全国大会. 在本节中, I'll focus on the computer I used to webcast the conference, 惠普的新Z1工作站, 所示 图1(下面). 计算机是如此的新,以至于在会议的时候, it was still not formally released (its official release date is April 16), perhaps making the JStreet webcast the first time the Z1 was actually used in a production event.

HP Z1一体机工作站
图1. HP Z1一体机工作站.

我想把Z1停在乔治城的酒吧里, 就像著名的iPhone原型一样, but it's a bit too big to carry around and well past the prototype phase. 除了, 在和Z1一起工作了几周之后, 你最不想做的就是把它放在任何地方. 但我有点超前了.


The Z1 is HP's first all-in-one workstation with a huge 27" display that dwarfs the 17" notebook you can see on its right in 图1. 为什么是一体化工作站? Primarily for the size; HP saw a need for a workstation-class product that could fit into the shrinking spaces inhabited by the creative, 设计, and financial executives who buy a good share of HP's traditional workstations.

显著, the Z1 is the first all-in-one computer with workstation components and field serviceability. 比如传说中的Z200, Z400, Z600, Z800工作站, you can open the case and change most components without any tools (下面的图2). According to the HP officials who briefed me on the product, 现场服务能力是一个关键的产品要求, since their professional customers didn't want a product they would have to return to swap out a failed optical drive, 电力供应, 或者显卡.

HP Z1一体机工作站
图2. The Z1 is completely field serviceable with tool-less entry and component switching.

在这里 we take a look under the hood of HP's new flagship workstation, HP Z820, and examine both its 设计 and performance advantages as a top-of-the-line system for video editing, 图形, 影响, 以及其他后期制作任务.
在这篇综述中, we'll look at four key new features that make the Z1 all-in-one idea an even better toolset for those who need super-fast connectivity to external storage, coupled with touch capability and an all-solid-state-drive (SSD) configuration.
Is this HP's chance to polish off the Apple all-in-one competitor?
How does the all-in-one that's won over the workstation crowd stack up against laptop form-factor workstations for speed, 权力, 以及流媒体生产商的可升级性?
In this final segment of this series on the JStreet Making History convention webcast, we'll examine one aspect of webcast production that too often gets ignored: monitoring and controlling audio volume, 随着说话人的改变,这变成了一个复杂的问题, 音频技师和射击师会调整自己的水平, and the webcaster is left to make sure the signal sent over the web remains audible and consistent.
1月时 passes on several key tips on framing panels and applying the rule of thirds (and when to break it) gleaned from his recent gig webcasting the national J Street conference on Israeli-Palestinian relations.
During a 3-day gig as webcaster for J Street's Making History conference on Israeli-Palestinian relations, 1月时 learned a lot about the challenges of streaming events where you don't control critical factors like the set background and lighting. In part 1 of 3 on this project, Jan details the planning process and streaming setup.
为计算机辅助设计而建, 数字媒体和娱乐专业人士, the HP Z1 provides blazingly fast rendering and performance.