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Tutorial: Streamlining Video Encoding in Sony Vegas Pro

In this fifth tutorial in our six-part series on Sony Vegas Pro 11, 我们将讨论渲染对话框. 你做的每一个项目, 是否在网络上传播, 甚至是DVD或蓝光光盘, 要经过渲染阶段吗, so you'll find yourself getting quite familiar with it as you do more project. In Vegas Pro 11, Sony has added some new features to the Render dialog, and they've totally revamped the way that it works.

Rendering is usually the last thing you do in a Vegas video project. 在书中 拉斯维加斯专业11编辑车间, Douglas Spotted Eagle equates rendering to "baking a cake.拿着一块蛋糕, 你把所有的食材混合在一起, 比如面粉, 鸡蛋, 牛奶, 和石油, 在350度的温度下烤30分钟. 你最终得到的蛋糕是一个成品, and you can no longer extract any of the original ingredients.

渲染是类似的, 你的音轨, 你的视频轨迹, 标题, 生成的媒体, 情商的设置, 声音效果, 视频滤镜都被组合在一起, 一帧一帧地, 制作完成的文件. Although you cannot adjust anything in that rendered file, the difference between a rendered Vegas project and a baked cake is that in Vegas, you still have the project file you can refer back to and adjust to taste.

在我们开始加热烤箱之前, let's take a closer look at Vegas Pro 11's Render As dialog, which is where things really get cooking for Vegas video encodes.


The encoding format you choose is completely dependent upon how and where the file is going to be viewed. Some of the most common output formats are for streaming over the Web and used for popular sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. Vegas Pro为您提供20多种输出格式, and literally hundreds of templates and presets within those formats.

Now, in Vegas Pro 11, the interface you use to create those renders (下面的图1) looks completely different from previous versions, 让我们来看看这些东西.

Sony Vegas Pro 11

图1. Vegas Pro 11渲染对话框

图2(下面) shows a typical Vegas project file, with multiple audio/video tracks, and 生成的媒体.

Sony Vegas Pro 11
图2. 一个典型的Vegas项目文件

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