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Why Are Streamers and Content Creators Turning to Virtual Production?

Over the past few years, 我们看到了虚拟制作和动画技术比以往任何时候都更先进. 这些工具从来没有像现在这样容易使用,或者提供了如此多的选项来创建引人入胜的内容,并娱乐各种各样的受众.

Over the past few years, 我们看到了虚拟制作和动画技术比以往任何时候都更先进. 这些工具从来没有像现在这样容易使用,或者提供了如此多的选项来创建引人入胜的内容,并娱乐各种各样的受众.

The rise of virtual production

突破边界的虚拟制作不再只适用于那些拥有好莱坞式大预算的人. Instead, thanks to the leaps made in technology, we can now create immersive content from the comfort of our living rooms.

In my opinion, the basic setup for a content creator should take less than an hour, and consist of three items:

  • A screen: a 4K TV or projector
  • A recording device, smartphone(s) or GoPro(s)
  • Virtual production software

从这个领域缺乏入门需求可以清楚地看出这一点, 虚拟制作的重点已经转移到将工具直接提供给创作者, rather than using a go-between.

现在存在这样的软件,一个没有经验的独立电影制作人可以安装软件, pick up their recording device, and start shooting on first use.

I believe innovative, 持续支持的软件是帮助内容创作者的最有效方式, particularly independent content creators. 它允许我们改变人们对技术的多功能性和可访问性的看法, rather than being restricted to expensive hardware, enabling it to enter the consumer market.

Virtual Production Tools and Applications

虚拟生产的用途在不断扩大,其工具也在不断扩大. Even more importantly, these tools are being continuously updated and improved, ensuring cutting-edge technology is readily available, especially to consumers.

The increase in access to virtual production, 它的可访问性和易用性解锁了无数的创意可能性,以提供令人惊叹的布景和虚拟背景.

However, 能够有效地使用这些工具是任何内容创建者的基本要求, 但是学习所有的功能和特性通常需要花费大量的时间,而缺乏百家乐软件的独立开发者是无法抽出时间的.

So, 能够使用不需要经验的软件,并在第一次使用时产生高质量的材料, is invaluable.

Virtual production can also be used in lighting and blocking. 这些选项可以在不需要使用物理设备或演员的情况下进行评估.

Within the post-production phase, 如果需要更改,虚拟生产几乎可以做任何想做的事情, these can all be implemented in real time, either collaboratively by different teams or by just one individual. 资产也很容易获得和访问创建宣传抵押品和营销.

For example, the software we use at ARwall is used in multiple large-scale productions, with companies such as Netflix and Disney. This technology is easily available on the consumer market, enabling the delivery of blockbuster results, without the blockbuster price tag.

Virtual Production and its Impact on Content Creation

这种可访问性和可用性的扩展导致了全新类型的内容创造者的兴起. For example, influencers, streamers and vloggers. 这些独立创作者以多种形式制作大量内容, from short opinion based videos to product reviews, and live streams of gaming. This can come from anyone, anywhere, regardless of their experience level.

成熟的独立内容创作者和流媒体有能力通过直播等活动即时接触到数百万人, 随着流行网络平台上知名艺术家的数字表演和动画内容的增加,这种类型的观众参与只会越来越多.

实时渲染和合成不再需要高水平的技能和时间, the possibilities of content creation are ever increasing. For independent creators and streamers, 虚拟制作通过帮助消除预算等障碍,彻底改变了他们在行业中的地位和地位, equipment, and technical skill requirements.

虚拟生产软件应该是容易和用户直观的,在这种情况下, easy means an individual being able to set-up, shoot and act all within the environment of their choosing, completely independently.

我们也看到了虚拟产品是如何嵌入到整个内容创作管道中的, which provides an unparalleled number of benefits. For example, creators have the capability to create trailers, backdrops and digital stand-ins before anyone, including themselves, steps on set. 他们还可以立即从预可视化和技术可视化中访问资产, saving countless hours of work.

In my opinion, 独立内容创作者和流媒体正在转向虚拟制作,因为它增加了他们的能力, 使他们能够在百家乐软件有限的情况下充分利用可用百家乐软件, 并且更快地以最高的创意标准提供布景和虚拟背景, with much less effort.

To find out more about ARwall, 这家XR技术公司打造了屡获殊荣的解决方案,撼动了整个行业, visit

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from ARwall. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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