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New World Symphony's Clyde Scott Talks Pivot to Streaming, New PTZ Workflow

百家乐软件app最新版下载编辑史蒂夫·内森斯-凯利和新世界交响乐团视频制作总监克莱德·斯科特讨论了新世界交响乐团最近采用的以松下4K PTZ摄像机和控制器为中心的工作流程,以及他们在大流行时代对直播的关注.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Dec 2020

How to Make Your Remote Live Talent Look and Sound Awesome

Stream4us的Anthony burrokas提供了最佳实践,使远程客人在多源现场制作中看起来和听起来最好,这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Dec 2020

Virtual Audio Cables for Multi-Source Remote Streaming Production

Stream4us的Anthony burrokas解释了如何使用vb-audio的“虚拟音频电缆”.当使用笔记本电脑与多个远程来宾进行直播流制作时,连接多个音频源.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Dec 2020

Streaming New Orleans Voices of Congo Square

百家乐软件app最新版下载Steve nathan - kelly采访了William Sabourin和Carlos Larrondo, 刚果广场之声全球首映直播的总监和技术总监.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Dec 2020

Review: StreamYard for Cloud Production

Anthony Burokas discusses a recent Stream4.在这个项目中,他们从世界各地引进了多达9个远程百家乐软件,使用StreamYard在云端制作节目.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Dec 2020

Review: Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro ISO and Streaming Bridge

那么,如果你再花300美元,从Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro升级到ATEM Mini Pro ISO,你会得到什么呢? The previous $300 stretch (from the ATEM Mini) got you a multiviewer, streaming, and program recording. 300美元以上,您可以将4个输入中的每一个记录为ISO记录并流式传输到ATEM流式传输桥.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Nov 2020

Tutorial: Vimeo Create

Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic provides an overview of Vimeo Create, 一个新的移动和桌面视频制作工具,使用户能够创建高影响力的短视频,以便在社交媒体上分发.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Nov 2020

Review: Canon XF705 4K 1" Sensor XF-HEVC H.265 Pro Camcorder

A critical look at several key features of the Canon XF705, including 4K and HD image quality, battery life length, heft, built-in streaming features, and the usability and effectiveness of its supported 4K/60P H.265 codec.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Nov 2020


In an interview with Streaming Media Producer, KABB-TV首席气象学家讨论他的电台转向远程生产, 以及他是如何利用黑魔法的装备来制作一个具有广播制作价值的现场直播节目的.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Nov 2020

Two-Way Streaming Creates a Live Vibe for Crowdless Concerts

Dayglo Ventures副总裁乔纳森·希利(Jonathan Healey)讨论了沙发巡演,以及FANS Live如何在他们的场地为无人群的音乐会创造双向体验,让粉丝和表演者在这段来自流媒体西部连接的视频中相互交流.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Oct 2020

What's Ahead for Streaming Producers

Live X's Corey Behnke, LiveSports' Jef Kethley, 和Dayglo Ventures的乔纳森·希利讨论了流媒体制作的发展趋势, 以及专业制作人如何在2020年流媒体西部会议上为他们的小组做准备.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Oct 2020

Review: Epiphan LiveScrypt

LiveScrypt结合了用于音频输入的硬件设备和用于转录的云应用程序,以提供抛光的音频, inexpensive, easy-to-use real-time transcription solution
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Oct 2020

Tutorial: Scene Edit Detection Using Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020

Clear Online Video的Stjepan Alaupovic在Adobe Premiere Pro中探索了一个方便的新功能,该功能利用机器学习和人工智能技术自动检测原始视频中的剪切点和场景变化.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 Oct 2020

Echo Cancellation and Multi-caller Remote Production

Featured Articles, Posted 09 Oct 2020

Review: Wirecast Gear 420

In 4 days of testing with multiple severalhour productions, 即使被推到边缘,Wirecast Gear 420也证明了它的稳定性和响应性.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Oct 2020

How COVID Has Impacted Gaming and Esports Streaming Production

COVID-19 has brought some event video markets, like pro poker tournaments, to a virtual standstill, while necessitating reconfiguration in other like esports. VENN's Jeff Jacobs, Poker Central's Tyler Champley, 和OS工作室的山姆·阿斯法哈尼在流媒体西部连接的这段视频中讨论了疫情的影响.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Oct 2020

Zoom as a Pro Production Tool

大流行时代的社交距离和远程生产的转向,让许多以前可能从未使用过Zoom的现场制作人参与其中. Live X's Corey Behnke, SLV Live's Shawn Lam, 和LiveSports LLC的jeff Kethley讨论了Zoom是如何进入他们的工作流程的,这段视频来自流媒体西部连接2020.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Oct 2020

Court to Cloud: Remote Live Tennis Streaming with LiveSports LLC

因为LiveSports LLC经常在同一个漫长而繁忙的拍摄日里,在遥远的地方预订和直播多场比赛, doing multicamera shoots on multiple courts at each event, 他们发现,同时出现在多个地方最实际的方法就是根本不在那里.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Sep 2020


新的Storyvine NOW智能手机应用程序是为政治竞选量身定制的,旨在通过远程生成可用的推荐和现成的媒体, hands-off, automated productions. 在对百家乐软件app最新版下载的采访中,Storyvine首席执行官凯尔·香农解释了它是如何工作的.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Sep 2020

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