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The name of the game for designing a 混合动力 classroom or meeting space is balancing inclusivity of the remote and on-premise audiences that a colleague sometimes refers to as the "zoomers" and "roomers,”分别. 下面是一些可以帮助你达到平衡的工具.
专题文章, 2022年7月13日发布


Some streaming pros say cloud production has made 5-10 years of progress in the two years since the pandemic shook live production to its core, 但是云计算什么时候能提供无延迟的通信呢, 预览, 重播制作人期望并依赖于本地工作流程? And will it require a paradigm shift in the way producers think about hardware purchases and usage? Live X的科里·本克, CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, and Signiant's Jon Finegold discuss the challenges of cloud migration and the current state of cloud in this clip from 流媒体 East 2022.
专题文章, 发布于2022年7月6日


The newly released Wirecast Gear 3 combines a change from Intel to AMD CPUs and a rearchitected software engine that Telestream claims "uses up to 60% less computer resources than previous versions.在这篇评论中, I tested the new version of hardware and software to its limits and came away very impressed.
专题文章, 发布于2022年7月1日


随着COVID从大流行向地方性流行转变, 高等教育的“新常态”是什么样子的? 俄亥俄州立大学教学媒体主任斯科特·尼尔森, 这一切都是为了确保大学在偏远地区取得的进步, 混合动力, 异步学习对于需要的学生来说仍然是可用的, 大学继续利用他们发现的灵活性. 这段视频来自流媒体东部2022, Nelson讨论了他目前的角色, a mix of advocacy and making sure departments have the right tools to keep 混合动力 learning going.
专题文章, 2022年6月29日发布

教程:自动音频在Adobe Premiere Pro

Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic explains how to use Adobe Premiere Pro's Auto-Ducking feature to streamline the process of balancing background music with dialogue in your edited videos.
专题文章, 2022年6月27日发布


So, 无论是季度会议, 年度营销展, 或者像消费电子展或国际车展这样的行业盛会, 我们仍然需要面对面的活动. But how these events recognize and incorporate remote pre­senters and remote audiences will have to change from what was done pre-COVID. 事件的未来是混合的, 尽管这些混合事件将采取不同的形式, 取决于事件的大小, 预算, 以及场外元素的性质和复杂性. 我称之为“三层混合”," which represent three different ways to bring local and remote presenters and attendees together.
专题文章, 2022年6月16日发布


CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, and Signiant's Jon Finegold discuss best practices and lessons learned from forays into REMI and cloud production that have yielded successful workflows in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 East 2022.
专题文章, 2022年6月15日发布

修复Adobe Premiere Pro中的背光视频

在这个基于pro的远程生产教程, Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer explains how to fix backlit webcam videos when editing interviews with remote guests.
专题文章, 2022年6月13日发布


CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, and Signiant's John Finegold discuss the benefits of shifting to remote and cloud video workflows from traditional on-prem production, discussing what they did and why it worked in this clip from 流媒体 East 2022.
专题文章, 2022年6月8日发布

教程:框架.io for Adobe Creative Cloud

Clear Online Video的Stjepan Alaupovic介绍了实时情况, Adobe最近收购的Frame的基于云的评测功能.IO的协作视频团队和他们的客户, 并解释如何有效地使用它们与Adobe Premiere Pro.
专题文章, 2022年6月6日发布

CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道 Talks Cloud and REMI Production at 流媒体 East 2022

流媒体 Contributing Editor Tim Siglin and CNN Operations Manager discuss the persisting benefits of cloud and 混合动力 production as practiced at CNN in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.
专题文章, 2022年6月02日发布


Live-event video production during COVID has rapidly accelerated the use of NDI output from popular conferencing tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, particularly for one-to-many broadcasts in which remote contributors are the norm. This article will explain how to enable NDI in Zoom and Microsoft Teams for higher-quality input sources into your live-streaming workflow.
专题文章, 2022年5月19日发布

New NAB Headquarters in Washington Designed to Impress with More Than 200 LG Displays

Enhancing trade association's innovation and advocacy mission are advanced LG solutions led by curved LED Signage and transparent OLED video walls
专题文章, 2022年5月18日发布


Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic explains how to use Vimeo Showcase to deliver a collection of videos to any audience--a great way to present a group of videos as a branded experience.
专题文章, 2022年5月17日发布

Content, Context, and Container: The 3 Systems that Define A Virtual Event

The three primary systems defining a virtual event are its Content, Context, and Container. 这三者对于一个活动的顺利进行都至关重要. 没有内容,就没有什么可看的. 没有上下文,就没有理解. 没有容器,就没有相互作用.
专题文章, 2022年5月11日发布

Tod Raines会谈直播Woodturning教程

Tod Raines from the Woodturning Tool Store discusses his pivot to virtual to woodturning instruction, 对他的教程在木车削社区的需求不断增长, 以及他的生意是如何随之增长的, 因为他升级了他的设备,提高了他的生产质量.
专题文章, 2022年5月9日发布

NAB 2022回顾,第2部分:新产品

正如我在NAB报道的第1部分中提到的, 不过NAB今年又回来了, 它已不是以前的样子了. 没有太多惊天动地的公告, but there were a significant new releases and products making their NAB debuts. 我将它们分为制作、音频和后期.
专题文章, 2022年5月4日发布

评测:YoloLiv YoloBox Mini

YoloBox Mini是一款紧凑型手机, single-source streaming encoder and recorder with the ability to do some audio mixing, 覆盖运动计分板, 社交媒体内容, 标志, 和lower-thirds. It's not a multi-camera live-switching tool like the original YoloBox or the YoloBox Pro. 我认为它更像是一个YoloStream而不是YoloBox, 但这款5英寸屏幕的设备非常小巧轻便, 当然是“Mini”."
专题文章, 2022年5月02日发布

热拿:NAB 2022回顾,第一部分

在他对NAB 2022的两部分回顾的第1部分, 流媒体 Producer's Marc Franklin looks at overall trends at the show, 与新闻的主要产品发布跟进.
专题文章, 2022年5月1日发布

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