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Vizrt releases Viz Engine 5: The Possibility Engine

使用自适应图形, 虚幻无缝集成, 和 more to unify 和 streamline live graphics workflow for broadcasters, Viz Engine 5 redefines the limits of possibility for live broadcast.

Vizrt, the leader in software-defined visual storytelling (#SDVS), 实时图形, 增强现实, today announces the upcoming release of Viz Engine 5 – the most powerful live graphics compositor in the world.

Designed to take the pain out of live graphics production, it provides access to adaptive graphics – an intelligently automated way to deploy graphics to multiple output 格式s simultaneously, 节省时间, 努力, 减少工作流程的复杂性.

“Producing for multiple platforms 和 using multiple virtual graphics techniques have both meant inefficiency 和 inconvenience, 直到现在. With Viz Engine 5 we have turned pain into possibility releasing a whole new world of opportunity for our customers,” Vizrt首席技术官Gerhard Lang评论道.

Viz Engine 5 also offers the most advanced integration with 虚幻引擎5 ever, making it possible to blend the two render paths into a single, 令人难以置信的强大的, graphics workflow that is greater than its component parts. This pioneering capability provides artists with previously unimaginable creative options; built from the seamlessly interwoven assets from both render blades presented, 在实时, 在同一个场景中.


自适应图形是一个单一的工作流, multi-platform content delivery that automatically adjusts resolution, 格式, 和布局来支持特定的显示设备, 确保图形为观看者优化. This revolution for 实时图形 effectively enables graphic artists to create once 和 publish multiple times, 节省时间, 减少错误, 提高生产质量.

一旦为所需的输出设置了模板, content creators can be confident that graphics will be impactful, 可读的, 和 adjusted to perfectly suit whichever destination they are headed for. Adaptive Graphics also ensure a better look 和 unified identity across all platforms, protecting the most valuable asset of any media provider; the br和.

Consolidating multiple full production lines into one with multiple outputs enables graphics artists to spend more time focusing on creating more original material, 以及广播公司精简生产力.

结合Viz Engine 5的力量和可能性 和 虚幻引擎5

Viz Engine 5 presents a completely revamped integration with the Unreal Engine, offering a workflow 和 output so seamless it is easy for artists 和 努力lessly natural to audiences. Virtual graphics designers can now leverage the capabilities of Unreal Engine in large-scale virtual environments, perfectly blended with detail-rich interiors 和 objects as well as data-driven graphics from the Viz Engine.

通过这个集成, artists have possibility to leverage their skills using both of the world’s top render engines at will, 只需简单的下拉菜单.

The integration to 虚幻引擎5 is not limited to the blended result in the end product – the whole user experience for designers 和 producers working with virtual graphics has been considered. 对于艺术家, working with 和 aligning assets or settings is a fluid 和 global process, 和 project settings for Unreal are automatically adjusted to ensure an error-free setup 和 time saved for the artist.

在生产中, assets are dynamically loaded into either renderer to ensure high performance, talent tracking is unified to improve on-air quality, 以及融合钥匙机的数据, 市场上最好的色差钥匙, 全球可用.


与任何主要的Viz引擎版本一样, the benefits to the customer are not limited to two headline features. Users get access to a completely reworked clip playback experience, 一套无缝的HDR工作流程, 满足所有相关格式的视频I/O, 授权的PBR导入功能, 和 several other features 和 benefits focused on streamlining live production workflows for broadcasters.

Viz Engine 5 will be publicly available from September 2022.

Want to get a sneak peek at some of the biggest enhancements to Viz Engine 5? 加入我们的 自适应图形演示 或者是全新的 Viz引擎/虚幻引擎统一工作流.