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Magewell USB捕获解决方案帮助凤凰提供实时流媒体互动体育体验你的电话足球

Reliability, 质量和即插即用的易用性使Magewell的外部USB捕获设备成为实时IP视频解决方案提供商的首选

In May 2018, gaming technology startup Your Call Football (YCF) 开启了其创新互动体育体验的首个赛季. Behind the scenes, global, real-time IP video solutions provider Phenix deployed plug-and-play capture hardware from Magewellto help enable real-time, high-quality streaming of the matches.

“你的呼叫足球”为球迷提供了直播美式足球比赛的呼叫控制功能. Leveraging patented YCF technology, 球迷们使用YCF的iOS或Android应用程序,通过对教练选择的三次进攻进行投票来控制行动. 然后,球迷们会观看YCF职业球员在球场上现场执行多数投票的比赛. 参与者根据他们的游戏呼叫技巧累积积分,并与其他粉丝竞争YCF现金奖励.

phoenix为广播级观众提供高质量的同步内容,同时保持不到半秒的端到端延迟. 该公司提供端到端解决方案,从源头捕获视频和音频开始, and handles encoding, ingest, transcoding, composition and content delivery to any viewing device. While most customers operate the streaming system themselves, 对于一些大型活动,phoenix会去现场提供额外的支持.

For the YCF games, 由活动制作公司制作的节目馈送以HD-SDI信号输出, 并将其带入一台运行凤凰编码器软件的电脑 USB Capture SDI device. 编码器软件随后将生成的高质量流发布到Phenix交付平台上.

“利用Magewell捕获设备将我们的生产馈送输入到YCF首次球迷比赛呼叫足球比赛现场的phoenix编码器中,使我们能够提供无与伦比的实时用户体验,” said Julie Meringer, President of Your Call Football. “我们的粉丝通过我们的iOS和Android应用实时观看了YCF第一季的比赛, as well as on and"

《百家乐软件》是凤凰使用或推荐麦哲威产品的众多项目之一. 随着凤凰平台技术能力的增长,该公司获得了更高层次的客户, 他们需要找到一种可靠的捕获解决方案,在保持质量的同时,从客户的多摄像机生产基础设施中引入HD-SDI和HDMI馈送. Magewell capture devices proved to be ideal.

“We support other vendors’ capture cards too, 但与其他品牌相比,我们的麦哲威产品取得了最大的成功,” said Dr. Stefan Birrer, co-founder and CEO of Phenix. “In fact, if we’re on-site ourselves doing the streaming for the customer, we prefer using Magewell products.”

Magewell的外部USB Capture系列对非永久性安装的客户特别有吸引力, minimizing effort and support requirements. “With the USB Capture products, 用户可以简单地拥有一个外部设备,而不需要用内部卡构建自己的定制摄取计算机,” said Birrer. “Magewell’s automatic input detection also makes it easy, 将猜测工作和配置工作从必须知道输入信号的技术细节中解脱出来. 我们客户的目标是用最简单的工作流程可靠地提供最好的质量和用户体验, and Magewell fits those use cases perfectly.”

“Magewell’s high-quality, 可靠且易于部署的捕获解决方案是创新用例的理想选择,例如Your Call Football项目和Phenix的流媒体平台,” said Darryl Spangler, president of Magewell’s U.S. distributor, Mobile Video Devices. “我们很高兴Phenix选择USB Capture SDI作为这些突破性事件的关键工作流程组件.”

About Magewell – Founded in 2011, Magewell (www.magewell.com设计和开发用于视频和音频捕获的硬件和软件, processing, streaming and playout. 以不断创新为指导原则,提供卓越的客户服务, Magewell has earned a strong reputation for the exceptional quality, performance and reliability of its solutions. Distributed globally, Magewell产品用于专业视频应用,包括现场直播, broadcast, medical imaging, lecture capture, surveillance, video conferencing, gaming and more.

About Phenix – Phenix provides global real-time IP video solutions. 该公司提供端到端解决方案,从源头捕获视频和音频, and handles encoding, ingest, transcoding, composition and content delivery to any device, including mobile, browsers, connected TVs, set-top boxes and consoles. Phenix为广播级观众提供高质量的同步内容,同时保持不到半秒的端到端延迟. To learn more about Phenix real-time streaming technology, visit or contact us at