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Interview: Jeromy Young, Atomos

肖恩林 and Atomos' Jeremy Young discuss the Samurai Blade, Atomos的新现场记录器具有改进的16:9预览屏幕, waveform functionality, and enhanced 佳能 5D Mark III support.

Price and Availability

尚伟: You never want to lose your files. 优秀的. What about price and availability for the Samurai Blade?

杰里米: $1,295, and it will be available end of May or beginning of June.

Legacy Support for Samurai Users

尚伟: What about Samurai owners? Are they still going to be supported?

杰里米: 当然. 我们不会放弃最初的《百家乐软件》,因为我们认为它是SDI的主力产品. 我们已经卖出了很多特定用途的设备,比如记录切换信号, of course on top of cameras, like the 索尼 FS700 camera you're using. The FS700 has had a lot of Samurai users. You can take the slow-motion in in 25p or 30p.

So we're not letting them fall by the wayside, 我们将继续更新操作系统,配备音频电平计, things like this that customers are asking for. So they're all in the pipe. And as you know, we do updates very often and improve functionality. Samurai goes to $995, so it's $300 cheaper. 下跌了600美元, 价格下降的原因是我们的产量增加了,我们的购买力增加了, and we can pass that on to the customer.


尚伟: So now you mentioned audio level meters. 我总是面临着小的挑战,所以现在会有所改善.

杰里米: 好吧, they were never supposed to remain that size, but then we had other features we wanted to put in. Once Blade is out and AtomOS 5 is finished, which will be when Blade is shipped, then we want to clean up a few of the extra features, and some of the features in Blade will go into AtomOS 4. 波形不. We just don't have enough grunt inside. But we might do some user interface adjustments. They'll get the audio-level meters. 他们可能会得到改进的峰值,我们已经在刀刃. So AtomOS 4 will continue to develop, and really it's only because we can't push that hardware anymore. Things move on and we get more grunt for a similar cost.

佳能 5D Mark III Support

杰里米: 我真的只是想突出5D Mark III,用干净的未压缩的方式直接展示忍者2. 我们在展会上宣布的一项重大消息是,《百家乐app下载》的价格下调了300美元,降至695美元, so it's becoming much more affordable for all customers out there. I have a clean uncompressed out coming from the 5D Mark III. 现在, that's a beautiful image from their great sensor. 有很多人喜欢这款相机,佳能确实脱颖而出. 我们与他们密切合作,开发从相机到记录器和时间码的启停触发器, 所以和佳能开发团队一起工作真的是一次很好的经历.

They asked us how we would like it implemented, 它的工作原理是这样的:我的时间码从摄像机传入这里, and if I hit "start" now I'm recording. 你可以看到这里的红条,你可以看到这里的红点. 现在, I'm recording 1080p 24 on both, so this is an MPEG recording and this is a ProRes recording up here. So that's what customers have been wanting.

That's what they've been asking for. We sync them up with timecode and exactly the same start-stop point, 所以我们认为这可能是市场上数码单反相机最好的解决方案之一. 还有D800,尼康推出了售价400美元的d3200、5200和7100. 这些都是400美元,800美元,1000美元的相机,都是干净的,未压缩的. So they're really going hard for that lower-end market. 索尼 has their Alpha 99, which is an amazing camera. You can see they put a lot of their video knowledge in there. 我看到这个FS700. That's the same group making that camera.

所以我把这个市场看作是价格合理、高质量、独立制作的未来. And go and check it out, $695. 几乎全国所有的经销商都有存货,你可以去看看. 佳能 is releasing this firmware. 他们表示, 没有证实, that it's going to be in April, and we expect that to be at the end of this month. But you can see this is working. We haven't had any problems with it. 我们已经测试了一个月了,所以我们希望这是最终的发布版本.

尚伟: 好吧. 好吧, thank you very much, Jeremy. 这是一个看看武士刀和更新的AtomOS. 非常感谢.


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