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Biographical Information
Sr. Solutions Engineer, IBM Cloud Video 

Scott leverages his extensive knowledge in broadcast and video streaming technology to manage sales for the IBM Cloud Video unit. With more than 20 years of operations, 工程, and management experience in the high-tech and broadcast industries, Scott drives sales strategies and analyzes customer needs with an eye towards future industry innovation.

Prior to joining IBM, Scott was Director of Business Development and Product Management for DVEO, where he was responsible for creating hardware design for the streaming media industry. Throughout his career, Scott has worked with high profile accounts such as Netflix and CBS, and has consulted on major platform and delivery designs for tier one broadcasters. In addition to helping to write standards and workflows that are widely used in the streaming industry, Scott designed much of the earliest field encoding and streaming equipment, and was one of the first streaming experts to handle 100,000 simultaneous viewers. He is a two-time finalist for Top Tech Executive in San Diego 杂志 and holds a master’s degree in Management from National University.

文章 By 斯科特变成灰色

7 Steps to Live Stream a Local Sporting Event Like a Pro

In the age of streaming video, as long as you have the right equipment you can live stream just about anything for the world to see. Here's how to make sure remote fans can enjoy every play of the game.
特色 文章, Posted 21 Oct 2019

How to Live Stream Local Sports Events

This article will highlight the equipment and services required to set up deliver live streams for local sports and walk through the best practices to offer a premium experience.
特色 文章, Posted 28 Mar 2018

4K IP Delivery: Encoding and Streaming 4K

在本文中, we'll document a viable 4k encoding workflow assembled for in-house testing, and look at some of the inherent challenges, as well as current products and enabling technologies used to make it work.
特色 文章, Posted 14 Jan 2014

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