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YouTube后端的编辑功能无法与苹果Final Cut Pro或Adobe Premiere Pro等非线性编辑器竞争, 但是有一些强大而独特的工具可以使简单的编辑项目变得更加简单.
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Apr 2018

Five Tips for Better Pre-Production in Your Video Projects

即使在专业视频工作了10多年之后, 我仍在寻找改进工作室前期制作方法的方法. 以下是我从过去的经验中学到的一些实用技巧,它们使我的团队在这个过程中做得更好.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Apr 2018

NAB 2018: Lightcast Talks Cloud Media Management and Delivery

流媒体的Anthony burrokas在NAB 2018的Lightcast展位上采访了Lightcast的Andreas Kisslinger.
Featured Articles, Posted 11 Apr 2018

How to Become an iOS-Based Broadcaster

希望能够为我的客户做专业水平的工作,而不必拆卸我的TriCaster工作室(或购买第二台TriCaster在路上)。, 我在iPad和iphone上找到了一些应用程序,可以让我把所有东西无线连接在一起,并通过手机的LTE连接将它们流式传输到网络上.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Apr 2018

A Hybrid Log Gamma Workflow for Live HDR Video

Sooner or later, 您可能会被要求制作带有HDR观看选项的实时事件, 这本关于Hybrid Log Gamma工作流的入门书是一个很好的开始.
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Apr 2018

Automated Video Creation for Social Media

随着世界对海量视频内容的需求, 有充分的理由与仅在线平台合作, 特别是对于主要为社交媒体设计的短视频. 我最近认识了一个这样的平台,它在这两个方面都提供了服务:Wibbitz.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Mar 2018

How to Produce Interactive Webinars on a Webcast Platform

Traditionally, 制作完全互动的网络研讨会需要昂贵的专用服务 & A, polling, participant management, external links, 以及主流流媒体平台无法提供的其他功能. 本文将介绍如何利用IBM Cloud Video中的新特性来提供类似于网络研讨会的体验.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Mar 2018


Jan Ozer在Live streaming Summit West上讨论了同时使用Matrox Monarch HDX和Teradek T-Rax到多个平台的同步流媒体.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Mar 2018

Pros and Cons of On-Premise Software-Based Streaming

Jan Ozer discusses bandwidth, latency, 以及与本地和基于云的流媒体解决方案相关的其他问题.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Feb 2018


Featured Articles, Posted 20 Feb 2018

Review: Roland V-60HD Multi-Format HD Video Switcher

After testing Roland's new multi-format A/V switcher, the V-60HD, on three live events, 我将切换到V-60HD作为直播活动制作的主要视频切换器.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Feb 2018

Tutorial: Collaboration Tips for Adobe Premiere Pro and Vimeo

本教程将在使用Adobe Premiere Pro和Vimeo时为您提供一些实用的协作技巧.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Feb 2018

Wowza的Anthony Lazaro谈论clearaster和Pro 1080p流媒体到Facebook Live

Jan Ozer and Wowza's Anthony Lazaro discuss the development, strategy, current features, and product roadmap for the Wowza ClearCaster, 包括支持专业的1080p流媒体到Facebook Live.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Jan 2018


With the Bideo direct videographer marketplace, you go to and enter the location of your job, select a project type and describe it, 系统会自动向经过审查的视频专业人士征求报价,供你审查和比较
Featured News, Posted 24 Jan 2018

FOR-A Unveils FVW-700 4K/HD Telestrator

Featured News, Posted 17 Jan 2018

Cloud Imperium Games依赖于Blackmagic Design的URSA Mini 4.6K和达芬奇解决工作室每周广播和直播

Developing video content is a key component for CIG, 这些视频内容必须反映出公司在各个地区的高视觉标准
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Jan 2018

Tutorial: How to Add Interactivity to Your Vimeo Videos

本教程将介绍如何添加可点击的水印, links, and calls-to-action to the Vimeo platform.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Jan 2018

Tutorial: How to Add Interactivity to Your YouTube Videos

Featured Articles, Posted 02 Jan 2018

Announcing the Call for Speakers for Streaming Media East 2018

Featured News, Posted 14 Dec 2017

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