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Review: Sennheiser AVX Wireless System

The Sennheiser AVX wireless sound system records crisp, clear, noise-free sound, is simple to configure and operate, and runs for hours on a single battery charge.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Sep 2015

Blackmagic Re-Introduces 3G Mini Converters at Reduced Price

3G迷你转换器可以在所有SD和HD格式和帧速率之间转换, 并采用3G-SDI技术,使其与所有现有的SD和HD设备兼容.
Featured News, Posted 22 Aug 2015

Review: AKiTio Thunder2 Duo Pro RAID Storage

I found the Thunder2 Duo Pro unit solid and fast. 如果你在一个艰苦的环境中工作,看起来会受到打击. 如果您添加一些固态硬盘(ssd),它将非常坚固和闪电般的速度. 将其设置为RAID 0,您将享受更苛刻的编辑的快速数据吞吐量.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Aug 2015

教程:使用Adobe Typekit与Adobe Premiere Pro增强您的标题

如果您已经是Creative Cloud的完整或单一应用计划的每月付费会员, you have access to the Adobe Typekit, 一个完整的字体库,您可以下载并同步使用您的Adobe应用程序. 在本教程中,我将演示如何使用它与Adobe Premiere Pro.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Aug 2015


我是Camera Raw的忠实粉丝,因为它具有简单省时的功能. In this tutorial, 我将演示如何增强一些GoPro镜头的色彩和镜头失真问题.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 Aug 2015

教程:如何在Adobe After Effects中添加运动纹理到徽标

Often as video editors, 我们的任务是为我们正在合作的客户的徽标添加运动和生活. 本教程将向您展示一种很酷的方法,为您的下一个项目激发一些想法.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 Aug 2015

Tutorial: Creating a Fog Effect in Adobe After Effects CC 2015

Featured Articles, Posted 03 Aug 2015

教程:在Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015中使用时间调谐器调整视频的持续时间

With the new Time Tuner feature in Premiere Pro, Adobe现在可以通过在场景变化时添加或删除帧来轻松调整视频的长度以适应特定的要求, audio passages, and during periods of low visual activity.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Jul 2015

教程:最大限度地减少跳跃切割与Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015的变形切割过渡

In some scenes, particularly those with the static background, Adobe Premiere Pro CC的新变形剪切过渡将无缝地消除您的编辑中的跳切, but you may have to experiment to get there. This tutorial demonstrates how. 每个从事采访工作的编辑都会发现这是一个很棒的新工具,可以使他们的镜头看起来更好,并可能消除重新拍摄的需要.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Jul 2015

Matrox Now Shipping Monarch HDX

Matrox Monarch HDX dual-channel H.264编码设备现已通过全球授权经销商网络销售, priced at $1995 US
Featured News, Posted 14 Jul 2015

Tutorial: Using Adobe Stock with Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Adobe Stock is a massive, high-resolution stock photo, illustration, 和矢量库,允许与Premiere Pro轻松集成, Photoshop, After Effects, and other Adobe programs. 在本教程中,我们将探讨Adobe Stock如何在我们的视频项目中与Adobe Premiere Pro一起工作.
Featured Articles, Posted 13 Jul 2015

对HP Z840视频工作站进行基准测试,第3部分:分析

我在我的工作站上执行三种基本类型的活动:编辑、编码和文件分析. With the Z840 in-house, I benchmarked performance in all three activities, comparing the results to my aging workhorse, the Z800. Part 2 presents the analysis results.
Featured Articles, Posted 13 Jul 2015

Choosing a Streaming Appliance

所以,你决定买一个流媒体设备用于现场活动制作. In this article, 我们将从直播设备市场的高级历史开始, 然后找出你在做购买决定时应该考虑的因素.
Featured Articles, Posted 13 Jul 2015

Benchmarking the HP Z840 Workstation for Video, Part 2: Encoding

我在我的工作站上执行三种基本类型的活动:编辑、编码和文件分析. With the Z840 in-house, I benchmarked performance in all three activities, comparing the results to my aging workhorse, the Z800. Part 2 presents the encoding results.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Jul 2015

Review: JVC GY-LS300 4KCAM Handheld S35mm Camcorder, Part 1: Lens Support, Functionality, and Usability

JVC is running ahead of the pack again with the GY-LS300, an affordable ($3,995), interchangeable-lens, Super35/variable-sensor area, 4K/HD camcorder that also features internal streaming capability, first model in a new product line.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Jul 2015

Audient ID22软件数字音频接口与监控系统

ID22是一个10进14出的数字音频接口,带有一个多功能的软件混合应用程序,并与流行的音频编辑应用程序(如Adobe Audition)集成得很好. 硬件的结构和性能质量使其价值599美元.
Featured Articles, Posted 30 Jun 2015

Benchmarking the HP Z840 Workstation for Video, Part 1: Editing

我在我的工作站上执行三种基本类型的活动:编辑、编码和文件分析. With the Z840 in-house, I benchmarked performance in all three activities, comparing the results to my aging workhorse, the Z800. 这篇由3部分组成的文章将从编辑测试开始介绍测试结果.
Featured Articles, Posted 30 Jun 2015

Panasonic Premieres 'World's First' 4K PTZ Camera

松下AW-UE70提供3840 x 2160分辨率的图像.97p/25pviaHDMI,并且还能够4K IP流和相机内4K录制
Featured News, Posted 25 Jun 2015

Telestream Releases Tempo Time Adjusment Softwatre

Featured News, Posted 25 Jun 2015

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