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Shawn Lam guides readers/viewers through a simple, 强大的, 和多功能的现场切换生产和流媒体工作流程与罗兰的VR-50HD一体化多格式AV混频器.
Sponsored 文章, Posted 24 Jun 2014

评论:Adobe推出“大飞溅”创意云发布,包括新的iPad应用程序和主要的Photoshop和After Effects更新

New After Effects features include additional keying effects, Kuler integration, and the ability to create live text templates and to share masks with Premiere Pro; Photoshop gets more 强大的 Smart Objects, Improved Layer Comps and Content-Aware technology, Blur Gallery motion effects, and a Focus Mask
特色 文章, Posted 18 Jun 2014

Epiphan Intros Pearl Streaming Applicance

设想为一个便携式桌面或机架解决方案的流媒体和记录直播AV内容, Epiphan的Pearl可以结合多个高清AV输入,并添加客户品牌,以创建一个独特的视频布局,输出分辨率高达4K
特色的新闻, Posted 18 Jun 2014

Epiphan Device Support Now Available in Telestream Wirecast

Now Wirecast users can capture, 记录, 并广播高分辨率和高帧率视频信号从几乎任何显示源,包括笔记本电脑显示器, tablet displays, 相机, industrial displays and medical equipment
特色的新闻, Posted 18 Jun 2014

How to Develop a Viable 4K Production Workflow

4K content is here today and here to stay. Content acquisition is much easier than the rest of the workflow, led by consumer devices such as the millions of 4K cell phones, 4K POV 相机, 不久,4K可换镜头相机将引领更广泛的专业4K应用. 4K screen adoption is increasing rapidly too, 在4K在广泛的视频制作市场上可行之前,这就留下了一些编辑和分发的工作流程问题需要解决和采用.
特色 文章, Posted 17 Jun 2014

Barco Unveils New Presentation System for 4K Live Screen Management

Brand-new presentation system provides superior image quality, exceptional input and output density, great expandability, and durability
特色的新闻, Posted 11 Jun 2014

Review: Epiphan DVI2USB 3.0 Frame Grabber

The Epiphan DVI2USB 3.0 provides a boon to conference videographers via a simple, small-footprint, 低成本的解决方案,以全帧速率捕获PC或Mac上的实时PowerPoint或Keynote演示文稿, native-resolution video file. 下面是使用DVI2USB 3的功能性会议演示文稿捕获工作流的演练.0.
特色 文章, Posted 11 Jun 2014

Reality Check: What Does a 4K Production Workflow Require?

The time for idle speculation about 4K production has passed. 4K在这里, 它已经出现在各种价位的主流相机中,但数据速率却出奇地低. Do you need all-new, cutting-edge hardware to handle it? 可能不是. Delve deeper into the specifics of your production chain, and do a little math to find out what your needs really are, and what you find might surprise you.
特色 文章, Posted 03 Jun 2014

How to Pack and Prepare for International Video Shoots

一位在多个大洲制作视频项目的资深制作人为想要预订国际工作的摄像师提供了从硬壳设备箱到旅行限制、国际电力问题、签证到通行证等各种建议, make the most of them, and escape the pitfalls that come with being un- or under-prepared.
特色 文章, Posted 22 May 2014

Tutorial: Color Correction with Avid Media Composer

本教程演示了如何通过在色彩校正模式下工作来利用Avid的强大而高效的色彩校正, 它可以让你快速访问它的色彩分级功能,但在你编辑的时候不会妨碍它们.
Sponsored 文章, Posted 20 May 2014


这篇文章和附带的视频将比较20美元的audio - technica有线麦克风和200美元的索尼专业麦克风直接插入数码单反相机的效果. Is the $200 Sony really worth the 10x cost?
特色 文章, Posted 12 May 2014

Delvcam Debuts DELV-DUALFVP-7 7" FPV Monitor

The Delvcam DELV-DUALFPV-7 provides 5.8GHz monitoring in a small, lightweight & 耐用的包装,这是完美的四轴飞行器的FPV空中监测, hexcopters, 除了安装GoPro的相机和类似的移动视频捕捉设备之外,还有八旋翼直升机
特色的新闻, Posted 07 May 2014

Hands-on with the Panasonic DMC-GH4 4K DSLR

这是当今市场上最实惠的4K相机的有力竞争者, 松下的DMC-GH4增加了超高清和像素对像素的Cinema4K功能集,使其GH3的前身伟大, and joins a rapidly growing Micro 4/3 marketplace.
特色 文章, Posted 07 May 2014

教程:使用Teradek StreamReader插件流式传输到Wirecast和TriCaster

In this tutorial, 我们将演示如何使用Teradek StreamReader插件直接流式传输到Telestream Wirecast和NewTek TriCaster.
Sponsored 文章, Posted 06 May 2014

First Look: Blackmagic Studio Camera

Company offers two models of innovative, if fragile, studio camera
特色 文章, Posted 02 May 2014

Almost Live with Streaming Media: vMix 4K and vMix Social

vMix开发人员Martin Sinclair讨论了现场生产软件应用程序的最新发展, including vMix 4K and vMix Social, 并为用户提供了一些选择合适硬件的建议,以保证运行的流畅和高效.
特色 文章, Posted 25 Apr 2014


Shawn Lam和Roland的Doug Schouten讨论Roland的VR-50HD音频/视频混音/切换器的主要功能,带有多查看器触摸屏和集成的USB 3.0 output for live streaming.
特色 文章, Posted 25 Apr 2014

Almost Live with Streaming Media: Blackmagic URSA

百家乐软件app最新版下载Shawn Lam和Blackmagic Designs的Bob Caniglia讨论了新的Blackmagic URSA相机, which features a Super 35mm UltraHD sensor, comes in multiple lens mounts, 并具有创新的双面触摸屏,使多名工作人员能够在镜头前协作.
特色 文章, Posted 25 Apr 2014

Almost Live with Streaming Media: The Blackmagic Studio Camera HD and 4K

百家乐软件app最新版下载和编辑Shawn Lam和Blackmagic设计高级区域经理Bob Caniglia讨论Blackmagic的新高清和4K工作室相机, introduced at NAB 2014, 并被吹捧为“世界上最小的摄影棚相机,拥有世界上最大的取景器”."
特色 文章, Posted 25 Apr 2014

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