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Guilmette与Vinten Vision blue5 Head一起用于单人单反运动拍摄

The new Vision blue5 pan and tilt head from Vinten, 提供连续完美平衡(范围4)的独特组合.6-11 pounds/2.1-5kg @ 100mm CofG) and infinitely adjustable LF drag.
Featured News, Posted 26 Jun 2012

MLB Tonight Leverages Grass Valley Kayenne

A Grass Valley customer since it launched in January 2009, MLB Network的设施还具有基于15个Grass Valley Aurora™编辑系统和多个Grass Valley K2高清媒体服务器的协作编辑环境, 配置为灵活、高可靠的SAN (storage area network), and is one of the largest K2/Aurora systems in the world.
Featured News, Posted 26 Jun 2012


Two-hour live production streamed live to Neelb.通过广播Pix花岗岩5000视频控制中心在贝尔法斯特的大型公共屏幕上播出
Featured News, Posted 26 Jun 2012

在InfoComm 2012上,Broadcast Pix公布了对1m /E线的多屏幕支持

新的多屏幕技术是驱动三图像放大(I-MAG)屏幕的理想选择, 因为每个人都享有专利技术,可以在整个演示过程中保持一帧不变的延迟,以保持口型同步
Featured News, Posted 12 Jun 2012

Roland Announces Dedicated iPad Control App for M-480

应用程序设计来控制参数的M-480数字混频器, allowing the user to store scenes and edit the Channel Strip (EQ), GEQ, Sends on Fader, and more
Featured News, Posted 12 Jun 2012

新款MacBook Pro是终极超便携直播机吗?

Due to its unprecedented screen resolution, speed, and next-gen connectivity, the new next-generation MacBook Pro, announced on Monday at Apple's World Wide Developers Conference, might just be the ticket for streaming media ultraportability, for a variety of reasons.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Jun 2012

固体相机电源统一解决方案的高功耗相机在CineGear 2012

Unity的电池更换模块散发的热量约为标准电池适配器的三分之一,可以更有效地满足当今高功率数码相机的需求, such as Phantom and the Sony F65
Featured News, Posted 30 May 2012

OConnor Intros 60L Carbon Fiber Tripod for Large-Camera Producers

非常适合奥康纳终极2065和2575D 150mm球基流体头, 60L将新时代材料的优点与精密工程相结合,提供了重量更轻、安装速度更快的支撑系统, 然而,它足够坚固,可以携带大型胶卷和数码相机配置
Featured News, Posted 30 May 2012

The NAB Interviews With Shawn Lam: The Vinten Blue5 Tripod System

肖恩·林采访了波士顿地区的DP汤姆·吉尔梅特,用的是温特的新款Blue5数码单反相机,体重12-28磅. camcorder-ready fluid-head and tripod system.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 May 2012

NAB采访肖恩·林:Blackmagic设计ultraststudio Express

Shawn Lam在ultraststudio Express上采访了Blackmagic Design总裁Dan May, Blackmagic的新thunderbolt供电SDI/HDMI捕获和播放解决方案.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 May 2012

Review: Litepanels MicroPro Hybrid DSLR LED

Litepanels recently shipped the MicroPro Hybrid, a dimmable, 相机上的混合LED可以比大多数闪光灯更快地自我刷新. 因此,对于需要同时捕捉视频和静止图像的数码单反相机生产商来说,它可能是一个强大的1-2拳. But how well does it handle both tasks? 在这篇文章中,Anthony burrokas回顾了这款新灯,并将其与成本仅为其五分之一的LED灯进行了比较,看看这两款灯的优劣.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 May 2012

Review: Divergent Media ScopeBox 3.0

For scopes and DVR functionality, Divergent's ScopeBox 3.0 outdoes Adobe's late, lamented OnLocation, particularly because it works with a range of cameras, not just those with FireWire outputs. 如果你一直在想,既然Adobe已经退出了这个市场,你将为Mac上的DVR/scope功能做些什么, you should definitely give ScopeBox a try.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 May 2012


With Brainstorm's Easy On Air Graphics template-based CG interface, SmartDirect可以在内部背景视频上键入图形,也可以为外部混合输出键和填充信号
Featured News, Posted 04 Apr 2012


保留了独特的能力,既记录和播放超慢动作镜头同时, 同时增加了使用先进的多矩阵色彩校正技术准确匹配常规速度广播摄像机的能力
Featured News, Posted 28 Mar 2012

Film School: Producing School Promo Videos

St. Louis-area studio Gebbs.电视创造了一种可再生的收入来源,并为当地学校制作了强大的宣传视频,这些视频出现在学校的网站上,作为招生影片和使命宣言的视频.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Mar 2012

Canon Intros New XU-80 HD PTZ Robotic Camera

专为户外运动和赛事转播而设计的新型机器人高清摄像机, houses of worship, indoor event videography, venue IMAG, education
Featured News, Posted 13 Mar 2012

Review: Roland VR-3 All-In-One A/V Mixer—UPDATED!

如果你想买一款用于网络广播4:3 NTSC视频的一体化视频混合器, Roland's compact new VR-3 fits the bill nicely. If you need widescreen video output, 当你将NTSC宽屏视频与许多流行的流媒体服务配对时,你可能需要在你的工作流程中添加一些步骤.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Mar 2012

Hitachi Unveils 2 New HD Cameras for Sports Video

SK-HD1500使用标准的2/3”卡口镜头,捕捉视频2.5X and 3X speed; compact HV-HD33 3-MOS POV HD camera outputs SDI at multiple frame rates
Featured News, Posted 05 Mar 2012

佳能推出5D Mark III,配备22MP全画幅传感器和新的帧内H.264 Compression for Easier Editing

Canon 5D Mark III new video features include better noise reduction, longer continuous recording times, and a built-in headphone jack for audio monitoring
Featured News, Posted 02 Mar 2012

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