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Review: Sony PXW-FS5

I've waited 5 years to write this review, 介绍一款新型相机,它具备了我对专业摄像机的所有要求:索尼(Sony)的大传感器, interchangeable-lens, 4K-capable PXW-FS5 XDCAM Super35.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Apr 2016

CueScript在NAB 2016上介绍了CueiT软件和CSF10提示符系统

Featured News, Posted 05 Apr 2016

Tutorial: Using the Remix Feature in Adobe Audition CC 2015

This tutorial demonstrates Adobe Audition's Remix feature, 哪个允许您缩短音乐轨道的长度,以匹配您的视频编辑的持续时间.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Apr 2016

How to Eliminate Ground-Loop Hum in Live Event Productions

Every live producer knows half of good video is 90% audio, 侵入性的地面环路嗡嗡声甚至可以破坏视觉上最原始的网络广播. 在这里,我们将了解如何识别问题的根源,并详细介绍两种可能的解决方案.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Apr 2016


With TVUPack, CTSA has carried local graduations, masses, holiday celebrations and other events live, 包括在几周内报道10所高中的毕业典礼
Featured News, Posted 23 Mar 2016

Review: Panasonic AG-DVX200

As a longtime user of the Panasonic GH4 DSLR, and the founder/moderator of the now-10,000+ member GH4 Technical Group on Facebook, 我知道有很多谈论使GH4成为松下的AF100微型4/3摄像机的继任者. When Panasonic announced the DVX200, the bar was set quite high. Reportedly, based on the GH4, the DVX200 is all that, and a lot more, but what did it give up to get there?
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Mar 2016

波特兰大学用NewTek TriCaster 860增加体育媒体制作和流媒体

Featured News, Posted 16 Mar 2016

Review: Epiphan Pearl Production Switcher

以下是在华盛顿举行的2016年图书馆计算机会议上,Epiphan Pearl生产切换器在实时切换主题演讲的压力下的表现, DC.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Mar 2016


任何直播活动前的最后24小时可能比活动本身更有压力. 我们询问了一系列经验丰富的现场活动制作人,他们在过去24小时内关注了什么, 并分享一些实践和技巧,使他们能够避免, or workaround, problems that would otherwise derail an event.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Mar 2016

Tutorial: BorisFX Continuum Complete 10

在本教程中,我们将看看BorisFX连续体完成10 (BCC 10), 最新版本的鲍里斯的流行收集专业插件从BorisFX
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Mar 2016

教程:通过ShareLink增强Teradek video Pro的流媒体信号

本教程演示了如何通过ShareLink共享多达四个iphone与Teradek vidu Pro的信号来提高流媒体吞吐量
Sponsored Articles, Posted 05 Mar 2016

Review: Adobe Premiere Clip for Android

In late 2014, Adobe发布了一款名为Premiere Clip的iOS移动编辑应用,这是一款设计精良且实用的应用, if not a full-fledged pro editing solution like Premiere Pro. 在这里,我们来看看最近推出的Android版本,看看它是否能与iOS应用相提并论, if any, new functionality it introduces.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Feb 2016

CueScript Rolls Out New Prompting System and Software

在2016年BVE展会上,CueScript将在展位R24上展示CueiT系列提示软件, 以及新的CSF10提示系统,设计用于起重机和起重机
Featured News, Posted 17 Feb 2016

教程:如何恢复A/V同步到可变帧率视频编辑在Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro编辑器在使用iphone拍摄的镜头时遇到的最常见的问题之一, screencam tools, Wirecast, Skype失去了在Premiere Pro之外播放得很好的视频片段的a /V同步. 这里有一个简单的修复方法,使用一个名为HandBrake的免费工具,它会重新同步你的音频,这样你就可以准备好编辑了.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Feb 2016


2月3日,索尼发布了一款新相机,三个新镜头和两个增焦镜头. 媒体对索尼a6300新款无反光镜相机的规格铺天盖地, but the big news for live producers concerns the lenses.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Feb 2016

SUNY Oswego选择Ikegami HC-HD300相机与CMOS图像进行高清升级

该大学指定了三个新的Ikegami HC-HD300经济型CMOS相机系统,以引领他们最近的高清升级, ensuring that productions are created with world-class tools
Featured News, Posted 02 Feb 2016

Tutorial: Enhancing Black and White Footage with Adobe Photoshop CC

在本教程中,我们将探讨如何使用Adobe Photoshop将自定义的黑白滤镜应用到您的素材中以创建风格化的效果. Although Photoshop isn't a video-first tool, 它确实提供了一些在Premiere Pro或After Effects中没有的不错的功能.
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Feb 2016

Review: Cerevo LiveWedge FullHD Video Switcher

At the bare-bones, sub-$1000 level, there are very few HD mixers that combine the mixing, recording, and streaming capabilities that the Cerevo LiveWedge offers, although this device does come with a few caveats.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Jan 2016

Virtual Reality Tools and Workflow, Part 3: Lessons Learned

在关于我的第一个虚拟现实(VR)项目的系列文章的结尾部分, which I produced using equipment supplied by, 我描述了在这个项目中吸取的经验教训.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Jan 2016

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